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With heavily fortified machine gun emplacements. And use them.
That would stop current and prospective invaders.
What do the serve in such restaurants? Roots, bugs, dirt?
Everyone there responsible for previous malfeasance must be prosecuted for their crimes against the citizens of this country.
And they should go back the same way. Send Obama and his minions with them,
Commie hypocrites.
F both of them.
I read that these are also manufactured in Germany.
Why are free people subject to the criminal actions of those elected to represent them?
Losing is the new winning, I guess (smh).
Soros needs to be arrested and his assets confiscated.
The profundity of their message is only surpassed by the immensity of their numbers...
Wait until he gets re-elected...
Obama’s friends.
Put a bullet in her tiny brain.
Muck Ferkel.
We should all celebrate “F U Obama Day” on the same day.
Better yet, make the enemies of America make their last stand in their front yards.
One in three Californians are brain dead.
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