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Posts by JudyM

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  • Ann Coulter Throws a Temper Tantrum (BARF ALERT)

    01/22/2012 7:46:50 AM PST · 82 of 295
    JudyM to stratboy

    Sorry, but I agree 100% with Ann. Newt’s record is not conservative. His “I am going to run a positive campaign” went south the minute he lost a primary. He has huge ethics issues, cheating issues, lying issues and the women of the USA will NEVER elect him. He is toxic.
    So, nominate him and feel great about Obama term II.

  • State List

    01/19/2012 8:15:05 AM PST · 1 of 4

    01/04/2012 10:30:03 AM PST · 57 of 209
    JudyM to WilliamHouston

    These comments could be from a liberal-Democrat site. All name calling, zero substantive debate and hate mongering. No Thanks.

  • BREAKING: Judge Approves N.M. Congressional Redistricting Plan

    12/29/2011 9:08:07 PM PST · 10 of 13
    JudyM to CedarDave

    I am actually a plaintiff in this lawsuit. I was asked if I would be a plaintiff and I agreed and have met a few times with the attorneys who are working (with little chance of being paid for the work) to try and minimize damage. NM is such a one-party state that even little victories are important. LULAC was playing the race card big time. It’s quite a country where you can come illegally, join together as a group with others who are citizens and demand that we gerrymander a district to represent your ethnicity. IMHO that is true racism. I received an email from Hank tonight that the least change plan is a go with the judge but there are still a few details to be worked out.

    It is disappointing that Gary Johnson’s is going for a 3rd party run. We had 2 terms of Clinton thanks to Ross Perot. BTW, I really do not believe Susana will leave the Governor’s post to run on a national ticket at least until she has completed one full term.

    It appears that Democrats will vote for whomever is their candidate whether they like him/her or not. Republicans tend to get on their high horses they call ‘principles’ and can find every reason to not support our nominee. I would argue that ANY candidate would be a far better POTUS than the person now holding that office. If for no other reason that to keep the Supreme Court sane it is critical Obama be defeated.

  • Dr. Richard Land: An Open Letter to Newt Gingrich (Why Evangelical Women Don't Trust You)

    11/30/2011 9:09:42 AM PST · 17 of 41
    JudyM to SeekAndFind

    I am a Christian woman. Given the choice between Newt Gingrich (who is an unlikeable man) and Barack Obama, I would actually campaign and work for Gingrich. I do not look for perfection in a President. I look for a man of ideas who can bring this country out of the doldrums and restore American greatness. Most important, I want a President who will stop stending money this country does not have and will stop creating ‘classes’ of people to pit against one another. Only God is perfect.........

  • Weekly Gardening Thread – 2011 (Vol. 41) October 21

    10/21/2011 2:17:33 PM PDT · 28 of 72
    JudyM to Red_Devil 232

    Absolutely beautiful weather in New Mexico this time of year. My biggest problem has been squirrels eating my Knock-out roses down to the bone. They killed one and today I took plastic lightweight fencing material and made a cover for the other 2 they have gone after. Hopefully there is time for a bit of recovery before winter sets in. I am going to have to move them in the spring to a less-friendly-to-squirrels part of my property. I have tried a chemical from Garden’s Alive that was supposed to be hated by squirrels but mine just love it.
    It was not a good year for tomotoes here. I probably paid $2 each for every good one given the amount of work, and equipment and feeding required.

  • Amnesty International are lying sons-of-bitches

    10/18/2011 3:48:22 PM PDT · 4 of 6
    JudyM to tedbel

    I am ever amazed that any American is puzzled by the behavior of Amnesty International. This is an organization that began with the most worthy of goals - to make certain political prisoners were not tortured, killed or otherwise mistreated. It has been taken over by the left and often has had Jewish leadership that has been chronically critical of Israel (and under Bush, critical of the US as well, though silent under Obama).

    The real question is why are so many Jewish-Americans members of the Democrat party?

  • Has anyone seen an "Occupy" mob with an (bleep) the TROOPS" sign?

    10/16/2011 10:01:57 AM PDT · 3 of 12
    JudyM to Recovering_Democrat

    Not the troops but Drudge has a video of a Portland, OR band playing F*$k the USA.

  • Mormon bishop's daughter spills Romney's 'secrets' ...

    10/13/2011 12:50:21 PM PDT · 11 of 43
    JudyM to Amerisrael

    Funny how she has no problem with Harry Reid. As far as me personally, I have a problem with Romney’s faith only because it’s the same as Harry Reid’s and I believe Reid to be downright evil.

  • Mormon bishop's daughter spills Romney's 'secrets' ...

    10/13/2011 12:50:17 PM PDT · 9 of 43
    JudyM to Amerisrael

    Funny how she has no problem with Harry Reid. As far as me personally, I have a problem with Romney’s faith only because it’s the same as Harry Reid’s and I believe Reid to be downright evil.

  • Mormon bishop's daughter spills Romney's 'secrets' ...

    10/13/2011 12:50:11 PM PDT · 8 of 43
    JudyM to Amerisrael

    Funny how she has no problem with Harry Reid. As far as me personally, I have a problem with Romney’s faith only because it’s the same as Harry Reid’s and I believe Reid to be downright evil.

  • Say “No” to Mitt Romney and the Corrupt Republican Establishment

    10/12/2011 7:59:10 AM PDT · 37 of 51
    JudyM to Ordinary_American

    Any of you who are so “purist” in your hate for Romney and will not vote for him will be responsible for 4 more years of liberal rule and a fast move toward Socialism. I am a Perry admirer but would vote for and work for anyone to beat the horrible President we have today.

  • Short and Succinct Honest Observations from the Debate (Vanity)

    10/11/2011 7:37:03 PM PDT · 24 of 113
    JudyM to rogue yam

    Any of these candidates will be a better POTUS than the Marxist/Socialist who currently holds the office. Please, do not hunker down for your favorite candidate and get STUPID written on your forehead. The only hope we have for smaller government, lower taxes and more personal accountability is to oust the current regime. Do not lose sight of this.

  • The Coming Post-Obama Renaissance

    10/03/2011 8:33:31 PM PDT · 15 of 17
    JudyM to decimon

    VDH is able to put in words what we all have been living through. Since he is an expert in classical history, I will borrow some of his enthusiasm for a brighter future post-Obama. My favorite line in the article notes that Obama has done what no group of the right could have even hoped to accomplish in terms of retaking our country.
    Please work to make this happen.....

  • Herman Cain Proves Conservatism Is Colorblind

    10/03/2011 6:13:58 AM PDT · 5 of 29
    JudyM to Kaslin

    I like Herman Cain. I just question whether he is ready to be POTUS. His personality is great, his business experience significant and just the fact that he is doing so well dispels any myths about race and conservatives. I wish he would quit bashing other conservatives (the thing about the Perry camp that Perry did not own is silly and the ‘I should have said something when people booed the gay solder’) appear to come from a man who will say anything to win (sadly, won’t most them?).
    He did poorly in his run for Senator from Georgia and has held no elective office - though he tried. We currently have a painful demonstration of a President who is unqualified for the position. I do not want to see that again. I am still in the undecided camp and will support any Republican over Obama. What I really fear — Republicans will get into foxholes over their favorite candidate and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

  • Toby Keith weighs in on gay marriage, military

    10/01/2011 4:41:35 AM PDT · 57 of 90
    JudyM to ConservativeStatement

    First of all, Toby Keith left the Democrat party after seeing Obama in action and is now a registered independent. I am a conservative. I believe the government should stay out of people’s bedrooms. It takes a certain arrogance to get on one’s high horse and play God, determining the right and wrong of a person’s sexual behavior. Do not break the law, do not engage any unwilling person, do not ask others to pay for your behavior, and keep what should be personal and private to yourself We have wasted too much time on ‘bedroom’ issues in this country while bankrupting the treasury. This is a sure-fire way for Republicans to lose any election. It shows them to be sanctimonious and pompous and they always fall on their face when the next Republican strays whether it is Newt Gingrich or Larry Craig. The Democrats make hay with each failing.
    Welfare has done more to destroy the nuclear family than any gay rights issues. BTW, I am a straight married female.
    I thank all members of our armed forces for their service and could care less who they are sleeping with. I also love Toby Keith’s voice.

  • Why Does the Good Life End?

    09/26/2011 7:08:52 AM PDT · 1 of 29
    A sad commentary on the current state of the USA......
  • Chris Matthew's Show 9/19/2011

    09/19/2011 7:02:54 PM PDT · 14 of 14
    JudyM to JudyM

    Thanks for the great replies. Conservatives do have fun and a great sense of humor. Actually, I personally would never tune in to the show. I am appalled that Chris Matthews can never come up with one positive thing that Obama has done to crow about, but nightly bashes Republicans. My husband thinks you have to know what the enemy is thinking (and we both can’t stomach S. Smith on Fox who is on at the same time as Matthews). I do not care what the left is thinking.
    BTW, I can’t decide if Schumer looks more like Waxman or the horse’s ass. Based on his usual statements, I think the horse’s ass has it.

  • Chris Matthew's Show 9/19/2011

    09/19/2011 4:17:15 PM PDT · 1 of 14
  • Profiles in Liberal Ignorance, Hate, and Intolerance: Paul Krugman

    09/11/2011 12:09:50 PM PDT · 9 of 16
    JudyM to EricTheRed_VocalMinority

    The fact that the NYT publishes this drivel says more about their editorial board than it does about Krugman. We’ve known he is one bottle short of a six-pack for a long time. I hope I live long enough to see this once great paper shut its doors.