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  • ^^^FYI^^^SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW [Bretton Woods institutions]^^^FYI^^^

    09/23/2003 5:09:57 PM PDT · by ATOMIC_PUNK · 4 replies · 2,019+ views ^ | New York, 23 September 2003 | ANNAN
    THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ADDRESS TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY New York, 23 September 2003Koffee Annon*snip*I respectfully suggest to you, Excellencies, that in the eyes of your peoples the difficulty of reaching agreement does not excuse your failure to do so. If you want the Council’s decisions to command greater respect, particularly in the developing world, you need to address the issue of its composition with greater urgency. But the Security Council is not the only institution that needs strengthening. As you know, I am doing my best to make the Secretariat more effective – and I look to this Assembly to support...
  • WND scrutinizes Council on Foreign Relations

    05/13/2003 6:39:37 PM PDT · by joesnuffy · 3 replies · 207+ views
    World Net Daily ^ | May 13, 2003 | WND
    WHISTLEBLOWER MAGAZINE WND scrutinizes Council on Foreign Relations Special investigation exposes globalist assault on U.S. sovereignty Posted: May 13, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2003 In the May edition of its acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine – titled "THE NEW WORLD RE-ORDER – WorldNetDaily dives into the murky waters of global government, taking direct aim at its many-tentacled hub called the United Nations, and explores, among other things, the pivotal role of the controversial Council on Foreign Relations. A topic avoided by many for fear of being labeled conspiracy theorists, the Council on Foreign Relations nevertheless has played a central...
  • Corp. U.S. - the Columbia Organic Act of 1871

    12/29/2002 10:49:44 AM PST · by RFP · 9 replies · 1,763+ views
    Team Law ^ |
    HISTORICAL FACTS from Team Law The following 15 points are based upon factual historical evidence: 1st: In 1863, Lincoln instituted martial law. He ordered that the states (people) either conscribe troops and provide money in support of the North or be recognized as an enemy of the nation. This martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today - what it means is that the President has dictatorial authority to do anything that can be done by the government in accord with the Constitution of the United States of America. This is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders. 2nd:...
  • Truman-era blueprint for a new world order

    09/20/2002 6:32:31 PM PDT · by tomball · 2 replies · 308+ views
    FinancialTimes ^ | Last Updated: September 20 2002 22:41 | James Harding
    When Dean Acheson, secretary of state to President Harry S. Truman, sought a title for his memoirs, he hit upon a quote from the 13th century Spanish king Alfonso The Wise: "Had I been present at the creation, I would have given some useful hints for the better ordering of the universe."It provided an apt name - Present at the Creation - for a book about a small group of policy-makers who, in the aftermath of the second world war, became midwives to a new world order.The Truman administration was witness to the creation of the state of Israel,...