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  • Biden mistakenly refers to Zelenskyy as Russian President Vladimir Putin

    07/11/2024 3:12:04 PM PDT · by dynachrome · 36 replies
    Fox News ^ | 7-11-24 | Bradford Betz
  • The Sad Inevitability of Biden’s Reckoning

    07/01/2024 2:38:38 PM PDT · by where's_the_Outrage? · 32 replies
    WSJ via MSN ^ | July 1, 2024 | Molly Ball
    The fallout from last week’s presidential debate has thrust the Democratic Party into a spiraling crisis. Yet many in the party view the current reckoning as sadly inevitable—the product of years of defensive refusal by the president and his protective inner circle to acknowledge the decline in Biden’s public presentation that has long been obvious to voters. Now, insiders admit, the party is reaping the consequences of its long failure to confront an issue that was only ever fated to get worse. “This was all predictable, and it pisses me off that everyone is acting shocked now,” one longtime Democratic...
  • Joe Biden on a Hot Mic: “Look, My Marine Has a Code to Blow Up the World” (VIDEO)

    11/29/2023 7:52:19 PM PST · by bitt · 34 replies
    GATEWAYPUNDIT ^ | 11/29/2023 | cristina laila
    Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Pueblo, Colorado to tour CS Wind – the largest wind tower manufacturer in the world. Biden took no questions as he arrived in Pueblo. Biden successfully navigates the stairs as he arrives in Pueblo, Colorado, on the smaller plane. He took no questions. — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 29, 2023 Biden was given a tour of the facility when he blurted out something about a code to blow up the world. “Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world…that doesn’t…this is not nuclear weapons, is it?” Biden said on a...
  • Biden Annoyed at Lack of Enthusiasm From Coast Guard Cadets: “You Are a Really Dull Class – Come on, Man!” (VIDEO)

    05/19/2021 10:19:43 AM PDT · by White Lives Matter · 36 replies
    GP ^ | May 18, 2021 | Cristina Laila
    Joe Biden delivered a commencement address at the US Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut on Wednesday. Biden got irritated at the lack of enthusiasm from the coast guard cadets and asked them to clap. Idiot Joe tried to crack a joke and got peeved at the lack of response from the crowd. “You are a really dull class. Come on, man! Is the sun getting to you?” Biden said with the sun beating down on his face.
  • Biden Snaps At Coast Guard Graduates For Lack Of Applause, Calls Them ‘Dull’

    05/19/2021 10:23:25 AM PDT · by RandFan · 109 replies
    National File ^ | May 18 | Tom Pappert
    In the latest of Joe Biden’s history of blunders around the Armed Forces, the American President became verbally abusive when the Coast Guard graduating class refused to clap in response to what seems to have been a back handed insult. After complaining about the lack of applause, laughter ensued, and a few graduates gave a belated round of applause. “I can only assume that you’ll enjoy educating your family about how the Coast Guard is, quote, the hard nucleus around the navy forms in times of war,” said Biden, laughing at the beginning. It is unclear whether Biden was insulting...
  • Biden Team Is Asking For All Media’s Questions ‘In Advance’ So They Can Properly Prepare Their Spin

    02/02/2021 9:57:55 AM PST · by A.M. Smith · 22 replies
    It’s bad enough that he’s already ducking the difficult questions and that his Press Sec is fumbling her way through her answers. (Are going to ‘circle back’ yet again Psaki?) But it somehow makes it worse when you’re caught fumbling your way through an open book test and you knew the questions in advance. Yes, that said ‘questions in advance’. When even the far-left DailyBeast is critical of how the Democrats are running this clown show, you know it’s gotta be pretty bad.
  • Cartoon Shows What a Joe Biden 'Oath of Office' Would Look Like

    09/02/2020 3:51:44 PM PDT · by Who is John Galt? · 14 replies ^ | March 10, 2020 | Steve Straub
    "I will faithfully execute the office of the, you know, the thing, and will to the best of my ability, defend my son's business practices."
  • Where Is Joe Biden's Brain?

    08/09/2020 8:35:02 AM PDT · by raptor22 · 36 replies
    American Rgunker ^ | Daniel John Sobieski
    The third-season opener of the iconic sci-fi series Star Trek was an episode titled "Spock's Brain," in which an unidentified humanoid female from a seemingly advanced civilization transports aboard the starship Enterprise and, after rendering the entire crew unconscious, absconds with science officer's Spock's brain. Capt. Kirk and the crew spend the episode tracking down the brain and figuring out a way to make Spock whole and functional again. It is unlikely that aliens have descended and absconded with Joe Biden's brain, but there is no clear explanation for Biden's incoherent outbursts; inability to complete sentences or thoughts; and failure...
  • The Strategies of Dementia Politics: Stoke chaos, obstruct economic recovery, hide Biden until Election Day

    06/30/2020 5:23:13 AM PDT · by billorites · 31 replies
    National Review ^ | June 30, 2020 | Victor Davis Hanson
    Joe Biden is tragically suffering a mental eclipse and sliding away at a geometric rate. Understandably, his handlers have kept him out of sight. He stays off the campaign trail on the pretext of the virus and his age-related susceptibility to COVID-19 morbidity. I say “pretext” without apology. Quarantine should not have otherwise stopped Biden over the past three months from doing daily interviews, speeches, and meetings. But each occasion, however scripted, rehearsed, and canned, would only have offered further daily proof that Biden is cognitively unable to be president or indeed to hold any office. Often Biden cannot finish...
  • Joe Biden Says that While Hospitalized, Nurses Would ‘Breathe in My Nostrils’

    07/22/2020 4:55:09 PM PDT · by Helicondelta · 194 replies ^ | Jul 22, 2020
    TRANSCRIPT: BIDEN: "And I had a nurse at a — nurses at Walter Reed hospital who would bend down and whisper in my ear, go home and get me pillows. They would make sure — actually, probably nothing ever taught in — you can't do it in Covid time, but they'd actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving."
  • Poll: 55% Believe That Biden Has ‘Early Stages Of Dementia’

    06/19/2020 11:15:02 AM PDT · by hcmama · 42 replies
    The Daily Wire ^ | Jun 18th, 2020 | Joseph Curl
    Is Joe Biden experiencing dementia? That’s a question the pollsters at Zogby International posed to 1,007 “likely voters.” The results were surprising: 55% said they think the former vice president, 77, “is in the early stages of dementia.” “Overall, subgroups who normally approve of Trump’s job as president, were the most likely to believe Biden could be suffering from dementia,” the poll found. “Thus, majorities of Republicans (77% more likely/23% less likely) and Independents (56% more likely/44% less likely) thought Joe Biden had early-onset dementia; while nearly a third of Democrats (32% more likely/68% less likely) thought this was the...
  • The Zogby Poll®: A majority of voters believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia; 60% of younger voters think so; Swing voters less likely to think Biden has dementia

    06/19/2020 8:35:33 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 128 replies
    Zogby Analytics ^ | 06/19/2020
    A majority (55%) of likely voters surveyed thought it was more likely (much more and somewhat more likely combined) that Vice President Biden is in the early stages of dementia, while 45% thought it was less likely (much less and somewhat less likely combined). Overall, subgroups who normally approve of Trump's job as president, were the most likely to believe Biden could be suffering from dementia. Thus, majorities of Republicans (77% more likely/23% less likely) and Independents (56% more likely/44% less likely) thought Joe Biden had early-onset dementia; while nearly a third of Democrats (32% more likely/68% less likely)...
  • Trump Says Biden's Biggest Strength Should Be His Experience But He 'Doesn't Remember What He Did Yesterday'

    05/23/2020 8:30:45 PM PDT · by Helicondelta · 38 replies ^ | 24 May 2020
    In a brief clip for Sunday's 'Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson', Trump quickly lambasted Biden as being forgetful when asked what Biden's 'strongest feature' was as a competitor. 'Well I would have said experience but he doesn't really have experience because I don't think he remembers what he did yesterday,' the president said in the brief interview segment. 'So how is that experience. He has been there a long time. He was never known as a smart person.' The show is scheduled to air on Sinclair sites at 9.30am EDT on Sunday.
  • 'Joe Has Absolutely No Idea What's Happening'

    05/19/2020 4:03:53 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 21 replies ^ | May 19, 2020 | Salena Zito
    ALLENTOWN, Pennsylvania -- President Donald Trump, speaking to the Washington Examiner ahead of an event at a medical supply facility in this key swing state, took aim at Joe Biden's mental faculties, at one point claiming his Democratic challenger "has absolutely no idea what's happening." Trump was reacting to news that Biden had teamed up with former rival Sen. Bernie Sanders in naming Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez co-chair of a climate change panel, which Trump said would help cost Biden the state of Pennsylvania. "If you asked him who he named, he wouldn't even know it," Trump said. "Joe has absolutely...
  • Media giants try to shame Don Jr into silence over ‘creepy Joe’ kids clips. He was just getting started.

    05/17/2020 6:21:31 PM PDT · by kevcol · 28 replies
    BizPac Review ^ | May 17, 2020 | Vivek Saxena
    No matter how much The New York Times and other left-wing media outlets try to stop him, Donald Trump Jr. refuses to quit holding presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden accountable for his history of creepy behavior. And so when the Times attempted Saturday to slam the president’s eldest son for sharing a clear-cut joke meme on Instagram of Biden, Trump Jr. doubled down. The fiasco started early Saturday morning when DJT shared the following to Instagram:
  • Bumbling Joe Biden gaffes his way through COVID-19 roundtable as he falsely claims '85,000 jobs have been lost in the US and millions of Americans have died' since pandemic began

    05/15/2020 4:12:12 AM PDT · by C19fan · 81 replies
    UK Daily Mail ^ | May 15, 2020 | Luke Kenton
    Presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden bumbled his way through a ‘virtual roundtable’ he hosted on Thursday afternoon, as questions regarding the former Vice President’s mental acuity continue to mount. Concern of Biden’s mental sharpness has been the subject of constant debate ever since he launched his White House bid last April, following a number of blunders he's made during televised interviews and campaign speeches in the months since. And the self-proclaimed ‘gaffe machine’ did little to mitigate those apprehensions during a monologue about soaring unemployment levels on Thursday, in which he wrongly claimed 85,000 jobs have been lost in...
  • Bumbling Biden Breaks Down, Gets Virus Job Loss and Deaths Incredibly Wrong

    05/15/2020 9:05:44 AM PDT · by sickoflibs · 42 replies
    RedState ^ | May 15, 2020 | Nick Arama
    It’s hard to know what to say anymore about the continual gaffes of Joe Biden because Democrats don’t seem to care about his very evident problem and they don’t care about doing what’s right for him or for the country. Add to that, the allegations of sexual assault and inappropriate touching, plus the new bombshell information of Biden being caught red-handed requesting the unmasking of Gen. Michael Flynn after saying that he knew nothing about the matter other than there was an investigation. Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner and they have a disaster waiting to implode. I vacillate...
  • Joe Biden Says He Won’t Pardon Trump if Elected

    05/15/2020 8:37:54 AM PDT · by rktman · 47 replies ^ | 5/15/2020 | Joshua Caplan
    Appearing Thursday on MSNBC’s The Last Word with host Lawrence O’Donnell, former Vice President and presumptive Democrat nominee, Joe Biden, said he would not pardon President Donald Trump if elected to the White House.
  • Joe Biden's Dr. Death

    05/01/2020 11:00:25 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 10 replies ^ | May 1, 2020 | David Harsanyi
    Does Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel believe Joe Biden would be better off dead? That would be a peculiar position for Biden's chief adviser on medical issues and a member of the candidate's Public Health Advisory Committee to take. But if we accept the reasoning behind Emanuel's infamous 2014 essay, Biden is nothing more than a resource-sucking shell of himself who should stop trying to prolong his life. I suspect that if one of Trump's advisers on coronavirus had once taken to the august pages of The Atlantic to reason that men who reach the age of 75 are useless to society,...
  • As Biden struggles, Hillary waits for the call

    04/30/2020 6:59:44 AM PDT · by Trump20162020 · 55 replies
    The Hill ^ | April 30, 2020 | Liz Peek
    Hillary Clinton continues to hover in the wings, ready to step forward should Joe Biden fail. Don’t look now, but Joe is failing. Not only has his campaign been rocked by sexual assault allegations from one-time staffer Tara Reade, but the public is beginning to give up on the former vice president. A new Emerson College poll showed 57 percent of likely voters think President Trump will win reelection in November.