If you mean right now...I'm tired, and I have to get up early for work.
Additonally, as a proponent of the Governor's bill, I'd be a "majority of one"!
I’m in Nebraska.
Seems like your point is that the Tea Party should be at the capitol. You’ve made your point. Beyond that, your posts seem mostly to be geared toward distracting from what’s going on there and accusing/inflaming the other posters. Why do that?
You’ve said what you think should be happening and have expressed that you are disgusted by the Tea Party, which has been doing more than you’re doing now or that you have mentioned doing. It’s always easy to tell somebody else what they should be doing, but don’t expect a very positive response when you behave that way.
Have you contacted the Tea Party to talk over strategy, or are you just b!tching here?