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Richard Dawkins's Jewish Problem
beliefnet ^
| September 29, 2009
| David Klinghoffer
Posted on 09/30/2009 11:46:34 AM PDT by GodGunsGuts
The Anti-Defamation League, the country's leading group dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism, is rightly sensitive to the offense of trivializing the Holocaust. Why, then, has the ADL said nothing in protest against the Darwinian biologist and bestselling atheist author Richard Dawkins and his comparison of Darwin doubters to Holocaust deniers?...
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To: GodGunsGuts
Not to mention the fact that Islamic creationists, who identify themselves as such, tend to denounce terrorism carried out in the name of Islam That is true. I've had a little bit of interaction with the Islamic creation movement, and they are definitely of a different mold than the terrorists. They have been quite peacable and reasonable in attempting to persuade by reasoned arguments without any heavy-handedness. That much has been refreshing and hopeful, at least.
posted on
10/01/2009 9:26:53 AM PDT
(Democrats are not in control. God is. And Thank God for that!)
To: rom
Please name some, speaking of “blood libel” statements...
[sound of crickets]
posted on
10/01/2009 9:37:03 AM PDT
(The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. - H. L. Mencken)
To: Admin Moderator
There are some who stated that their purpose in being here is to disrupt the discussions in any way they can. What do the rest of us do? Lean on the abuse button? Leave the thread? I don't have any interest in a tit-for-tat eye gouging contest however much the disagreement is.
posted on
10/01/2009 9:38:22 AM PDT
(You don't have be brilliant, not being stupid is enough.)
To: count-your-change
If you see anything that gets over the top, just mash the abuse button and we’ll look into it.
To: Admin Moderator
I won’t take that as an invitation to test your patience, thanks!
posted on
10/01/2009 9:45:04 AM PDT
(You don't have be brilliant, not being stupid is enough.)
To: xcamel
So that’s what the sound of crickets looks like!
Come now, you know who the Communists and Marxists are. And please, we know very well that their hatred of religion (the opiate of the masses) went part and parcel with their ability to inhumanely kill millions.
Do all atheists think human life is disposable? By no means. But then again, most Christians do not decapitate and kill in the name of Christ so your idea of pulling out the Catholic Church’s centuries old Crusades is even more pointless.
posted on
10/01/2009 9:50:03 AM PDT
(Israel got Saul before they got David. Where's our David?)
To: Admin Moderator
To what post are you referring?
posted on
10/01/2009 9:52:21 AM PDT
Buck W.
(The President of the United States IS named Schickelgruber...)
To: GodGunsGuts
“Down with DC/LGF liberals!”
Yeah! Let me know when you find ‘em!
posted on
10/01/2009 9:56:46 AM PDT
Buck W.
(The President of the United States IS named Schickelgruber...)
To: count-your-change; Admin Moderator
“There are some who stated that their purpose in being here is to disrupt the discussions in any way they can.”
posted on
10/01/2009 9:57:55 AM PDT
Buck W.
(The President of the United States IS named Schickelgruber...)
To: Buck W.
The double standard on the level of “postable nastiness” is incredible.
posted on
10/01/2009 10:16:23 AM PDT
(The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. - H. L. Mencken)
To: Buck W.
I’ve no time for your nonsense. I’ve told you that before and that will be my response in the future.
posted on
10/01/2009 10:53:09 AM PDT
(You don't have be brilliant, not being stupid is enough.)
To: count-your-change; Buck W.
"I’ve no time for your nonsense. I’ve told you that before and that will be my response in the future." Translation:
Wild accusations and insults is what I do. Deal with it.
posted on
10/01/2009 11:17:52 AM PDT
(The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. - H. L. Mencken)
To: count-your-change
“Ive no time for your nonsense. Ive told you that before and that will be my response in the future.”
This is an interesting post. You have used the contraction “I’ve” for “I have” twice: once with “have” as an auxiliary verb, and once with “have” as a main verb. I am somewhat dubious of the latter use, as it tends to be found in more poetic or lyrical passages, but by all means go for the former!
Contract the auxiliary, that’s what I always say!
posted on
10/01/2009 11:26:59 AM PDT
Buck W.
(The President of the United States IS named Schickelgruber...)
To: xcamel
no translation needed, simple English. deal with it...or not....who cares...
posted on
10/01/2009 11:30:19 AM PDT
(You don't have be brilliant, not being stupid is enough.)
To: Buck W.
posted on
10/01/2009 11:32:48 AM PDT
(You don't have be brilliant, not being stupid is enough.)
To: GodGunsGuts
Hey, we’ve leanred from Jewish Alna Grayson that the Holocaust was no more than not enough FREE HEALTH CARE!!
posted on
10/01/2009 11:34:56 AM PDT
Ann Archy
(Abortion....the Human Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
To: xcamel
One word: Crusades.”
You obviously know NOTHING about the Crusades.
To: ConservativeDude
You obviously know NOTHING.
there, fixed it.
posted on
10/01/2009 1:22:07 PM PDT
(The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. - H. L. Mencken)
To: GodGunsGuts
There are Satanists who worship a literal Satan, and there are Satanists who worship what Satan stands for. Both are Satanic, and both are equally evil. One of my friends back in college tried to convert an atheistic Satanist over to objectivist atheism. This student was part of a Satanic ring on campus, which included several professors. The student told my friend that the atheistic Satanists identify with Satan, and are expected to spend the rest of their lives turning Judeo-Christian morality on its head. This same atheistic Satanist recounted how one of his Satanic professors used to tell him how he hated humanity and his own birth, and used to visualize all his students sitting in front of him as dead mens bones. BTW, my friend ultimately became a theist as a result of his research in epigenetics! Im not sure what ultimately happened to the Satanist, but it certainly was an eye-opener. But thanks for bringing it up, for your reply has reminded me to pray for that poor sinners sould. I understand exactly where you're coming from - people don't understand how widespread the Satanist movement is in "intellectual" circles. I've known of several college professors myself I who suspect are knee-deep in the Satan-worshiping movement.
Thank God there are good Christians who fight against this decadent nonsense.
posted on
10/01/2009 2:36:49 PM PDT
(Good science regarding the Earth's past only reveals what Christians have known for centuries!)
To: GodGunsGuts
Because Abe Foxman the head of ADL is a marxist twit.
posted on
10/01/2009 3:24:21 PM PDT
(Be prepared for tough times. FReepmail me to learn about our survival thread!)
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