Posted on 02/27/2011 2:37:31 PM PST by Jean S
The protesters agreed to leave peacefully so the capitol building could be cleaned. Later, they organized some seminars on "passive resistance". Now they're pouring in the building and refusing to leave unless they're handcuffed.
Watch live on Fox.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Reichstag fire when does this hard work they claim to do ever get done? They’ve been protesting for weeks.
Okay - if they want to sit around and watch us vote them out everywhere GREAT!
Good to read that reply, I worry(from the state of Florida) that the protesters and their ilk may win this battle after all, hope not, but still......keep up the fight Gov Walker and Co. plus Jean S and all the Freepers in Wisconsin!
Woodstock followed publication of that murderous fraud, "Silent Spring," but preceded Nixon caving in response to it, creating the EPA and banning DDT. At Woodstock the pesticides still had the bedbugs on the run.
It is too late to worry about what some talking heads/reporters will say or think at this point. The Capitol building needs to be cleared and should have been cleared days or weeks ago. If the cops refuse to evict the protesters from the capitol building, then he needs to call up the National Guard and order them to do it. Then he needs to fire the police who refuse to obey his orders.
If the Governor is worried about what the News reporters/anchors will say, think or report, then he needs to surrender to the protesters/agitators.
The FBI tried that in the 60’s.
Well then, the threat of using bedbugs should be that much more effective at Madison, lol.
And yes...I would have expected those who support the Governor of WI and conservative principles (at least one of these should be the Tea Party-ers) to have shown up on a consistent basis.
No such fortitude, sorry to say.
Hot shot cattle prods, bayonets, then entrenching shovels, finally buckshot! They will move!
[Good to read that reply, I worry(from the state of Florida) that the protesters and their ilk may win this battle after all, hope not, but still]
How? There is no money. What’s Walker going to do, do a flip-flop because of a union hissy fit, and raises taxes to close the budget gap? It is either the bill passes or massive lay-offs. Even then, the bill will eventually be passed unless the Democrats deny a quorom until the next election and are then able to retake the Senate. Can the stay even operate past June 30 unless a budget is passed? Are the Rats going to shutdown the state government?
No way the Democrats are going to win one this. Even if they win the PR game, they will still lose.
Although tempted to agree with you, I think the wiser choice in this particular case is to let the idiots just wear out their welcome until even they realize it's time to go home in humiliation. Let them feel how utterly futile their efforts are and how profoundly unsupported their views are.
That would send a message to every other socialist union scum in the country. You are irrelevant to the American people's prosperity. Get lost.
If no republican/rino/conservative/teapartyer will show their face....what does it tell the nation, the state of WI, and the locals?
"Will no one speak for us?"
I live less than 60 minutes from Madison and have been paying very close attention to this issue. Where do you live?
Great points made there!
Tea Party and their friends have JOBS to tend to. Nobody pays our way unless we work.
There fact....a counter political statement to be made regarding this issue. But there is no one in sight to make it, there are no republican/rino/conservative/teapartyers to be seen or heard.
For shame.
Yes ... power and water off. Allow nobody in. Ever. Not ever.
They’ll come out.
One rino has already changed his vote, they are hoping to scare a couple of more to change.
As I said...emotional and totally specious arguements.
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