Keyword: alhusseini
That's how it all started. The "opening shot" of the Jewish-Arab blood battle for this land was heard on Passover 93 years ago, in the forgotten events of the 19th century - the first significant defining event in the national and religious struggle between the two peoples. Nadav Shragai. Israel Hayom. 24/3/2013. [...]. The time was approximately 11:30 a.m., April 4, 1920 (15 Nisan 5680), the first day of the Chol HaMoed of Passover holiday in Jerusalem. The death of a threatening crowd was heard from afar. The Arabs in the nearby markets of the old city rushed to close...
Lack of moderates among Palestinian Islamo-Arabs [Sodom] - forced humane Israel into a dangerous hostage deal. 01.17.25 This is about the agreement to a bad deal in principle, forced by the situation, though the pressed on a date [per US politics, optics on Jan/20 inauguration] probably made a bad deal, worse. GAZANS The horrors of Oct/7 led by Islamic-Caliphate-seeking genocidal Hamas (who succeeded as a result, after Israel gave all Gaza away in 2005, the terror entity which controls Gaza Ministry of Health which provides false data to media) by some 6,000 -- suffocating families hiding in shelters, raping while...
Gabriel, B. (2008). They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It. United States: St. Martin's Press, p.38By 1905 the West had liberated its territory previously conquered and savaged by Islam, and declared an economic and military victory, thus marking the end of 1400 years of Islamic rule and Jihad. During this period, Muslims had killed 270 million people across the globe: 120 million Africans, 60 million Christians, 80 million Hindus and 10 million Buddhists. * Arabia: (Some state:) 'It is estimated that as many as 400,000 people, including women and children, were...
Rewriting history? Now to the facts:Times, dates results:Haavara was a program to save Jews. And it did. Zionists or not. It ended before WW2. It ended in 1939 with the start of World War II. And over 2 years before Hitler saw there is a consensus in his government for the "final solution." (Wannsee Conference: Jan 1942). Mufti was against who? He did what?Hitler's mufti didn't advocate against "zionist" Jews, but against any Jew. Just like Hitler. "Kill [preached al Husseini] the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion." [*] Unique: is the only religious...
The core at the Middle East ‘conflict’ is about anti-Jewish bigotry * The intolerance started mainly since Sheikh Suleiman al-Taji al-Faruqi wrote a hateful poem in 'Falastin' newspaper on November 8, 1913 mixing Quranic ideas with old anti Semitic stereotypes (leading to the 1914 closure of the newspaper by the Turks for inciting race-hatred). Then by Haj Amin al-Husseini in the 1920s. The Mufti also chose to “believe” in ancient blood libel. * The brunt of the victims in brutality, with genocidal cries "adbakh al yahud", 1920, 1921 and especially in Hebron 1929 massacre, were non-Zionist pious-Jews - the murders...
Why do we never see Pro-Palestine activists protesting about the genocide in Sudan?.The cohorts of Hamas invaded my London neighbourhood on Thursday. I was out walking when I paused to look at the remaining posters of kidnapped Israelis. Suddenly they were there. Five men, their faces slack with hate, started screaming “F--- Israel!” and “colonialist pigs!” A.... It is Hamas, not the Israelis, who are the oppressors. No other baby in the world was kidnapped for seven months, during which time neither Unicef, Red Cross, nor Amnesty even questioned its captivity. This is an uncomfortable fact for Sadiq Khan. Equally...
Israeli lawmakers on Monday advanced a government proposal to designate June 1 as a day to commemorate the Farhud, the 1941 pogrom in Iraq coordinated by Palestinian leader Haj Amin al-Hussein. The Commemoration Day for the Farhud Events Bill, sponsored by Likud Party lawmaker Ofir Katz, was approved for first reading and will be discussed by the Knesset Education, Culture and Sports Committee ahead of future votes. Katz’s bill calls for the pogrom to be commemorated in educational institutions across the Jewish state in order to preserve the memory of the events and the victims and pass it on to...
Why is the Palestinian movement so incorrigible? Namely, what explains the savagery of Hamas’s October 7 rapes and murders? Why has the Palestinian Authority rejected every offer of a sovereign state alongside Israel? And here in America, why do Palestine activists demand not just statehood, but the extermination of Israel? The answer to these questions lies in the origins and history of the Palestinian national movement. Though rarely reported today, that movement was largely shaped by three of the twentieth century’s most lethal extremist ideologies: Islamism, Naziism, and Communism. The Palestinian movement was born after the First World War amid...
Voices: Paro Stands In Solidarity with SU Jewish Community as Staunch “Anti-Semite” Who Praised Hitler, Called for “Death to Jews,” Leads Encampment at His Alma Mater May 1, 2024 Syracuse, New York (May 1, 2024) – In recent hours, it has come to light that the leader of encampment demonstrations on Syracuse University campus as part of the pro-Palestinian movement called for violence against Jews. New York State Senate candidate and current Salina Town Supervisor Nick Paro supports the right to peacefully protest. However, Paro is appalled at these statements and stands firmly with the Jewish community at his alma...
On CNN, Apr 11, 2024, with Abby Phillip, Pro Nation of Islam Hitler-fan Farrakhan - Melina Abdullah, Islamist bigot, 'naturally,' refused to denounce Oct 7. She went on about "75 years ago" and even stated "a state that was founded on G". Nevermind that the --Arab on Jews-- massacres and the genocidal calls of Itbakh [Adbakh] al Yahud began over 100 years ago: in 1920 [*], 1921, 1929 [*], then some 3 years after Arab-Palestine's leader, al-Husseini the Mufti rushed to offer help for the Nazi regime barely 2 months with Hitler ascend to power, that 1936-9 terror with the...
1947 reports: Arab Nazism & "Palestine" "Arabs With UN Charged With Being Pro-Hitler." The 75-page memorandum accuses the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and Wasef Kamal and Emil Ghouri, two of his followers now attending sessions at Lake Success. Arabs With UN Charged With Being Pro-Hitler Herald-Journal May 12, 1947. Nation Editor, Graham of UNC Issue Accusing Memorandum. Lake Success, N. Y., May 11 (UP) . - A pro-Zionist organization charged tonight that former Axis collaborators, saboteurs and spies now sparkplug the Arab delegation to the United Nations meeting on Palestine. The charge came from the Nation Associates, which is headed...
Daytona Beach Morning Journal, May 19, 1947, p. 2 Meet The ArabianazisBy Walter Winchell. For many months now the front pages of the world have- been crowded with the blow by blow description of a struggle which has finally reached the United Nations . . . The problem has been how to find a place under the warm Palestinian sun for the living skeletons who, from 1933, suffered the foul tortures of Hitler's fevered brain. Arrayed against this pitiful group of human beings is a wicked clique of men who, despite their hostility to the Allies, have been granted powerful...
Pathfinder. vol. 47. United States: Farm Journal, Incorporated, 1940, p. 4. * *(p. 3: "NEAR EAST - A Possible Locale for Act II in the War"). ...Troubled Palestine. • British - Mandated Palestine and Transjordan, likewise former parts of the Ottoman Empire, are contrasts. Transjordan gives the British so little trouble that its 34,740 square desert miles are policed by less than 1,600 men. Palestine, on the other hand, in its 10,492 square miles (slightly larger than Vermont) packs more concentrated hatred than any other section of the Near East. This hatred exists between the Arabs and Jews and springs...
Muhammad al-Ashmar (Arabic: محمد الأشمر) (1892 – March 3, 1960: Racist-Arab Islamofascist: * Corrupt guy. * Murdered Syrians. * Rebel commander. * Extorted money from Syrian Jews, on advice from the Mufti al-Husseini, for fake orphas in Mandatory-Palestine. *Pro-Nazi during WW2. *Post war, working for the communists. Congress Weekly. United States, American Jewish Congress, 1956, pp. 5-7. January 23, 1956 The Soviet's Arab "Peace Hero" By Itzhak Ivri The STALIN PEACE PRIZE, ONE OF THE HIGHEST honors given by the Soviet Union, may have a shorter history than that of the Nobel peace prize, but it is to the East...
The Arabs in Mandatory Palestine went together like peanut butter and jelly for NAZISM.Morris, Benny. ”1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War.” United States, Yale University Press, p. 21.* The Palestinians, Khalil al-Sakakini, a .. Jerusalem educator, jotted down in his diary, ”rejoiced [as did ‘the whole Arab world’] when the British bastion at Tobruk fell .. to the Germans.” * One of the first public opinion polls in Palestine, conducted by al-Sakakini’s son, Sari Sakakini, on behalf of the American consulate in Ierusalem, in February 1941 found that 88 percent of the Palestinian Arabs favored Germany and only...
One of the most accurate aspects about Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza is the use of the word Nazi to describe the terrorist enemy. No other label or historical parallel could capture the chilling ferocious madness – but not scope – of Palestinian butchery of Israelis. The Nazi vilification epithet has now become conventional Israeli discourse in public and media circles with the vivid revelation – in words and photos – of Palestinian savagery and barbarism by Hamas on October 7. Hamas terrorists, without an ounce of inhibition or remorse, shot youth in cold blood at the music festival...
Margaret Brennan, moderator of CBS News' "Face the Nation" asked Ron DeSantis: "Arabs are Semites too" Does CBS' (Face The Nation) Margaret Brennan's know that Hitler's Arab Palestine leader al-Husseini the Mufti was also a Semite? Here are at some facts: {1} Rebecca Simoni Stoil:"Poll: 93% of Palestinians hold anti-Jewish beliefs" TOI, 13 May 2014. ____ {2} Hund, Wulf Dietmar. Koller, Christian. Zimmermann, Moshe. "Racisms Made in Germany." Austria: Lit, 2011. p.52: Goebbels, Rosenberg, Himmler, all in their turn, discovered the im-passes created by the word antisemitism when confronted with alleged Semites, not only in the Middle East, but...
Pierre Van Paassen, "A Marginal Note," The Sentinel, 15 June 1933: ...Naziism is spreading . Under its own name and under other names it is invading countries...bordering on Germany. Action Francaise, the extremist nationalist movement... And how about Jerusalem... where Hitlerism is openly admitted in the nationalist Arab press... I was in Brentanos bookstore the other day in Paris. While waiting for the Order Department I saw ten copies of the French translation of Hitlers Mein Kampf being wrapped up with five copies of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and when I casually glanced at the address...
Weinreich, Max. Hitler's Professors: The Part of Scholarship in Germany's Crimes Against the Jewish People. United States: Yale University Press, 1999. [Anti-Jewish Congress in 1944...] p. 231: Egypt: Fakoussa, Hassan, journalist and anti-Jewish writer. p. 226: When the date finally had been set for July 11-15, 1944, and the preparations were in full swing, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann in the middle of June in the name of the Führer ordered, “on the basis of the military developments,” postponement of the congress until the beginning of September. Apparently, Hitler’s alter ego felt that by September the invasion armies would have been forced...
Introduction:Nazis didn't need the mufti for atrocities; he had minimal involvement, however, his knowledge as it was happening is undisputed and he did prevent thousands of jewish children from being savedAdhering to the Historical Truth about the Mufti during the Holocaust 02 December 2021 Dani Dayan Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, was a despicable antisemite and ardent Nazi supporter. Nevertheless, the role he played in the Holocaust was marginal. 80 YEARS AGO... HUSAINI’S VISIT TO HIMMLER AT ZHITOMIR Schwanitz, W. G., Rubin, B. (2014). Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East. United Kingdom: Yale...