We'll all be killed !!
1 posted on
08/12/2008 7:04:56 AM PDT by
Col. Bob
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To: Col. Bob
2 posted on
08/12/2008 7:07:27 AM PDT by
Joe Brower
(Sheep have three speeds: "graze", "stampede" and "cower".)
To: Col. Bob
All the world's coastal plains would be lost, complete with ports, cities, transport and industrial infrastructure, and much of the world's most productive farmland. There would be new coast plains, new ports, new cities and new everything else. Why do these whackos assume people will just sit still and drown in their beach houses?..................
3 posted on
08/12/2008 7:07:38 AM PDT by
Red Badger
(All that carbon in all that oil and coal was once in the atmosphere. We're just putting it back.....)
To: Col. Bob
4 posted on
08/12/2008 7:07:45 AM PDT by
(Should we really elect a man that would not be allowed to be an airport baggage screener?)
To: Col. Bob
Well that's the last straw. I'm just throwing my hands up and surrendering! Let's see, do I prefer to roast to death or drown in a catastrophic flood??????? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
6 posted on
08/12/2008 7:09:04 AM PDT by
Doc Savage
("Are you saying Jesus can't hit a curve ball? - Harris to Cerrano - Major League)
To: Col. Bob
At least my habaneros will grow better.
7 posted on
08/12/2008 7:09:07 AM PDT by
Artemis Webb
To: Col. Bob
Scary stuff if it wasn’t so utterly full of crapola.
8 posted on
08/12/2008 7:09:31 AM PDT by
Always Right
(Obama: more arrogant than Bill Clinton, more naive than Jimmy Carter, and more liberal than LBJ.)
To: Col. Bob
WOW! That's really scary!
It makes me glad that so much evidence shows that we're entering a Global Cooling cycle.
9 posted on
08/12/2008 7:09:43 AM PDT by
(Et si omnes ego non)
To: Col. Bob
Oh, the horrors!
Ain’t gonna happen.
10 posted on
08/12/2008 7:09:44 AM PDT by
(Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ. St. Jerome)
To: Col. Bob
where is all this global warming I’ve been led to believe is destroying the planet? It’s in the 60’s today in the great state of Maine, our summer has been one rain and cold filled mess. I say a day to promote global warming is needed.
To: Col. Bob
Meanwhile, experts tell us that the global temperature hasn't risen for the past 11 years and isn't expected to rise for at least the next 7 years, despite a constant rate of increase of the amount of CO2 being produced throughout the world. Their explanation?
Global warming is on a "hiatus"...
To: Col. Bob
Exterminating all the libs will cut the carbon loading. Maybe they can be convinced to sacrifice themselves... after all, it’s for the children.
13 posted on
08/12/2008 7:10:27 AM PDT by
To: Col. Bob
On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction. There's no 'adaptation' to such steep warming. We must stop pandering to special interests, and try a new, post-Kyoto strategy. We need to get prepared for four degrees of global warming, Bob Watson told the Guardian last week.Which one is it, Bob? Are you asking us to prepare for extinction? Seems like that's all you're asking us to do. I bet, when you say 'prepare', you mean send wheelbarrows full of money to your research institute.
14 posted on
08/12/2008 7:10:50 AM PDT by
(Bacon Akbar!)
To: Col. Bob
Hide the women and children!
15 posted on
08/12/2008 7:11:11 AM PDT by
Liberal Bob
To: Col. Bob
Maybe the dems can pass legislation requireing all citizens of the world to crank up their air conditioners and open all the door and windows......
16 posted on
08/12/2008 7:11:37 AM PDT by
(see me play the guitar here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noHy7Cuoucc)
To: Col. Bob
So, all those who believe this just extinct yourselves, please!
17 posted on
08/12/2008 7:12:40 AM PDT by
Izzy Dunne
(Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help me spread by copying me into YOUR tag line.)
To: Col. Bob
80 meters? Where is all that ice hiding?.
21 posted on
08/12/2008 7:15:02 AM PDT by
(B.Hussein Keep the change!)
To: Col. Bob
Guardian alert! Guardian alert! Please move to the BS shelters and don your anti-marxist masks. The danger will pass as soon as the ill-educated attention deficit journalists turn their attention to the next fad.
To: Col. Bob
The Earth is cooling not warming as the link and passage below show. The liberal mainstream media has brainwashed 80% of the people into thinking the planet is getting warmer when it is really getting colder and will continue to cool:
“He also noted that the world cooled quickly between January last year and January this year, by about 0.7C.
“This is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record, and it puts us back to where we were in 1930,” Dr Chapman noted in The Australian recently.”
24 posted on
08/12/2008 7:18:13 AM PDT by
(socialism doesn't work. Government is the problem not the solution to our problems.)
To: Col. Bob
Aaaah! We are all going to die!!!
In less than 120 years, every man, woman and child now living on Earth will be dead!
Woman and minorities will be hardest hit.
It is all Bush's fault. Bush and those damned SUVs.
25 posted on
08/12/2008 7:20:24 AM PDT by
(DNC = Do Nothing Congress)
To: Col. Bob
It's -15
oC in the Artic during the summer. If it gets 4
oC warmer, it's still -11
The ice caps aren't going anywhere...
People like this are why we need to find a way to make stupidity terminal.
26 posted on
08/12/2008 7:22:59 AM PDT by
Dead Corpse
(What would a free man do?)
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