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Keyword: ashleysstory

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  • "ASHLEY'S STORY" continues...

    01/20/2005 4:57:49 AM PST · by KMC1 · 10 replies · 866+ views
    WMCA - NEW YORK ^ | 1.20.2005
    REMEMBER THIS GIRL?: Her TV ad was deemed by most media critics as the most effective of the 2004 campaign. "Ashley's Story" as it was called circulated the blogosphere on thousands of sites and aired on television more than 30,000 times. Ashley's mother perished in 9/11 and when the President was told this at a rally where Ashley had come to see him the touching photo emerged. The USA TODAY and The Washington Times are both reporting that Ashley will be in attendance when President Bush is sworn in later today. Truly, a joyful reunion...
  • How a 'hug' helped Bush

    12/09/2004 12:13:09 PM PST · by JZelle · 28 replies · 2,016+ views
    The Washington Times ^ | 12-9-04 | Clarence Page
    As a political junkie who was born and raised in conservative southern Ohio, I was acutely interested in a post-election study by the liberal group America Coming Together of why President Bush beat Sen. John Kerry in the Buckeye State. The answer, according to their poll, sends a message that is conveniently flattering to grassroots organizing groups like America Coming Together as Democrats prepare to choose a new party chairman and assess where they go from here.
  • USA Today praises "Ashley's Story"

    10/22/2004 1:13:02 PM PDT · by no dems · 31 replies · 1,491+ views ^ | 10-22-04 | USA Today
    USA Today praises 'Ashley's Story' You've probably seen the moving photo of President Bush hugging Ohio teen Ashley Faulkner, whose mother died in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. and other media nationwide ran the famous picture. Now she is helping the president by appearing in "Ashley's Story," a TV commercial released by Progress for America Voter Fund." In the ad Ashley's father, Lynn Faulkner, says, "My wife, Wendy, was murdered by terrorists on September 11th." Go here to see Ashley's story: "In a year when voters in key states have been inundated with political commercials,...
  • 'The Hug' becomes a TV ad for Bush

    10/22/2004 8:33:38 AM PDT · by bobsunshine · 64 replies · 2,756+ views
    Progress for America ^ | 10/20/2004 | Maggie Downs
    'The Hug' becomes a TV ad for Bush MASON - At the Faulkner household, it's known as "The Hug." Now the embrace between President Bush and then-15-year-old Ashley Faulkner has turned into something more than just a personal moment. It's also the most expensive TV ad campaign of the presidential election. The commercial, unveiled Tuesday by the Progress for America Voter Fund, will run on cable stations and in nine states - Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Iowa, New Mexico, Nevada, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Missouri - at a cost of $14.2 million. Among the group's major contributors are Reds owner Carl H....
  • Bush Photo With Teen Becomes Internet Phenomenon

    06/24/2004 9:34:32 PM PDT · by anymouse · 89 replies · 10,866+ views
    The Washington Dispatch ^ | June 14, 2004 | CK Rairden
    This is a story of how powerful the new media has become. A phenomenon of sorts has grown from a picture of a 15-year old girl named Ashley Faulkner in a warm embrace with President Bush. It all began in early May. President George W. Bush was on the campaign trail in Ohio and one of his stops for the day was at the Golden Lamb Inn in Lebanon, Ohio. In this Cincinnati suburb awaited Ashley Faulkner and her father Lynn. They had arrived early with their friend Linda Prince to get a spot in the front of the line...
  • Ashley (the little girl who lost her mom on 9/11) is coming up on Fox & Friends...

    10/21/2004 4:01:06 AM PDT · by kcvl · 49 replies · 1,380+ views
    Ashley coming up next on Fox & Friends...
  • New Ashley Story Video, A Must See.......

    10/19/2004 8:00:16 AM PDT · by Roger from TI · 84 replies · 3,382+ views
    527 Group ^ | 10/19/04 | Me
    I have seen alot of political ads in my day, but this one is hands down in the top 5 most powerful. It was produced by a GOP 527 and is running in 8 battleground states starting today. Here is the link: I would try and link it directly but the last time I did I failed and every computer geek on this board let me know about it. (G) Get a life!
  • Bush pauses to comfort teen

    05/06/2004 6:01:21 AM PDT · by TSgt · 394 replies · 8,083+ views
    The Cincinnati Enquirer ^ | Thursday, May 6, 2004 | Kristina Goetz
  • 9/11 Ad On The Factor

    10/21/2004 6:12:37 PM PDT · by conservativeinferno · 21 replies · 735+ views
    10/21/04 | conservativeinferno
    When I was watching The Factor tonight, I loved the 9/11 ad that showed Dubya hugging the little girl. Anyone know where I can find it on the Internet? BushCo. needs to run this ad 24/7. Conservative Democrats will be wiping their eyes all the way to the polls to vote for Bush after watching this dynamite.
  • One Insight Into President Bush

    10/19/2004 3:43:27 PM PDT · by kingattax · 2 replies · 177+ views
    President Bush calls himself a "compassionate conservative". He truly is just that.