Posted on 03/11/2016 6:45:59 PM PST by wardaddy
Ok Cruzbots
Ted Cruz whom I originally supported just said that Trumps campaign bears responsibility for the violence in Chicago tonight
I am absolutely appalled by him
You support BLM and thuggery.
!!! ABSOLUTELY... you are deaf, not on Twitter or unable to comprehend plain English!!!!!
(Methinks you are into caps and exclamation marks, so I thought to reciprocate.)
What about the David Duke backing? How does that make you ferl?
Trump asked the GOP to back him. He wants the Bushes support. What does that say about him?
Good grief. Read through this thread. There are a boatload of links to video and audio of Cruz saying it.
It is not Trump’s fault.
“He is the Dominionists Mahdi. They will admit no wrong”
Sounds like obama and his ilk when it comes to getting what they want.
Zactly. The Ring is his obsession.
Listen to CRuz join with the left, and blame Trump, for yourself...
Trump has made it perfectly clear that he does NOT support PP, for abortions. Stop your tired memes. They aren’t working.
Your projecting doesn’t equal, or even come close to, facts.
All of your Trump gotchas have been repeatedly disputed, here. Ad nauseam. Keep up with discussions/posts.
Cruz would have done himself more good if he’d made a 2 sentence statement and been done with it. Now he’s done the equivalent of jumping onto the 3rd rail. This is not the kind of judgement we want in the Senate, much less in the White House.
According to The Gateway Pundit Bill Ayers helped MoveOn stage the protest.
“Rush L called Cruz as the one who meets the Reagan standard.”
You think that bloated bastard, El Rushbo, is hitting the pill bottle again?
I am upset at Ted for playing into the trap of Move On.Org and lefties generally. Hes not helping himself...
With respect, I think you really know that Cruz is not being naively trapped or used. Ted is making conscious and deliberate DECISIONS to do the things he is doing and say the things he is saying.
Because that’s whose side your “litmus test” puts you on tonight.
Correction he did not blame Obama.
“What rallies? The guy cant fill a Starbucks.”
I guess 1 or 2 protestors would stand out in a ‘crowd’ of 8, LOL!
“Seems pretty straightforward to me.”
All those fine arguments fly out the window when you consider that this was a massively preplanned event by the protesters and that this was announced as a disruptive tactic for the Trump rallies, to target the rallies as an opposition force, not a tactic to oppose his supposed violent tone.
I believe it was more than once because I remember other threads not that long ago about Trump wanting to “punch someone in the face” and another time about offering to pay for the legal defense of anyone who “beat the crap out” of his disputers.
Cruz's words weren't "taken out of context." He meant to say it, and he said it more than once, in multiple settings.
There's a reason no leftist groups are organizing violent protests against Cruz rallies. Cruz and his dwindling supporters represent ZERO threat to the organized violent left.
I didn’t believe it but just watched the video. I will no longer support Ted Cruz. Disgusting.
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