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  • Why Congress Must Reopen the TWA 800 Investigation

    07/07/2014 4:22:18 AM PDT · by afraidfortherepublic · 97 replies
    The American Thinker ^ | 7-7-14 | Jack Cashill
    On July 2, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) announced that it would not reopen the investigation into the destruction of TWA 800. This was the Boeing 747 that was blown out of the sky ten miles south of the Long Island coast on July 17, 1996, killing all 230 people on board. The TWA 800 Project, a team of former aviation investigators and scientists, had petitioned the NTSB to examine evidence that pointed toward a missile strike on the airline. Not surprisingly, the NTSB, which had invested four years of resources to prove some other theory, any other theory,...
  • The Iran-al-Qaeda Conundrum

    01/23/2009 11:05:27 PM PST · by Cindy · 8 replies · 192+ views
    WASHINGTON ^ | January 23, 2009 | By Matthew Levitt and Michael Jacobson
    During the designation announcement, Treasury undersecretary Stuart Levey noted, "It is important that Iran give a public accounting of how it is meeting its international obligations to constrain al-Qaeda." For the Obama administration, understanding the complicated relationship between Iran and al-Qaeda will be key as Washington begins to forge a new path in dealing with Tehran. Iran's Ties to al-Qaeda Before September 11 Links between al-Qaeda and Iran are not new and have developed over time. Ties between the two first blossomed during the early 1990s when al-Qaeda was based in Sudan. Hasan al-Turabi, the leader of Sudan's National Islamic...