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Keyword: axattack

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  • Elad terrorists caught after three-day manhunt ("Palestinian" Islamofacists bloody ax on heads attackers)

    05/08/2022 7:28:19 AM PDT · by Conservat1 · 1 replies
    The Jerusalem Post ^ | May 8, 2022 | Anna Ahronheim
    Israeli security forces caught the two terrorists who carried out a deadly attack in Elad, four days after they went on a rampage in the city.Israel Police, Shin Bet and IDF capturing the two terrorists who carried out an attack in Elad on May 5 that left three dead (credit: Israel Police, Shin Bet, IDF). IDF forces, Shin Bet officers and police caught the two suspects 19-year-old As'sad al-Rifai and 20-year-old Emad Subhi Abu Shqeir, both from Rumana in the Jenin area of the West Bank, alive in a forested area close to Elad near Park Nahshonim. IDF has confirmed...
  • Arab Islamic "Palestinian" butchers targeting another peaceful, pious town

    05/06/2022 10:17:29 AM PDT · by Conservat1 · 1 replies
    DP ^ | May 5, 2022
    Arab Islamic "Palestinian" butchers targeting another peaceful, pious town * Elad, a Haredi town (which means, overwhelmingly avoiding serving in the army - conscientious objectors) is what is called 'within the Green line.' * Days after Hamas head called to atrack Jews with axes & shooting. Prepare the axe - he said. * Attackers hit with an axe to the head. * The attackers shouted Allah Akbar. * It came hours after a councilman spotted illegal Arab residents staying and he was rather arrested by an (Haaretz type) ultra liberal police. * Hamas blessed the butchery. * "Palestinians", such as...

    06/06/2006 4:28:06 AM PDT · by MeneMeneTekelUpharsin · 13 replies · 1,035+ views
    ATLANTA -- A Fulton County police officer shot and killed a man after a child was killed with an ax. (Excerpt - read the rest at: Click here.