Posted on 04/07/2010 2:25:08 PM PDT by GiovannaNicoletta
The United States of America has taken the giant step towards universal control of every American citizen and anyone receiving any form of medical treatment and/or supplies. This is not the Mark of the Antichrist, but it is the precursor to that Mark. The amazing fact of this action is that it puts the United States in the drivers seat of the One World Order. Congressman Ron Pauls website has these exact words, In real world speak, according to this report, this new law, when fully implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isnt, allowed medical care in their country.
By nature, I am a doubter when it comes to fear-mongering or conspiracy theories that have little or no supportive information. When this idea was first mentioned on our Open Bible Dialogue radio talk show, I doubted it openly. But, after a little help from others and a lot of digging myself, I knew something was very scary. Here is a little of the information from the US Department of Health and Human Services website. This information was slated as Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff. This kind of information cannot be accidental.
This guidance document was developed as a special control guidance to support the classification of the implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient identification and health information into class II (special controls). The device is intended to enable access to secure patient identification and corresponding health information in humans. This guidance is issued in conjunction with a Federal Register notice announcing the classification of implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.
This guidance document describes a means by which implantable radiofrequency transponder systems for patient identification and health information may comply with the requirement of class II special controls. Designation of this guidance document as a special control means that manufacturers of implantable radio frequency transponder systems for patient identification and health information who follow the recommendations listed in this document, before introducing their device into commercial distribution in the United States, will also be able to market their device without being subject to the premarket notification requirements of section 510(k) of the Act. (
As massive as Obamas Healthcare bill is, there is no way it can function without a complete system of control. The present cost of the health-related programs is draining our nation and it is only minute in comparison. This new law already signed by the president also requires every citizen and anyone else receiving health care to purchase insurance. This certainly suggests that every person living within our borders will eventually be assigned this radioactive chip. You can probably be assured that this chip will now or eventually have a GPS responder to locate you in case you get lost. Isnt that nice of this crowd of liberals?
Is this idea just a fancy way to take care of our health needs? Or is it Big Government that is determined to control our lives? The Holy Bible is absolutely plain that this is the future of our world. The Antichrist will only have seven years to form his plan, implement it, and rule the world. He needs surrogates like President Obama to prepare the way. It is only reasonable to understand that almost every aspect of world control must be in place before he appears. With over six billion souls alive and dramatically growing, the stage must be set and in order.
We can see our world headed towards the One World Order from every direction. There are almost no national economies in the world. The world court is already conducting business and a great effort is underway to pressure every government to comply. A world religion is in place. The only religions not at the table are Orthodox Judaism and Fundamental Christianity. We are hated for such narrow-mindedness.
Lets remember that the Biblical Prophecy writers and ministers have been warning us about this for decades. There are some writers that have set dates, made wild predictions, and missed the mark by wide margins. But, the mainstream writers and ministers have been right on target. Years ago I said, If Jesus tarries a few more years, we will begin to think that we are already in the Great Tribulation. Every day I feel a little more like that, while at the same time I know that the Great Tribulation cannot begin until the Rapture occurs.
The Bible predicted this future Mark of the Beast. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Revelation 13:15-17).
Again, I remind you that Obamas microchip is not the Mark of the Beast. This future Mark must be identified with the Antichrist and is in essence a form of devil-worship. Taking that Mark will be a choice between the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ and the devil, along with his false trinity. The present push for world control is certainly satanic. The entire Obama agenda has been evil from his first day in office. Remember that while he was being sworn into office, the website at the White House was programmed with his homosexual agenda, plus many other liberal directives.
Its time to stand tall on every issue of life. Absolutely no one should take his chip. You will probably not even be able to buy your prescriptions without the druggist putting the cash register scanner on your right hand. The Rapture-ready crowd will be out of here shortly.
To believe that Nero was the Antichrist requires the discarding of Revelation 19:20, which explicitly states that the Antichrist and False Prophet will be thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Now you are free to believe what you want, but understand that what you believe has no basis in Scripture and no matter how much you attempt to re-define the Bible, there is no way to twist it to fit your belief that end-time prophecy was fulfilled in 70AD.
And, btw, the False Prophet is described in Revelation 3:11-18 as having two horns like a lamb, identifying him with Christianity, not Judaism.
Preterism was discredited long ago and it simply cannot be supported by Scripture.
First, medical records are in a state of constant flux, that is they would require updating as you health conditions change. So unless you have a USB 2.0 jack in the end of your finger, that's a problem.
Second, current RFID chips are about the size and shape of a grain of rice and contain a radio receiver (tuned to the scanner) which demodulates a specific frequency to charge a capacitor. When sufficient voltage has accumulated it triggers a short pulse from a micro-transmitter (on a different frequency). The pulse is digitally modulated with a sixteen digit number, which is received by the scanner.
There is no constant supply of power to the device. It is activated only when in close proximity to the scanner (a few inches to a few feet). The intended use of such a device requires that they all operate on the same two frequencies therefore their range must be constrained to very short distances lest an interrogation pulse could trigger multiple chips to respond resulting in a garbled response.
The package size does not leave room for the circuitry necessary for the gigabytes of storage needed to store a complete medical record. It does in fact provide just what its' name says, a radio frequency identification (number). That number would be unique to an individual and serve as a key to enter the actual database containing the relevant medical history.
Having said all that the RFID has a critical vulnerability. Since it derives it's operational power from a pulse at a specific frequency, one has only to expose the device to a somewhat stronger pulse to fry the internal circuitry (specifically the diode demodulator and the storage capacitor). Presto, you have now disappeared permanently from the system, hope you stay healthy.
PS Wrapping you arm (or wherever) in aluminum foil will do the job on a less permanent basis.
A scanner could frisk you as you walked past a patrol car!
I knew I liked metal guns for a reason.
It's about the fact that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled, it is being fulfilled in our time, there will be an Antichrist, and there will be a mark that this Antichrist forces on everyone on the face of the earth and the fact that those who refuse this mark will be beheaded. Joseph Chambers is not the first person who has written about the possibility or fact that the government takeover of health care involves an implantable chip.
And none of this involves aluminum foil, just facts. These things will happen- you can bet your life on it. This is reality - whether we want to face it or not.
One thing is certain - all the Obama zombies will submit.
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One thing is for certain, I WILL NOT submit.
I am coming to the realization that I will probably end up in prison at least once this next decade for civil disobedience and/or my faith. But I WILL go down fighting.
Taking that Mark will be a choice between the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ and the devil, along with his false trinity.
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Off topic but I can already think of one ‘false trinity’ that opposes Jesus Christ.
Just saying...
Whether one believes in the Rapture, etc., this is utterly naked totalitarianism.
Of course, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will be for it, because it isn’t abortion.
One could argue that medical care is buying and selling, think about it, it would be easy to use the ‘chip’ to pay co-pays, pharmacy bills, then add other economic ‘benefits’ for ‘convienice’ like debit card/credit card info.
It could easily springboard into buying and selling.
I’m just saying...
First, medical records are in a state of constant flux, that is they would require updating as you health conditions change. So unless you have a USB 2.0 jack in the end of your finger, that’s a problem.
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Actually, not that hard. Think pet chips. There is a code that goes to another computer that has all the info. the Computer file is updated, the chip only has the number.
Add codes, like are already used for medical care, procedures and drugs at hospitals and it would be a snap to update the file on the fly.
Yep. I’m ready to go, let’s roll!
Nobody is putting a chip in me.
They’ll have to arrest me, tie me down and drug me first.
Isn’t there a part in the bill that says the government will have access to your bank accounts for instant payment to the doctor?
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I honestly haven’t read it enough to know for sure, but I would not be surprised in the least.
I like picking hero’s from history and Sophie Scholl was one, Anne Frank another ....
I like that, but I’m a historian, so most of my ‘best friends’ and heroes are dead. LOL.
Its in sec 163.
not surprised. I don’t read much ‘fine print’ anymore, that is why I sent my husband to law school. :)
Same here until someone recent comes along ... used to be a Palin fan but not so much now ...
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