Posted on 02/27/2011 2:37:31 PM PST by Jean S
The protesters agreed to leave peacefully so the capitol building could be cleaned. Later, they organized some seminars on "passive resistance". Now they're pouring in the building and refusing to leave unless they're handcuffed.
Watch live on Fox.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Who cares. They’re going to lose. Big Time.
I suggest we send folks in to laugh at their asses when they lose. :)
Contact the Department of Justice
If you would like to contact the Wisconsin Department of Justice by telephone, please call:
If you would like to write to the Wisconsin Department of Justice, please direct all communication to:
Wisconsin Department of Justice
P.O. Box 7857
Madison, WI 53707-7857
Fax: 608-267-2779
The Wisconsin Department of Justice headquarters is located in the Risser Justice Center, 17 West Main Street, in Madison.
If you would like to serve a notice of claim [PDF form] upon the Attorney General under Wis. Stat. 893.82, please direct such claim to:
Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen
114 East State Capitol
Madison, WI 53707-7857
If you mean right now...I'm tired, and I have to get up early for work.
Additonally, as a proponent of the Governor's bill, I'd be a "majority of one"!
It’s my understanding that the legislature passed the bill. Now the Senate needs to vote.
Nor do I need one.
As to your "emotional" state...go back and read your posts. Each and every noun or title is preceeded by a derotatory or emotional adjective.
And that is sad, because you just might be a good writer.
I heard it reported the Tea Party are busy with recall drives for 3 or more of the Fleabag 14 Senators in IL.
True....however, the Senate, by state law, must have a quorum.
And due to the fact that 14 dem/lib/prog/pop senators chose to run away to a neighboring state to hide, the WI Senate cannot take a vote on this bill.
I’m in Nebraska.
Seems like your point is that the Tea Party should be at the capitol. You’ve made your point. Beyond that, your posts seem mostly to be geared toward distracting from what’s going on there and accusing/inflaming the other posters. Why do that?
You’ve said what you think should be happening and have expressed that you are disgusted by the Tea Party, which has been doing more than you’re doing now or that you have mentioned doing. It’s always easy to tell somebody else what they should be doing, but don’t expect a very positive response when you behave that way.
Have you contacted the Tea Party to talk over strategy, or are you just b!tching here?
Here is a question I have not seen asked, where are these derelicts staying while in Illinois and who is footing the bill??? Are taxpayers paying to put them up somewhere?
I assure you that is a fact, and it is not at all emotional. If you say you need all your money (which I'm sure is a larger sum than I have at my disposal) why do you think you can tell conservatives, Republicans, Rinos, Tea Party members, and others how to spend theirs?
Unfortunately, your rants display NO LOGIC and NO REASON. I suggest you change your screen name. While you are at it, drop the flag of Qatar. Note the owner of this site's welcoming announcement:
Welcome to Free Republic! America's exclusive site for God, Family, Country, Life & Liberty constitutional conservative activists!
You are in violation by flying the flag of Qatar and claiming spsurious "rights" for the protestors.
“Will no one speak for us?””
Scott Walker is speaking for us just fine. I do not need to show up at the capitol at this time and confront the people their. My elected officials are actually doing what I voted them into office to do. In a democratic republic we vote for other people to represent us...and my representative is doing just that. Only in a pure democracy (which we do not have) would I need to show up and become part of the “mob” scene.
I have heard they have been in Freeport, in Harvard, and in Chicago. Apparently they are doing various interviews by phone, so they are not hidden in cornfields. I hearda their leader CLAIM they are paying out of their pockets, I highly doubt their pockets won’t be “replenished” by leftist supporters.
I think the State Senators are the ones that are truly responsible for this mess. As long as they stay away, business is not as usual. They are gong to cost the state millions in refinancing losses. I think the protesters are encouraged the longer these 14 Shirkers stay south of the Cheddar Curtain.
Well it looks like the Pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. You seam to be the emotional one considering you are hung up on that comment with so many different posts.
As for the need to post a prior support for the Tea Party. You are right you do not need one and the fact you do not have one only strengthens the case you are very left leaning and are granting the Wisconsin protesters a lot of wiggle room in your prior comments to others, yet questioning Tea Party actions.
But I read one of your other post, so I’ll let you go to bed and get your sleep before you go to work in the AM, Never know considering you are a state worker there in Wisconsin you may actually have an open office for a short time more. Well before a shutdown due to budget crisis...
God Bless
And Good Luck!
They're staying at the Capitol - that's what this whole article and posts are about. Didn't you read any of the posts or article??
Yes, I am aware of this. The Governor needs an end run along the lines of the “ Slaughter rule “ . In the words of Alcee Hastings “ we make the rules here “.
Governor Walker should pass this law by any means at his disposal. Dems always move the goal posts. It’s time for the GOP to take the gloves off. The future of this once great nation hangs in the balance!
We also don't want to seriously damage the capital. I was in it years ago and, although I'm loyal to my Iowa, I'll admit Madison does have a pretty capital building and a lot of nice other things in it that are worth protecting. And, although it has more than its share of rabid leftists, there are also plenty of nice folks there I'd rather not see caught in crossfire. It may take a fair amount of tough love, but most of the populace should salvageable, even in Madison. If that weren't so the left wouldn't need to be busing in extra thugs. The thugs are bullies and bullies can be cowards if faced down firmly enough. They may back down. If they don't they eventually need to be taught that the long standing double standard, under which union violence went un- or under-punished, is over. But first take time to let those, who can be backed down, bail and to sort out the loyalty of your 'own' police, etc.
Meanwhile the contrast between the protesters and Walker is moving public opinion Walker's way so he has no need to rush this. I haven't read much recently about the Wisconsin AG, but he's GOP and won re-election by a wide margin. If Walker needs to act he can hand the ball to the AG.
Why get in the way of the enemy when they are destroying themselves quite nicely without outside help.
Surely there are some MP units in the WI Guard. Those backed up by regular infantry with some armor and Bradleys for intimidation would be a heck of a sight to see.
>>”Police have just announced to the crowds inside the occupied State Capitol of Wisconsin: We have been ordered by the legislature to kick you all out at 4:00 today. But we know whats right from wrong. We will not be kicking anyone out, in fact, we will be sleeping here with you! Unreal.
>Not good. Things like this will lead to lawlessness on a more general level.
Call in the Guard; seal the building and don’t let anyone *out* — THEN see how long it takes for them to change their tune.
*insert maniacal laugh*
They’re saving the Tasers for the tea party.
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