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Recover the total amount from the Director’s salary
Quit facilitating ‘Homeless Camps’ and their fires would reduce ignition sources by a significant amount.
Well said!
Bernie needs to pull his head out of his ...
EXCEPT when it affects them or their properties.
world class oxymoron - - - heavy on the “moron”
FAR too kind! Nothing but Dimocraps from top to bottom.
Watch him empty the prisons of dimocrap prisoners on his last day.
poop on this Pope
Why would anyone give a flamin’ fart about ANY statement this anencephalic cretin has to say on ANY subject?
Good. Stay out.
Judge should receive the same number of ‘shots’, over the same time period ... of 357 caliber or larger
Castrate the three and dump ‘em in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.
“... humanitarian aid is flowing into Gaza unhindered...”
Tell that to HamAss you stupid proggies.
Certainly hope they have to pay 100% of the cost of cleaning, painting and restoring the building they trashed.
Ship their sorry butts to Gaza and let them experience reality.
Force them back into Mexico, or bury them, - - neighboring states don’t want to have to deal with them either.
LONG past time to bounce these clowns out of the U.S. - - IMMEDIATELY after we renounce our membership.
Should, at a minimum, be 100 years EACH
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