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Maybe Roberts Got it Right After All
Self | June 28, 2012 | Alberta's Child

Posted on 06/28/2012 6:54:37 PM PDT by Alberta's Child

Upon further review and discussion here, I've concluded that the majority opinion of Chief Justice Roberts in the ObamaCare case was exactly what this country needed. He effectively took the heap of crap that had been dumped in the halls of the U.S. Supreme Court and tossed it right back out where it belongs: in the homes and businesses of every U.S. citizen who has allowed this bunch of fools in Washington to govern us this way.

Think of it, folks ... Any obligation of the U.S. Supreme Court to deal with this idiocy went out the window the moment that dingbat Nancy Pelosi stood up on television and said: "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it."

If I were a Supreme Court justice, I wouldn't spend 30 seconds of my life reading a single legal brief in a case involving a Federal statute that was passed even though the Speaker of the House of Representatives didn't even read the damn thing before voting on it.

On top of all that, just consider this: There were 28 states that filed legal challenges to ObamaCare, either individually or jointly. How can 28 states file legal challenges to a Federal law that was passed in the U.S. Senate by a 60-39 margin? If I'm sitting on the Supreme Court and the Attorney General of, say, Pennsylvania (which is one of these 28 states) comes in for oral arguments in the case, my first and only "question" would be: "If you have such a problem with this Federal statute, why don't you take it up with Bob Casey, Arlen Specter and those nine House members in your state who passed the damn thing ... along with the idiots in your state who cast their electoral votes for that jug-eared Kenyan nitwit in 2008?"

TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: abortion; deathpanels; johnroberts; obamacare; vanity; zerocare
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To: bcsco
Go back and read the history of the ObamaCare bill. It was introduced in the House as some kind of community revitalization nonsense by Charlie Rangel in the fall of 2009. The Senate basically gutted it and turned it into ObamaCare. It's not up to the U.S. Supreme Court to chastise the House of Representatives for allowing the Senate to re-write their bills. It's not up to Chief Justice John Roberts to deal with useless, corrupt idiots like Charlie Rangel who get re-elected repeatedly by the quasi-humanoid mutants he calls his constituents.

That's basically what Roberts' majority opinion was all about.

241 posted on 06/29/2012 5:46:06 AM PDT by Alberta's Child ("If you touch my junk, I'm gonna have you arrested.")
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To: CaptainK

And another one can reinstitute it. It is the PRECEDENT that is important. That is what SCOTUS looks at in the future

242 posted on 06/29/2012 5:46:25 AM PDT by Nifster
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To: verga

okay just checking

243 posted on 06/29/2012 5:47:01 AM PDT by Nifster
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To: Alberta's Child
Go back and read the history of the ObamaCare bill. It was introduced in the House as some kind of community revitalization nonsense by Charlie Rangel in the fall of 2009. The Senate basically gutted it and turned it into ObamaCare.

You just confirmed my statement. It wasn't initiated in the House as a funding bill. It became such in the Senate. Critics have ever since recognized its tax implications, but the bill as passed is a Senate concoction.

While I agree that the Court should not have to spoon-feed Congress on their duties, to say that the mandate is constitutional as a tax, when it was inappropriately passed, is a disingenuous and harmful decision.

Now, yes. We have to go forward and use successfully the small gift we've been given. But it would have been far better had this been ruled unconstitutional in the first place. It could have been done, should have been done. But wasn't for the sole reason of protecting the court's "objectivity". Sorry, but that's an insignificant reason on such a momentous occasion.

244 posted on 06/29/2012 6:07:24 AM PDT by bcsco
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To: Alberta's Child

You know that ol saying about catchin more flies with sugar. There is a district in Indianapolis similar to Rangles..(The one where they lost sixty ballot boxes and ended up with more than 100% of the registered voters participating)
Now the grandson is the representative. The state laws have craked down so a reoccurance of the above fiascal can’t be done....BUT the state/local officials are now working with the community to stop the crime, (mostly drug, thugs, and murder) Not saying it will ever vote R, but things at least from a distance seem to be turning around...and there is now a dialogue for further change....Miracles do happen....Keep praying.

It like the child that misbehaves for attention....Only give him attention when he does a behavior you desire and the “bad” behavior disappears.

245 posted on 06/29/2012 6:10:07 AM PDT by hoosiermama ( Obama: " born in Kenya.".. he's lying now or then?)
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To: bcsco; Alberta's Child
Since it was wrongfully labeled and passed in the wrong house, how easy would it be to negate from that point of view. A vote in House? Senate? A lawsuit? by whom?

Do we need to point out the illegal act of mislabeling it so it could be passed in the Senate....just another O-nipulation?

As we work to elect more conservative representation, where do we encourage those already elected to go? (I know, but seriously)

246 posted on 06/29/2012 6:17:21 AM PDT by hoosiermama ( Obama: " born in Kenya.".. he's lying now or then?)
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To: hoosiermama; Alberta's Child
Since it was wrongfully labeled and passed in the wrong house, how easy would it be to negate from that point of view. A vote in House? Senate? A lawsuit? by whom?

Ostensibly, I'd think this the easiest route to go. Eric Cantor has already started proceedings in the House for July, but it would have to pass both houses. I don't see that happening before November with the current Senate. But why rely just on that? A lawsuit in addition to ongoing congressional action, just to spur it on if nothing else, may be worthwhile. By whom? Someone on the right who's prepared, energized, to take such action. Horowitz? Judicial Watch? ?????

Do we need to point out the illegal act of mislabeling it so it could be passed in the Senate....just another O-nipulation?

Absolutely. Not only that, but the illegality of initiating a funding bill in the Senate. Every corrupt aspect of this legislation has to see the light of day.

As we work to elect more conservative representation, where do we encourage those already elected to go?

They're either with us or against the Constitution. The House won't be a problem. The Senate? Moreso a problem (even after November). But if we can make this a mandate come November, I'd hope anyone currently in office, who wants to remain in office come their next election, will heed the tea leaves.

247 posted on 06/29/2012 6:32:07 AM PDT by bcsco
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To: hoosiermama

You know...I have a problem with saying it was wrongfully labeled. It was not wrongfully labeled. The history of this shows/demonstrates in plain view a willful intent to commit ‘fraud’ against the American people.

They(Democrats) denied and denied this as a tax. They manipulated it into the commerce clause etc. Now, the court struck that part down and classified it as a tax. Essentially calling it what it is...bringing a truth to the fraud perpetuated on the American people.

248 posted on 06/29/2012 6:37:14 AM PDT by EBH (Obama took away your American Dreams and replaced them with "Dreams from My (his) Father".)
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To: Alberta's Child

Um, the ruling issued through the pirate Roberts has stamped the bill as now passed and challenged as CONSTITUTIONAL with the previso that the penalty is actually a tax and thus the whole damned monstrosity is constitutional. Sorry, to have to break that to you.

249 posted on 06/29/2012 6:51:19 AM PDT by MHGinTN (Being deceived can be cured.)
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To: EBH; bcsco
Guess I should have put “wrongfully labeled” in quotes. It was IMO an intentional act of fraud, but where do we go for redress?
250 posted on 06/29/2012 6:53:29 AM PDT by hoosiermama ( Obama: " born in Kenya.".. he's lying now or then?)
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To: hoosiermama; EBH

The SC has shown us where we must go; back to Congress. Congress must remedy their own errors. But we can, must, be the impetus. For it to happen (to insure Congress “hears” us), we have to create a mandate. Now, part of that impetus may well be judicial action such as lawsuits. But it has to happen in Congress.

251 posted on 06/29/2012 7:00:35 AM PDT by bcsco
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To: hoosiermama
but where do we go for redress?

Good question...but we need to stop looking around for someone else to go too.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

And oddly enough this is exactly what Roberts told us, isn't it? Wow. Bad law can be constitutional and Roberts told us it is not up to him or the court to 'fix' bad law. That Right belongs to We the People.

The more I read and chat about this ruling...we have a lot of work to do. I think we need to move forward right now and get people registered to vote.

How many FReepers are posters here, but don't vote? We assume they do, but do they? Now is the time for a Tea Party voter registration drive. Somebody was talking about a 'rally' and I said we don't need another rally. We need action.

252 posted on 06/29/2012 7:06:16 AM PDT by EBH (Obama took away your American Dreams and replaced them with "Dreams from My (his) Father".)
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To: hoosiermama
but where do we go for redress?

Good question...but we need to stop looking around for someone else to go too.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

And oddly enough this is exactly what Roberts told us, isn't it? Wow. Bad law can be constitutional and Roberts told us it is not up to him or the court to 'fix' bad law. That Right belongs to We the People.

The more I read and chat about this ruling...we have a lot of work to do. I think we need to move forward right now and get people registered to vote.

How many FReepers are posters here, but don't vote? We assume they do, but do they? Now is the time for a Tea Party voter registration drive. Somebody was talking about a 'rally' and I said we don't need another rally. We need action.

253 posted on 06/29/2012 7:06:29 AM PDT by EBH (Obama took away your American Dreams and replaced them with "Dreams from My (his) Father".)
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To: EBH; bcsco; Alberta's Child
What are the floor rules in each House? Yesterday, when people interviewed kept stating “we have to study the decision” it appeared they were on to something.

If the Constitution says taxes originate in the House and in fact the Senate produced the bill, can they just as a matter of “rules” throw the entire thing out... on a point of order?

254 posted on 06/29/2012 7:07:50 AM PDT by hoosiermama ( Obama: " born in Kenya.".. he's lying now or then?)
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To: hoosiermama

The bill did originate in the House. This has been been hashed and rehashed ad infinitum. Spread the word so that people stop wasting valuable bandwidth with what should be common knowledge by now.

255 posted on 06/29/2012 7:11:08 AM PDT by kevao
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To: kevao

No, it did not. The bill that was in the House had major criminal penalties tied to the mandate. Serious fines and jail time.

This wasn’t a situation where the House sent the bill to the Senate. This was another one of those instances that the Senate Bill went to the House. Backwards. There was not a reconcilation process...everything was behind closed doors.

256 posted on 06/29/2012 7:17:42 AM PDT by EBH (Obama took away your American Dreams and replaced them with "Dreams from My (his) Father".)
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Freepers are involved. It’s their familly, friends, and neighbors that they need the tools to reach out and influence. If not those close to them, then who.

FR mail your way.

257 posted on 06/29/2012 7:21:32 AM PDT by hoosiermama ( Obama: " born in Kenya.".. he's lying now or then?)
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To: kevao; hoosiermama; EBH; Alberta's Child
The bill did originate in the House.

Not so fast...The Affordable Health Care for America Act (or HR 3962)[1] was a bill that was crafted by the United States House of Representatives in November 2009. At the encouragement of the Obama administration, the 111th Congress devoted much of its time to enacting reform of the United States' health care system. Known as the "House bill," it was the House of Representative's chief legislative proposal during the health reform debate, but the Affordable Health Care for America Act as originally drafted never became law.

On December 24, 2009, the Senate passed an alternative health care bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590).

Link: Affordable Health Care for America Act

Sorry, but the original House bill did NOT become law. The bill as passed was actually initiated in the Senate. I recall this from the debates here on FR at the time. It was part of our discussion.

258 posted on 06/29/2012 7:25:13 AM PDT by bcsco
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To: bcsco

SO the reason 0 and Co kept insisting that it wasn’t a tax, was because they knew they could not lawfully start a TAX bill in the Senate. Roberts just trumped their Ace!

259 posted on 06/29/2012 7:33:44 AM PDT by hoosiermama ( Obama: " born in Kenya.".. he's lying now or then?)
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To: hoosiermama

That may be part of the reason, but the last thing Obama wanted, I’m sure, is to trumpet this bill, regardless of origin, as a tax. Now, it’s out in the open for all to see, and understand.

260 posted on 06/29/2012 7:38:18 AM PDT by bcsco
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