08/23/2017 5:57:45 PM PDT
· 48 of 70 Amntn
to Rockitz
This is an exerpt of Trump's book published in 2011
"Illegal immigration is a wrecking ball aimed at U.S. taxpayers. Washington needs to get tough and fight for We the People, not for the special interests who want cheap labor and a minority voting bloc. Every year taxpayers are getting stuck with a $113 billion bill to pay for the costs of illegal immigration.2 Thats a bill we cant afford and wouldnt have to pay if people in Washington did their jobs and upheld our nations laws...."
Trump, Donald J.. Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again (p. 138). Regnery Publishing. Kindle Edition.
08/22/2017 8:32:49 PM PDT
· 646 of 758 Amntn
to WildHighlander57
I’m sorry. I “borrowed the pic from Twitter and it turned out it wasn’t from Phoenix.
Another Freeper found the original and it was from the Cav’s championship celebration.
I “borrowed” it from a twitter post. It looks like they are wearing mostly red and blue so I would assume they are mostly supporters since Antifa wears black.
02/13/2017 9:52:28 AM PST
· 13 of 17 Amntn
to Carl Vehse
Maybe more fake news?
'Transcripts dont show Flynn made any promise to lift sanctions. Rather show Flynn making more general comments about relations improving.'— Byron York (@ByronYork) February 13, 2017