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To: SteveH
Nah, you want something more selective. Our side owns that building and needs to re-occupy it. Getting rid of the dang things would be harder than getting rid of the rats. Back in the 60s protests, which I fear may be matched before the left is defeated, the recommended agent was soap. But I don't think that works as well against union thugs as it did against hippies. I'm not sure what to recommend instead. I hope Walker learned some useful pointers fighting unions the last decade in Milwaukee.

We also don't want to seriously damage the capital. I was in it years ago and, although I'm loyal to my Iowa, I'll admit Madison does have a pretty capital building and a lot of nice other things in it that are worth protecting. And, although it has more than its share of rabid leftists, there are also plenty of nice folks there I'd rather not see caught in crossfire. It may take a fair amount of tough love, but most of the populace should salvageable, even in Madison. If that weren't so the left wouldn't need to be busing in extra thugs. The thugs are bullies and bullies can be cowards if faced down firmly enough. They may back down. If they don't they eventually need to be taught that the long standing double standard, under which union violence went un- or under-punished, is over. But first take time to let those, who can be backed down, bail and to sort out the loyalty of your 'own' police, etc.

Meanwhile the contrast between the protesters and Walker is moving public opinion Walker's way so he has no need to rush this. I haven't read much recently about the Wisconsin AG, but he's GOP and won re-election by a wide margin. If Walker needs to act he can hand the ball to the AG.

276 posted on 02/27/2011 6:26:27 PM PST by JohnBovenmyer (Rat fleas carry plague.)
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To: JohnBovenmyer

Good points, thanks. Hope it ends without physical harm...

287 posted on 02/27/2011 8:42:14 PM PST by SteveH (First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.)
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