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Keyword: adorno

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  • Measuring Left-Wing Authoritarianism in America

    12/19/2018 10:18:06 AM PST · by rktman · 13 replies ^ | 12/18/2018 | Joshua Rabotnick
    In January of 2017, when the political controversy over Donald Trump’s perplexing win over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 national election was at its peak, my professor began his political psychology course by asking the lecture hall the following: “How many of you wish Hillary had won the election?” The question was voluntary, yet nearly every hand in the room shot up. “Okay, and how many of you supported Trump winning the election?” The room was quiet as not a single hand was raised, followed by a few chuckles. “Next, how many of you feel that liberals are safe walking...
  • BIG LIAR: How Theodor Adorno redefined Fascism.

    09/02/2017 5:31:01 PM PDT · by walford · 54 replies
    FrontPageMag ^ | August 11, 2017 | Dinesh D'Souza
    Fascism and Nazism are both phenomena of the left. This makes ideological sense, because at their core they represent ideologies of the centralized, all-powerful state. Moreover, fascism grew out of Marxism, and fascism’s founder Benito Mussolini, was a Marxist and lifelong socialist. Hitler, too, was a socialist who headed the National Socialist Party and in fact changed the name of the German Workers Party to make it the National Socialist German Workers Party. How, then, did progressives in America re-define fascism and Nazism as phenomena of the right? This sleight-of-hand occurred after World War II, once fascism and Nazism were...
  • Check Your Political Compass:

    11/29/2014 6:42:21 PM PST · by Vinylly · 42 replies
    Where do you fit in this society? Take this test. I'm almost a 'centralist', close to the center axis in the blue sector. 1.62 and 1.59. Does that make me a 'RINO'?
  • Study Ties Political Leanings to Hidden Biases

    01/30/2006 9:23:48 AM PST · by oblomov · 2 replies · 210+ views
    Wapo ^ | 1/30/2006 | Shankar Vedantam
    Put a group of people together at a party and observe how they behave. Differently than when they are alone? Differently than when they are with family? What if they're in a stadium instead of at a party? What if they're all men? The field of social psychology has long been focused on how social environments affect the way people behave. But social psychologists are people, too, and as the United States has become increasingly politically polarized, they have grown increasingly interested in examining what drives these sharp divides: red states vs. blue states; pro-Iraq war vs. anti-Iraq war; pro-same-sex...
  • Bourgeois Radical

    12/03/2004 6:31:41 PM PST · by Ed Current · 2 replies · 482+ views
    The American Conservative ^ | December 6, 2004 | Paul Gottfried
    Adorno: A Political Biography, Lorenz Jäger, trans. by Stewart Spencer, Yale University Press, 235 pages Lorenz Jäger’s biography of Theodor Adorno (1903-1969) is a useful study of an unpleasant but influential figure. From the 1920s until his death, Adorno was the prime mover behind the aggregation of cultural and social iconoclasts known as the Frankfurt School. Together with his more down-to-earth co-organizer Max Horkheimer, who contributed family wealth to their enterprise, Adorno took his socially radical think tank, the Institute for Social Research, in 1934 from its interwar home in Frankfurt to New York and later Los Angeles. In 1949,...
  • A Nation of Frogs

    01/23/2003 10:51:43 PM PST · by Askel5 · 42 replies · 2,734+ views
    Mindszenty Report ^ | January 2003 | William A. Borst
    A Nation of Frogs William W. BorstMindszenty Report | January 2003 Just recently, I was discussing the tax system with my attorney who had just completed my mother's estate. When I informed him of the Marxist underpinnings of, not only the so-called "death tax," but also the graduated income tax, he was shocked. He had no idea that Karl Marx had wriuen the major elements in the tax code with which he had been working his entire professional life. All one has to do is read the Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in 1848. The...