Posted on 01/22/2019 4:20:57 AM PST by joma89
Ive noticed many pundits, in the fallout from the Covington boys vs. the Native American incident, saying that the kids shouldnt have worn MAGA hats. Ive seen it said over and over, mainly by people walking back previous vicious comments about the boys and trying to balance it by now saying well, they shouldnt have been wearing the hats.
Others have chimed in, too, for example this member of Congress. I kid you not:
Rep. John Yarmuth ✔ @RepJohnYarmuth I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing MAGA hats until we can figure out what is going on. They seem to be poisoning young minds. [1/2]
Courier Journal ✔ @courierjournal "It was racism. It was hatred. It was scary." The Native American leader who was surrounded and taunted by Covington Catholic students describes the scene
13.1K 10:28 AM - Jan 20, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy 33.9K people are talking about this Actually, only a few of the Covington boys had on MAGA hatsthe ones more heavily featured in front in the video. But however many wore them, its stunning that weve gotten to the point that wearing a hat in support of a president and making America great is considered a provocation to violence and trouble, and something that should not be done.
It is something like telling Jews in France (or anywhere else) not to wear their skullcaps, although of course a religion is different than a political hat. But both are public statements about a belief (or in the case of religious Jews, an identity and a belief). In Europe, thats what its come to:
But to countless Jews across Western Europe, these debates featuring high-profile figures, politicians and Jewish community leaders have little bearing on their own personal choice. Not waiting for anyones invitation, hundreds of thousands of them have been hiding their kippahs and other Jewish symbols for years now in Paris, Marseille, Brussels, London, Amsterdam and many other European cities with a large population of Muslim immigrants.
At least a quarter of Europes Jews had resolved not to wear their kippahs or any other Jewish symbol publicly before any of the debates even took place, according to a 2013 survey in nine countries. In that European Union poll of 5,100 Jews the most comprehensive study of its kind 49 percent of 800 Swedish respondents said they refrained from wearing clothing that identified them as Jewish. In Belgium, whose capital city is the seat of the European Union, the figure was 36 percent.
When civility has broken down and hatred is being fanned, its dangerous to wear any symbol that offends anyone.
I highly recommend you get one. Here is a good link for the one I just bought:
It was about $31 with shipping and easy to buy, with no need to create an account. Enjoy!
Thanks for the info.
I’ve never owned one, but I’m definitely buying one today.
What I don’t get is that these hats are about AMERICA, and yet, the left somehow construes them to be about Trump.
Here is a good link to buy a MAGA hat:
Hope you buy one and wear it with pride. Enjoy!
I hope you don’t go to restaurants wearing your MAGA hat in Austin. You never know what you’re going to get in your food.
I refuse to cower.
I am not a subject but a free citizen of the United States of America.
You singed up with your real name
And forensic people get your computer and track all web contacts
They can even track to sites that you did not sign into
Believe it or not at your peril
Im on my second red MAGA hat. The first one got all sun faded from wearing it often. In liberal Maryland.
Just remember, right or wrong, when you pull the trigger your life will change.
Last September I went to Colorado for 10 days. Vacation.
I wore my MAGA Hat everywhere. I got nothing but positive feedback everywhere. But to be honest, the wife and I were riding the steam locomotives. Which meant I was with like minded people; Older, white, middle class and above.
I did, however, chicken out and removed the hat when eating out. Didn’t want some stoner working at a restaurant spitting in my food.
Perhaps it is time to stop the fear
Donal? Please tell me it doesnt ship that way
And since your life will change, it causes people to hesitate which may lead to their death instead of them living to see another day.
I vehemently believe that those who write the laws to cause people to hesitate do it on purpose. They want crime to flourish since a fearful citizenry is easy to control.
Great point, I definitely don’t.
“I have a MAGA camo hat.”
Me, too. Pink camo hat.
That didn’t happen - it was campus folklore invented many years later.
“only problem is we dont have too many liberal areas where we live.”
trust me, that’s not a problem.
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