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Posts by jeffj

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  • Redemption: McCain at CPAC

    02/07/2008 4:24:03 AM PST · 30 of 86
    jeffj to Chuck N


    I seriously hope your post was tongue-in-cheek as it had the same tenor as those who believe that 9-11 was an inside job.

  • Could This Be Possible?

    02/06/2008 7:15:48 AM PST · 153 of 314
    jeffj to Cedric
    1. They figuratively "screwed the pooch". I think the literal act is still illegal in most states. I certainly hope so!
  • Could This Be Possible?

    02/06/2008 5:57:07 AM PST · 106 of 314
    jeffj to Cedric
    It is hard for me to imagine a paragraph more laden with crap than the one shown above. Nice rebuttal. You really zinged my point-by-point. Look, I am a registered Republican and outside of voting for Carl Levin, my ballot has been exclusively Republican. That is why I am so frickin' disgusted with what the Republican party has become. If you disagree with what I've said, please do so with a little bit more verve than, "Nuh uh!"
  • Could This Be Possible?

    02/06/2008 5:32:02 AM PST · 88 of 314
    jeffj to singfreedom


    Yes, I grasp the gravity of the situation.

    The Republican party is in absolute shambles - a condition that it largely inflicted upon itself.

    The Republican party as a whole has almost completely abandoned true conservatism. I offer the Bush administration as Exhibit A.

    I sincerely hope that true conservative ideology can once again triumph in modern political discourse. Until then, I will vote pragmatically - McCain (who by the way is actually more conservative than Bush)

  • Will McCain Make Nice to the Right? (CPAC Meeting)

    02/06/2008 4:51:57 AM PST · 53 of 59
    jeffj to napscoordinator

    Well, he’s on record as almost idolizing Scalia.

    Also, his gang of 14 resulted in 2 of the most controversial judges getting an up or down vote (Brown and Owen). Furthermore, Roberts and Alito were approved without much in the way of opposition, in the spirit of comprimise.

    Personally, I believe he will nominate to our liking. Even if he doesn’t, his less-than-desirable nominees would still likely be preferable to anybody that Hillary or Hussein would nominate.

  • Will McCain Make Nice to the Right? (CPAC Meeting)

    02/06/2008 4:19:48 AM PST · 51 of 59
    jeffj to Liberty2007


    I’d be more inclined to agree with you were it not for 1, if not 2 likely SCOTUS vacancies coming up during the next 4 years.

    How about this scenario:

    McCain chooses a true conservative for veep and then opts not to run for his second term (for reasons of health, age, etc)?

  • Will McCain Make Nice to the Right? (CPAC Meeting)

    02/06/2008 4:07:20 AM PST · 50 of 59
    jeffj to Kakaze
    I completely understand some of the vitriol that conservatives have for McCain. Nevertheless, he's better than Hillary or Obama and he looks to be the next Republican candidate. I suggest we all count our blessings that we at least have a chance at the White House in '08 with McCain, who is admittedly a comprimise candidate. The Republican party as a whole has thumbed its nose at Conservatism for the last 7 years. The Republican party embodied the very excesses that we conservatives decry once they attained power. I am as disgusted as anyone over this. Nevertheless, the Democratic front-runners are downright dangerous. As for me, I'll be voting for the lesser of 2 evils (McCain) in November just as I did (Bush) for the 2004 election.
  • Will McCain Make Nice to the Right? (CPAC Meeting)

    02/06/2008 3:07:58 AM PST · 36 of 59
    jeffj to All

    I really don’t get the level of vitriolic hate many conservatives have for McCain.

    His voting record in the senate is 82% conservative.

    Despite being smeared by the Bush team in 2000, he took one for the team in 2004 and campaigned big-time on Bush’s behalf.

    He wisely orchestrated the gang of 14, which in the end benefitted Republicans more than it did Democrats. On that note, think about it this way: Imagine not being able to filibuster (the Republicans will likely remain a minority in the senate after ‘08) a Hillary nominee to SCOTUS - a nominee that would likely make Earl Warren seem like an originalist by comparison.

    McCain looks inevitable to be the Republican nominee. I encourage all conservatives to get behind him, if for no other reason that despite his flaws he’s still preferable to whichever Socialist wins the Dem nomination.

  • Could This Be Possible?

    02/06/2008 2:44:20 AM PST · 15 of 314
    jeffj to All

    I hate to break it to my fellow freepers, but a comprimise candidate is the only chance Republicans have at winning the WH in ‘08. For 6 years Republicans controlled both the White House and Congress and literally screwed the pooch. They were worse than the Democrats in regards to fiscal sanity and growth of government. They did nothing regarding illegal immigration. The Bush administration made some unforgivable errors in its handling of Iraq. Etc etc.

    To his credit, McCain has serious cred as a Commander in Chief. Also, let’s hope that he appoints justices whose jurisprudence matches his favorite justice on SCOTUS: Scalia.

    Think about it this way: In the areas where he offends conservatives most, he’s no worse than the 2 Dem front-runners. Yet, he’s better than the Dems in other areas, namely defense and opposing socialized medicine.

    I grasp that he’s far from a Conservative’s wet dream candidate. Nevertheless, think about the alternative (Hillary or Obama) and then consider embracing pragmatism and voting for McCain.

  • Dick Morris: "It Might be Hillary vs. McCain"

    01/22/2008 12:37:10 PM PST · 105 of 118
    jeffj to barryg

    I mostly concur, Barry.

    I agree that the liberal NY media despises Guilliani. However, he is still popular with the people of New York.

    Were it not for his health problem, I think he would’ve spanked Hillary in her Senate campaign.

    Regardless, the Democratic agenda so frightens me that I want the most electible Republican to get the nomination, even if it means their own agenda is more liberal than I would care for. It’s kinda the lesser of 2 evils, if you will.

  • Dick Morris: "It Might be Hillary vs. McCain"

    01/22/2008 11:46:10 AM PST · 92 of 118
    jeffj to All
    Fred Thompson was the only true viable Conservative on the Republican docket. Conventional wisdom holds that given the current state of the Republican party, Reps have very little chance of winning. With Fred out, the 3 viable front-runners are: Rudy, McCain and Mit - in that order in terms of elecibility IMO. I am already on record as putting my hat in for Rudy. If McCain wins out, I think he is capable of beating Hillary (not sure about Obama). I don't think Romney can win no matter which Dem front-runner he's up against. At this point, I am all about pragmatism: defeat the Democratic hopefuls. The only Dem in the current crop that I'd be willing to vote for is Richardson and he's not viable (in fact, I think he dropped out altogether).
  • President McCain

    01/21/2008 10:40:43 AM PST · 53 of 59
    jeffj to anyone

    From the article:

    “McCain would appoint liberal judges.”

    Uh huh.

    McCain’s favorite justice (by a wide margin) is Scalia.

    I am not a fan of McCain, nevertheless, this article is a substance-less hit-piece; little more than a string of Anti-McCain talking points.

  • Higher auto mileage standards coming

    12/18/2007 1:14:21 PM PST · 54 of 160
    jeffj to mvpel

    Absolutely right regarding clean diesels.

    They make more sense than hybrids and in many instances make more sense than the conventional internal combustion motor.

    CAFE is utterly stupid. It’s crafted by a bunch of politicians who don’t know jack about the auto industry. The only Dem that has a clue on this issue is Carl Levin, which is precisely why his proposal is less ridiculous than those of his bretheren.

    If the government really wants to ‘force’ fuel conservation, a better way would be to increase fuel taxes (I don’t advocate this, BTW) by a buck a gallon. At least then, truer market forces are at play.

  • Knife At Lunch Gets 10-Year-Old Girl Arrested At School

    12/17/2007 12:49:50 PM PST · 35 of 98
    jeffj to All

    I have mixed feelings on this.

    On the one hand a little common-sense from school officials (and police) should be excersized. what in the heck do they want her to use, a plastic knife?

    On the other hand, a steak knife is not a butter knife and could easily inflict serious damage if used as a weapon.

    If the girl’s parents knew she was taking a steak knife to school, they should have known better given the times in which we live. How ‘bout cutting up the steak before leaving for school?

  • Schoolgirls can get morning after pill without uttering a word by flashing 'modesty' card

    12/17/2007 10:32:02 AM PST · 18 of 47
    jeffj to All

    It never ceases to amaze me how the Left will advocate policies that are completely contrary to how they would parent their own children.

  • A Focus on Policy Will Win (GOP)

    12/17/2007 10:03:53 AM PST · 7 of 21
    jeffj to All

    I agree with the premise of this article.

    That said, the Republican party has lost a lot of credibility over the past 10 years or so.

    The party of fiscal responsiblity?

    They abandoned that quite awhile ago and now voters don’t trust the Republicans to carry through their policies.

    Adding to the party’s woes is the guilt-by-association with the Bush administration - an administration that is approaching Carter’s in terms of overall incompetence.

    Given the times we live, we need a Republican (or anybody but a Democrat) in the White House now more than ever. Nevertheless, the Republican party may very well hand the keys to the mansion over to a Democrat (voters voting them out), much to the detriment of our country

  • SF Considers a Tax on Sugary Drinks

    12/17/2007 9:52:20 AM PST · 27 of 78
    jeffj to All
    The left coast will tax anything.
  • Who Would You Like to be President? (Vanity)

    12/10/2007 1:46:47 PM PST · 4 of 41
    jeffj to Greg F
    I'd like to see Rudy get the Republican nod. Applying conventional wisdom, the Democrats are likely to win the Whithehouse. Rudy has the best shot of all of the Republican candidates IMO. I like (but don't really like) the guy. Essentially, my desire is largely pragmatic. He has the best shot of winning, particularly if Hillary emerges from the Dem primary. The only Dem I could stomach is Richardson and he has no chance. Therefore, my choice is the most pragmatic one: Rudy
  • Clinton Says Hillary Was Always the One

    12/10/2007 1:31:15 PM PST · 71 of 113

    I swear the Clintons lie for fun.

  • Kids with allergies ask rights panel for lunch inspections (Nanny state - Ontario)

    12/10/2007 1:06:02 PM PST · 43 of 96
    jeffj to weegee

    Mandatory lunch inspections?

    What’s next? Banning Dodgeball or tag?

    This is lunacy.