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Keyword: blackpresidents

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  • Fear of a Black President

    08/23/2012 4:38:12 PM PDT · by mojito · 53 replies
    The Atlantic ^ | September 2012 | Ta-Nehisi Coates
    The irony of President Barack Obama is best captured in his comments on the death of Trayvon Martin, and the ensuing fray. Obama has pitched his presidency as a monument to moderation. He peppers his speeches with nods to ideas originally held by conservatives. He routinely cites Ronald Reagan. He effusively praises the enduring wisdom of the American people, and believes that the height of insight lies in the town square. Despite his sloganeering for change and progress, Obama is a conservative revolutionary, and nowhere is his conservative character revealed more than in the very sphere where he holds singular...
  • If All Our Presidents had been Black...(vanity)

    06/16/2008 8:53:09 PM PDT · by Pure Country · 11 replies · 222+ views
    self vanity
    If all Presidents up until now had been BLACK...would Obama now be running as our first WHITE president?