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Mark 400th Anniversary of King James Version by Studying Bible [Mormon] ^
Posted on 10/03/2011 8:52:51 AM PDT by greyfoxx39
TOPICS: Apologetics; Current Events; General Discusssion; Other non-Christian
KEYWORDS: antichristian; bible; inman; lds; mormon
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To: oremites
The Biblical Jesus and the LDS Jesus are one and the same and President Hinckly agreed. Lets take this one step further orem. You call yourself a "fellow believer", yet Hinkley made it clear that the mormon jesus was different from the Jesus of Christianity - again refering to those outside of the mormon church. Since by the word of your prophet we have a different Jesus, then we do not share a common faith in Jesus and therefore you and your fellow mormons are not 'fellow believers' by any stretch of the imagination.
posted on
10/03/2011 11:48:55 AM PDT
To: oremites
Are you capable of defining this Jesus that is in common between mormonism and Jesus?
Are the ontologies the same
Is the salvation provided the same
Is the atonement the same
Are the natures the same
Just some hints for you orem. You want to play the ‘fellow believer’ card - I’m calling you on it. Show me where your Jesus is the same as mine.
posted on
10/03/2011 11:51:21 AM PDT
To: Elsie
You'll need much more straw if you want to play properly. But with this much straw there has to be a pony here somewhere!
posted on
10/03/2011 11:52:54 AM PDT
To: oremites
Well, I don't know how you may have physical relations, I know what these people are talking about. To make it easier for you I am going to
bold out the key phrases.
To refresh your memory:
Bruce McConkie, in perhaps the most explicit denial of the virgin birth, wrote, Christ was begotten by an immortal Father in the same way that mortal men are begotten by mortal fathers. (Mormon Doctrine, 1966, p. 547)
From There is no doubt that the idea of physical relations between God and Mary has been clearly advocated in the Church by such authorities as Brigham Young [1], Orson Pratt [2], Heber C. Kimball [3], Joseph F. Smith, [4], Joseph Fielding Smith [5], James E. Talmage [6], Melvin J. Ballard [7], J. Reuben Clark [8], Bruce R. McConkie [9], and Ezra Taft Benson [10]. Mormons believe that Christ was literally the Son of God in the flesh, and he was conceived in a natural, physical way according to eternal law.
Christ Not Begotten of Holy Ghost... Christ was begotten of God. He was not born without the aid of Man, and that Man was God! (Doctrines of Salvation, Joseph Fielding Smith, 1954, 1:18).
These name-titles all signify that our Lord is the only Son of the Father in the flesh. Each of the words is to be understood literally. Only means only; Begotten means begotten; and Son means son. Christ was begotten by an Immortal Father in the same way that mortal men are begotten by mortal fathers. (Mormon Doctrine, 1979, pages 546-47)
posted on
10/03/2011 12:08:27 PM PDT
(Those who are easily shocked... should be shocked more often. - Mae West)
To: oremites
Not trying to pile on, but as you've been very invested in this thread, maybe you'll be willing to answer a question I posted on another thread yesterday, to which I've received no response. I'll repost the full context:
You now, in all the years I’ve studied Mormon history and theology, there’s one very simple yet fundamental question that’s never occured to me until now (insert Homer Simpson moment here). I would genuinely like to hear the response of an LDS member to the following:
I know that many “plain and precious things” are believed by LDS to have been lost from the Bible prior to the establishment of your church. Since D&C/Pearl of Great Price are regarded as new revelations and/or supplemental historical material, then what “plain and precious things” were restored within the Book of Mormon if it does contain the “fullness of the gospel”?
posted on
10/03/2011 12:25:28 PM PDT
william clark
(Ecclesiastes 10:2)
To: oremites
If you're going to spend time discussing the LDS religion, you should find out what we believe instead of continuing to spread misinformation. Clear evidence from Mormon sources prove everything that has been said by the "Inmans" on this thread, people I might add, many of whom lived as dedicated Mormons for many, many years, evidence that you continue to deny. How is it misinformation? Show me, I may believe too, if you can prove from the word of God, whatever point it is that you are trying to make.
Nobody here hates you, regardless of what you believe, I dare say there are people here who are praying for you. Repent now, for you are certainly on the road to perdition now.
Comment #87 Removed by Moderator
To: DustyMoment; greyfoxx39
***Well, ya got me! I’m an Islamormchristohinddist!! ****
You sound more like what Bea Arthur called Mel Brooks in THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD Part I.
posted on
10/03/2011 5:36:37 PM PDT
Ruy Dias de Bivar
(Click my name. See my home page, if you dare! NEW PHOTOS & PAINTINGS)
To: oremites; svcw
Your list of “differences” simply displays a profound lack of understanding of what we LDS really believe. If you’re going to spend time discussing the LDS religion, you should find out what we believe instead of continuing to spread misinformation.
-0 - - - - -
SVCW’s summary of the LDS Christ vs. the Biblical Christ is correct. Want me to give sources from your leaders to verify them?
posted on
10/03/2011 7:31:30 PM PDT
(Ex-Mormon, now Christian "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see".)
To: oremites; Bidimus1
The excuse used for the LDS not using the JST (or only a few verses) is that he did not complete it.
The reality is (but most Mormons would rather repeat the pat answer than actually RESEARCH it) is that Smith DID complete it, but Emma Smith (not BY) had the copyright so the SLC branch could not use the JST in full. However, that is no longer an issue as it is now in public domain.
The reason they have not now adopted it (like the RLDS/CoC) is that Biblical Scholarship has proven that Smiths translations are completely incorrect and fraudulent.
FWIW, I know A LOT about Mormonism and have researched it more than most LDS members.
posted on
10/03/2011 7:45:45 PM PDT
(Ex-Mormon, now Christian "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see".)
To: oremites; svcw
Name an incorrect translation of the Bible.
BTW, I’ve been down that road, I am also fluent in Biblical Greek and Hebrew.
posted on
10/03/2011 7:48:24 PM PDT
(Ex-Mormon, now Christian "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see".)
To: reaganaut
posted on
10/03/2011 7:48:57 PM PDT
(Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going)
To: svcw; oremites
lds teach that their god had physical sex with Mary IE created
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And also that he is our ‘elder brother’ and the ‘firstborn’ of the spirit children which means he was a created being as just another one of the spirit children that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother had.
Want sources?
posted on
10/03/2011 8:07:53 PM PDT
(Ex-Mormon, now Christian "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see".)
To: oremites; svcw
lds teach that their god had physical sex with Mary IE created
No we don’t. Absolutely not.
- - - - - -
YES THEY DO. Want sources from your leaders?
posted on
10/03/2011 8:11:15 PM PDT
(Ex-Mormon, now Christian "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see".)
To: oremites; Turtlepower; svcw; MHGinTN; greyfoxx39; SZonian
Because scvw quotes them, but then goes on the “explain” them to say things that they definitely do not say.
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SVCW’s analysis of LDS AoF is absolutely in line with LDS teaching and belief. It was what I was taught and believed as Mormon and several others here will admit to it as well.
We “Flying Inmans” are well versed in LDS history and theology so the question you have no idea what your church teaches or are you just ‘lying for the Lord’?
LDS Jesus had to earn his Godhood.
LDS God was once a man (and a sinner)
LDS ‘salvation’ (exaltation) is based upon works (being worthy member, callings, temple ordinances, tithing, baptism, etc). Christian salvation is based upon grace through faith in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
LDS teach we can become Gods ourselves.
LDS teach that God had sex with Mary
LDS teach that the Bible is corrupt.
LDS believe in a different Christ than Christians (according to Gordon B. Hinkley)
You can keep going all you want, we can source all of that from LDS sources. However, if you really have no idea what the LDS church teaches or its history, than stick around - you will learn and perhaps join other freepers who have found the true Christ of the Bible and left Mormonism because of these threads.
posted on
10/03/2011 8:20:46 PM PDT
(Ex-Mormon, now Christian "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see".)
To: Turtlepower; oremites
I love it when LDS think they know more than their prophets.
posted on
10/03/2011 8:26:32 PM PDT
(Ex-Mormon, now Christian "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see".)
To: Ruy Dias de Bivar
You sound more like what Bea Arthur called Mel Brooks in THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD Part I.It's been awhile - remind me.
posted on
10/03/2011 8:56:10 PM PDT
(Congress - Another name for white collar criminals!!)
To: greyfoxx39
Care to describe what YOU consider the "real gospel of Jesus Christ"?The King James version is known to be fraught with errors, misinterpretations and incorrect translations of Aramaic, rewriting parts the way King James thought they should be, removing some books and adding in others, and flat out making stuff up to coincide with his version of Jesus' life.
That's why it call it celebrating 400 years of fiction. He muddied the water by "guilding a lily", if you will, and obscuring the truth about our Lord and Savior.
posted on
10/03/2011 9:03:06 PM PDT
(Congress - Another name for white collar criminals!!)
posted on
10/03/2011 9:25:23 PM PDT
(Those who are easily shocked... should be shocked more often. - Mae West)
To: Elsie; oremites
Why can’t you be happy for fellow believers?
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Because LDS are not ‘fellow believers’. They are not our brothers and sisters in Christ, sadly.
posted on
10/03/2011 9:26:18 PM PDT
(Ex-Mormon, now Christian "I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see".)
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