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On top of all your other problems, you are redundant.
Yeah, my take also. Great response from White House. Misinterpreted by the press.
lol You're bad.
I bet they won't use touch screen voting machines.
Is Richard Gere in the movie? Oh, that's right. He's into gerbils.
Just don't tell me that Scott Peterson's brother is named Mark, and his father is named Lance.
Not your fault. When you have 'dead pregnant wife' and 'Scott' in the same story its hard not to think of that Peterson guy.
BTW, I am the WORST speed reader around here. Sometimes I feel like Rosanne Rosannadanna... "Nevermind!"
I was just going to say (before you caught yourself) that it IS a dillema... turning in your brother knowing he faces the death penalty. Glad they did the right thing.
And we will have to pay for it by taking away Christmas and Easter from the Christians. Fair is fair.
Scott is the brother.
Mark is the murderer.
A Turban? No problem. But how about a gold cross on your lapel?
If the families survive the next couple of years without going after each other, it will be a miricle. Very hard for both.
Did Michael Moore serve with Bush in his National Guard unit? Oh.. he didn't? But you still believe him right? That's what I thought.
Tell that to the freeper who thinks the Peterson or Utah jogger stories are not newsworthy. And try a FR search yesterday on an ABC story that showed that 20 percent of deaths of pregnant women are homocides. If you are not satisfied with my response to that article, then you can come back and flame me.
At least one of you knew I was being sarcastic.
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