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The FReeper Foxhole Profiles William Tecumseh Sherman - Mar. 29th, 2003 ^
Posted on 03/28/2003 11:59:50 PM PST by SAMWolf

Dear Lord,
There's a young man far from home, called to serve his nation in time of war; sent to defend our freedom on some distant foreign shore.
We pray You keep him safe, we pray You keep him strong, we pray You send him safely home ... for he's been away so long.
There's a young woman far from home, serving her nation with pride. Her step is strong, her step is sure, there is courage in every stride. We pray You keep her safe, we pray You keep her strong, we pray You send her safely home ... for she's been away too long.
Bless those who await their safe return. Bless those who mourn the lost. Bless those who serve this country well, no matter what the cost.
Author Unknown
FReepers from the USO Canteen, The Foxhole, and The Poetry Branch join in prayer for all those serving their country at this time.
................................................................................................................................. |
U.S. Military History, Current Events and Veterans Issues
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William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891)
He never commanded in a major Union victory and his military career had repeated ups and downs, but William T. Sherman is the second best known of Northern commanders. Born on February 8, 1820 in Lancaster, Ohio. His father died when he was nine years old. Widowed and unable to care for the entire family, his mother sent his brother Thomas to be raised by an aunt and William became a foster child to Thomas Ewing, his father's friend. Cump, as he was known, later married Mr. Ewing's daughter, Ellen. Through the influence of his patron, he obtained an appointment to West Point. Only five cadets of the class of 1840 graduated ahead of him, and he was appointed to the artillery. He received a brevet for his services in California during the Mexican War but resigned in 1853 as a captain and commissary officer.
The years until the Civil War were not filled with success. Living in California and Kansas, he failed in banking and the law. In 1859 he seemed to have found his niche as the superintendent of a military academy which is now Louisiana State University. However, he resigned this post upon the secession of the state and went to St. Louis as head of a streetcar company and then volunteered for the Union army.
His assignments included:
- Colonel, 13th Infantry (May 14, 1861)
- Commanding 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Army of Northeastern Virginia June-August 17, 1861)
- Brigadier General, USV (August 7, 186 1, to rank from May 17)
- Commanding brigade, Division of the Potomac (August 17-28, 1861)
- Second-in-Command, Department of the Cumberland (August 28 - October 8, 1861)
- Commanding the Department (October 8 - November 9, 1861)
- Commanding District of Cairo, Department of the Missouri (February 14 - March 1, 1862)
- Commanding 5th Division, Army of the Tennessee (March 1 - July 21, 1862)
- Major General, USV (May 1, 1862)
- Commanding 5th Division, District of Memphis, Army of the Tennessee July 21 - September 24, 1862)
- Commanding lst Division, District of Memphis, Army of the Tennessee (September 24-October 26, 1862)
- also Commanding the District July 21 - October 26, 1862)
- Commanding District of Memphis, 13th Corps, Army of the Tennessee (October 24 - November 25, 1862)
- Commanding Yazoo Expedition, Army of the Tennessee (December 18, 1862 January 4, 1863)
- Commanding 2nd Corps, Army of the Mississippi January 4-12, 1863)
- Commanding 15th Corps, Army of the Tennessee January 12 - October 29, 1863)
- Brigadier General, USA July 4, 1863)
- Commanding Army and Department of the Tennessee (October 24, 1863 - March 26, 1864)
- Commanding Military Division of the Mississippi (March 18, 1864 - June 27, 1865)
- Major General, USA (August 12, 1864)
- Lieutenant General, USA July 25, 1866)
- General, USA (March 4, 1869)
- Commander-in-Chief, USA (March 8, 1869-November 1, 1883)
Appointed to the colonelcy of one of the regular army's newly authorized infantry regiments, he led the brigade of volunteers of the lst Division which crossed Bull Run to aid the 2nd and 3rd divisions after the attack on the enemy left had begun. Despite being caught up in the route-he already had a low opinion of volunteers-he was named a brigadier general the next month. Briefly commanding a brigade around Washington, he was then sent to Kentucky as deputy to Robert Anderson. He soon succeeded the hero of Fort Sumter in command of the department but got into trouble over his overestimates of the enemy strength. The newspapers actually reported him as being insane.
Removed from command, he was given another chance by his friend Henry W. Halleck in Missouri. But again, while inspecting troops in the central part of the state, he allowed his overactive imagination to run away with him. During the campaign against Forts Henry and Donelson he was stationed at Paducah, Kentucky and charged with forwarding reinforcements to Grant. Forming a good working relationship with the future commander-in-chief, Sherman offered to waive his seniority rights and take a command under him.
Commanding a division, he was largely responsible for the poor state of preparedness at Shiloh but redeemed himself during the defensive fighting of the first day and was wounded. The next day his command played only a minor role. Praised by Grant, he was soon made a major general of volunteers. He was instrumental in persuading Grant to remain in the army during his difficulties with Halleck during the advance on Corinth, Mississippi.
During the early operations against Vicksburg he ordered a doomed assault at Chickasaw Bluffs and a few days later was superseded by John A. McCiernand who accepted Sherman's proposal to attack Arkansas Post. Grant initially criticized this movement as unnecessary but declared it an important achievement when it succeeded and he learned that Sherman had suggested it. Sherman's corps did little fighting in the advance on Vicksburg in May until the disastrous assaults were made.
Following the fall of the river city he was named a brigadier general in the regular army and led an expedition against Jackson. That fall he went to the relief of Chattanooga where he failed to achieve his objectives in the assault against Tunnel Hill at the end of Missionary Ridge. Nonetheless, he was highly praised by Grant who then sent him to relieve the pressure on Burnside at Knoxville, Back in Mississippi, he led the Meridian expedition and then succeeded Grant in overall command in the West, Facing Joseph E. Johnston's army, he forced it all the way back to Atlanta where the Confederate was replaced by John B. Hood who launched three disastrous attacks against the Union troops near the city. Eventually taking possession of Atlanta, Sherman ordered the population evacuated and the military value of the city destroyed. Sending George H. Thomas back to Middle Tennessee to deal with Hood, he embarked on his March to the Sea.
 Sherman and his son Thomas, San Francisco, 1865
Taking Savannah, he announced the city as a Christmas gift to the president and the country. Marching north to aid Grant in the final drive against Richmond, he drove through the Carolinas and accepted Johnston's surrender at Durham Station. His terms were considered too liberal and touching upon political matters and they were disapproved by Secretary of War Stanton. This led to a long-running feud between the two. Terms were finally arranged on the basis of the Appomattox surrender.
During the last two campaigns Sherman had earned a reputation for destruction and for the lack of discipline of his troops-his marauding stragglers being known as "Sherman's bummers." Especially resented by Southerners was the burning of Columbia, South Carolina. But there are indications that the fires had spread from cotton set ablaze by the retreating Confederates under Wade Hampton.
On August 12, 1864, Sherman had been promoted to major general in the regular army, and he vacated his volunteer commission. Also, he was the only man to twice receive the Thanks of Congress during the Civil War-first for Chattanooga and second for Atlanta and Savannah. After the war he remained in the service, and was promoted to full general, replacing Grant as commander-in-chief. One of his most important contributions after the war, was the establishment of the Command School at Ft. Leavenworth. He retire from the Army on February 8, 1884.He was noted for his absolute refusal to be drawn into politics. In 1886 he made his home in New York City, where he died on February 14, 1891. He is buried in Calvary Cemetery, St. Louis.
KEYWORDS: biography; civilwar; freeperfoxhole; marchtothesea; sherman; shermansmarch; veterans; warbetweenstates
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To: MistyCA; AntiJen; Victoria Delsoul; SassyMom; bentfeather; GatorGirl; radu; souris; SpookBrat; ...
Orders issued by William Sherman before his March to the Sea
(9th November, 1864)
The army will forage liberally on the country during the march. To this end, each brigade commander will organize a good and sufficient foraging party, under the command of one or more discreet officers, who will gather, near the route traveled, corn or forage of any kind, meat of any kind, vegetables, corn-meal, or whatever is needed by the command, aiming at all times to keep in the wagons at least ten days' provisions for his command, aiming at all times to keep in the wagons at least ten days' provisions for his command, and three days' forage. Soldiers must not enter the dwellings they may be permitted to gather turnips, potatoes, and other vegetables, and to drive in stock in sight of their camp.
To corps commanders alone is entrusted the power to destroy mills, houses, cotton-gins, etc.; and for them the general principle is laid down: In districts and neighborhoods where the army is unmolested, no destruction of such property should be permitted; but should guerrillas or bush-whackers molest our march, or should the inhabitants burn bridges, obstruct roads, or otherwise manifest local hostility, then army commanders should order and enforce a devastation more or less relentless, according to the measure of such hostility. As for horses, mules, wagons, etc., belonging to the inhabitants, the cavalry and artillery may appropriate freely and without limit; discriminating, however, between the rich, who are usually hostile, and the poor and industrious, usually neutral or friendly.
posted on
03/29/2003 12:01:24 AM PST
(Time for Bush and Rumsfeld to open another Front - on the Press Corps)
To: All
'War is hell.' -- William Sherman
'Hold the fort, I am coming. WT Sherman.' -- William Sherman October, 1864, a strategic position at Altoona Pass was being held by General Corse of Illinois. The Union Garrison was outnumbered and surrounded, and the Confederate General French summoned the Yankees to surrender. When Corse refused, fierce fighting ensued, and he was forced to the crest of the hill. The situation seemed hopeless, until a Union officer caught sight of a signal flag across the valley atop Kenesaw Mountain. The signal was answered, and soon the message was waved from mountain to mountain. Cheers went up and, under murderous fire, the position was held. Within three hours, Sherman's advanced guard had forced the Confederates to retreat. |
posted on
03/29/2003 12:01:51 AM PST
(Time for Bush and Rumsfeld to open another Front - on the Press Corps)
To: All
The State of the Union is Strong!
Support the Commander in Chief
Click Here to Send a Message to the opposition!
posted on
03/29/2003 12:02:21 AM PST
(Time for Bush and Rumsfeld to open another Front - on the Press Corps)
To: All
posted on
03/29/2003 12:02:57 AM PST
(Time for Bush and Rumsfeld to open another Front - on the Press Corps)
To: All
Good Morning Everybody.
Chow time!
NG's and ER's to the front of the line.
posted on
03/29/2003 12:03:19 AM PST
(Time for Bush and Rumsfeld to open another Front - on the Press Corps)
To: Michael121; cherry_bomb88; SCDogPapa; Mystix; GulfWar1Vet; armymarinemom; PatriotHewett; ...
FALL IN to the FReeper Foxhole!
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posted on
03/29/2003 12:51:13 AM PST
(Support our Troops * Stand up to Terrorists * Liberate Iraq)
To: SAMWolf

click the photo to see the full Victory Series
photos appear about 1.25 screens down the page
To: SAMWolf
If I were a commanding general I would not tolerate any of the tribe within my army lines. Some advice is simply timeless! ;-)
To: SAMWolf
Wow, his house is about 20 miles from me, my wife and I stopped in there a year back. Pretty fascinating to see!
posted on
03/29/2003 1:27:47 AM PST
( -- Shepherd Of Salisbury Plain is online, more to come! (my website))
To: SAMWolf; AntiJen
posted on
03/29/2003 1:51:10 AM PST
To: SAMWolf
I read in one history that Sherman was the founder of Louisiana State University, but here it says he was at only its head for a while. I guess that is why is good to read different histories -- a better chance of getting a sense of the truth.
I've always been an admirer of Sherman because he along with Grant knew that the kindest, most humane thing to do was to fight that war full-out, to get it over with. And also because he was insistent after the war that the South not be punished. Sherman thought we'd all, North and South, been punished enough.
posted on
03/29/2003 2:01:13 AM PST
(Playing possum doesn't work against nukes.)
To: ppaul
posted on
03/29/2003 2:04:50 AM PST
(Playing possum doesn't work against nukes.)
To: WaterDragon
Thanks for that link.
posted on
03/29/2003 2:18:48 AM PST
To: AntiJen
posted on
03/29/2003 3:27:05 AM PST
To: SAMWolf
"War is at best barbarism...Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a short nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for more blood, more vengence, more desolation. War is hell" -- William T. Sherman
To: AntiJen
posted on
03/29/2003 4:30:34 AM PST
To: SAMWolf

Today's classic warship, USS General Sherman (Tinclad 60)
General Sherman class gunboat
Displacement. 187 t.
Lenght. 168'
Beam. 26'
Draft. 4'6"
Armament. 2 20-pdr; 3 24-pdr.
General Sherman was one of four light wooden gunboats built at Chattanooga, Tenn., for the War Department in 1864. She commissioned at Bridgeport, Ala., 27 July 1864, Acting Master Joseph W. Morehead in command.
General Sherman was assigned to the 11th District, Mississippi Squadron, and became part of Lt. Moreau Forrest's gunboat fleet on the upper Tennessee River. Leaving Bridgeport 22 August, she patrolled with other gunboats between Decatur, Ala., and Mussel Shoals, controlling guerrilla attacks and working to prevent major elements of Confederate General Hood's army from crossing the river into Tennessee. General Sherman continued to patrol until she returned to Bridgeport for repairs 17 December.
Returning to the upper Tennessee River, General Sherman lent vital artillery support to the forces of General Steedman at Decatur, 27 December, shelling Confederate emplacements as Union troops crossed the river. She again patrolled the river, attempting to cut off the withdrawal of Hood's army from Tennessee and convoying Union supply ships, until the war ended. She was returned to the Army Quartermaster Department at Chattanooga, Tenn., 3 June 1865.
posted on
03/29/2003 4:42:18 AM PST
To: SAMWolf
Oh Sam Sam Sam! You DO realise that anytime soon the neo-confederates will show up and explain to us why uncle Billy is A. Hitler, Attila the hun rolled into one. :-)
Short story. I recall reading that there was a man who owned a large piece of land in Va. who made it a term of his willl that his heirs could not sell the land to anyone named Sherman...first or last name. And this was fairly recent.
"Grant stood by me when I was crazy..I stood by him when he was drunk. And now we stand by each other."
W.T. Sherman
posted on
03/29/2003 4:56:15 AM PST
(Age and deceit beat youth and skill)
To: SAMWolf
On this Day In History
Birthdates which occurred on March 29:
1484 Johann Spangenberg composer
1519 Carlo Caraffa Italian cardinal
1561 Santorio Sanctorius Trieste Italy, physician/burned at stake/heretic
1602 John Lightfoot English theologist/literary (Horae Hebraicae)
1616 Johann Erasmus Kindermann composer
1636 Esaias Reusner composer
1725 Joseph Franz Xaver Dominik Stalder composer
1752 Edward Jones composer
1790 John Tyler Charles County VA, (D/W) 10th President (1841-1845)
1799 Edward Stanley Earl Derby (C), British Prime Minister (1852, 1858-59, 1866-68)
1813 John Letcher Governor (Confederacy), died in 1884
1816 James Gallant Spears Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1869
1817 Constantine S Aksakov Russian historian/poet
1819 Edwin Drake drilled 1st productive US oil well
1819 Isaac Mayer Wise rabbi, founded American Hebrew Congregations
1821 Joshua Thomas Owen Brigadier General (Union volunteers), died in 1887
1822 Joseph Quinaux Belgian painter
1826 Wilhelm Liebknecht German MP (social-democratic)
1829 Ritta & Christina Siamese twins, in Sardinia
1829 Robert Emmet Rodes Major General (Confederate Army), died in 1864
1831 Amelia Barr writer
1848 Aleksei Kuropatkin Russian General/minister of War
1867 Cy [Denton True] Young Gilmore OH, winningest pitcher (511 wins, 1890-1911)
1869 Ales Hrdlicka US, anthropologist/curator (US National Museum)
1869 Edwin Lutyens architect, London
1871 Tom Hayward cricketer (great England batsman of the Golden Age)
1875 Lou Henry Hoover 1st lady-Herbert Hoover (1929-33)
1875 Paul Rubens composer
1876 Jan Ingenhoven composer
1876 Joseph Schmidlin German church historian/antifascist
1883 Donald Dexter Van Slyke US chemist (Micromanometric analysis)
1886 Gustaf Adolf Tiburtius Bengtsson composer
1888 Adrianus M de Jong Dutch writer (World Tour of Bulletje & Bonestaak)
1888 James E Casey founder (United Parcel Service)
1889 Howard Lindsay Waterford NY, playwright/actor/director (State of Union)
1889 Warner Baxter Columbus OH, actor (In Old Arizona, Cisco Kid)
1891 Ivan Goll writer
1892 József Mindszenty [Joseph Prehm], Hungarian cardinal
1895 Ernest Jünger German philosopher (Anschwellender Bocksgesang)
1898 Cecil Lewis airman/writer
19-- Brenda Brock Beaumont TX, actress (Brenda-One Life to Live)
1901 Frans U Kailas Finnish poet
1902 Marcel Aymé French writer (Jument Verte)
1902 Onslow Stevens Los Angeles CA, actor (Mr Fisher-This is the Life)
1902 Sir William Walton Oldham Lancashire England, composer (Troilus & Cressida, Wise Virgins)
1905 Annunzio Mantovani Venice Italy, orchestra leader (Mantovani)
1906 E Power Biggs Westcliff-on-Sea England, organist/composer (CBS)
1908 Arthur O'Connell New York NY, actor (Mr Peepers, Second Hundred Years)
1908 Dennis O'Keefe Fort Madison IA, actor/director (T-Men, Fighting Seabees)
1909 Moon Mullican hillbilly pianist (7 Nights of Rock)
1909 Yvonne Waegemans Flemish writer (Gnome Patjoepelke)
1911 Philip Ahn Los Angeles CA, actor (Master Kan-Kung Fu)
1913 Jack Jones British trade unionist (CH)
1913 Niall MacGinnis Dublin Ireland, actor (Curse of the Demon)
1913 Phil Foster Brooklyn NY, comedian (Frank De Fazio-Laverne & Shirley)
1914 Chapman Pincher British journalist/author (about secret service)
1915 George Chisholm Scottish jazz trombonist
1916 Eugene J McCarthy Watkins MN, (Senator-Democrat-MN, Presidential candidate 1968)
1916 John Paul Governor-General (Bahamas)
1917 Arthur Knight CEO (Courtaulds)
1917 Man O'War racehorse (winner of 20 out of 21 races & $249,465)
1918 John Read CEO (TSB Group)
1918 Pearl Bailey Newport News VA, singer (Hello Dolly)
1918 Sam Walton billionaire CEO (Wal-Mart)
1919 Eileen Heckart Columbus OH, actress (Doll's House, Trauma Center)
1921 Hugh Neill Lord-Lieutenant (South Yorkshire)
1921 Sam Loxton cricketer (flamboyant Australian batsman of late 40's)
1923 Julia Montgomery Walsh political consultant/writer
1924 Jules de Corte blind Dutch ballad singer
1925 Emlen Tunnell NFL safety (Giants, Packers)
1925 Lord Justice Beldam
1927 Arthur Ravenel Jr (Representative-Republican-SC)
1927 John McLaughlin TV commentator (McLaughlin Group)
1927 John Vane FRS/pharmacologist
1927 Lord Ross
1928 Vaclav Felix composer
1929 Robert E Rodes led Jackson's flank at Chancellorsville, Major General
1929 Ronald Clive Williams actor/comedian
1929 Sheila Kitzinger author, anthropologist & child birth educator
1930 Donny Conn rocker (Playmates)
1930 G R Sunderam cricket pace bowler (2 Tests India vs New Zealand 1955-56)
1930 Hugh Edward Conway Seymour marquis of Hertford
1930 Marquess of Hertford
1931 Evelyn de Rothschild English banker/multi-millionaire
1931 James Weatherhead moderator (General Assembly of Church of Scotland)
1931 Lord Tebbit British CH
1931 Sylvia Law British town planner
1934 Ernstalbrecht Stiebler composer
1935 Ruby Murray Irish pop singer (Softly Softly)
1936 Richard Rodney Bennett Broadstairs Kent England, composer
1937 Anne Stoddart diplomat
1937 Billy Carter Plains GA, brother of President Carter
1938 Bert de Vries Dutch minister of Social Affairs (CDA)
1938 Margaret Howard British broadcaster
1939 Hanumant Singh cricketer (14 Tests for India-century on debut)
1939 Nancy Kwan Hong Kong, actress (Flower Drum Song, Night Creature)
1940 Raymond Davis US rock vocalist (Funkadelic-Knee Deep)
1941 Terence Hill Venice Italy, actor (Super Fuzz, They Call Me Trinity)
1942 Larry Pressler (Senator-Republican-SD, 1979- )
1943 Eric Idle South Shields Durham England, comedian/actor (Monty Python)
1943 John Major British Prime Minister (C, 1990-97)
1943 Vangelis [Evangelos Papathanassiou] Valos Greece, composer/keyboardist (Chariots of Fire)
1944 Denny McLain Detroit Tiger pitcher (1968 American League MVP/Cy Young/31 wins)
1944 James Diggle FBA, classicist
1944 John Suchet British TV journalist (Independent TV News)
1945 Julie Goodyear British actress (Bet Lynch-Coronation Street)
1945 Walt "Clyde" Frazier NBA guard (New York Knicks)
1945 Willem Ruis Dutch TV host (Willem Ruis Show)
1946 Bruce Weber director (Broken Noses)
1946 Ronald Farrow radio producer/priest
1947 Aleksandr Stepenovich Viktorenko cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-3, 8, 14, 20)
1947 Bobby Kimball [Robert Toteaux] Vinton LA, rocker (Toto-Roseanna. Africa)
1947 Peter Hinchcliffe co-founder (Iceland Frozen Foods)
1948 Bud Cort New Rochelle NY, actor/director (Harold and Maude, Brewster McCloud, MASH)
1949 Michael Brecker jazz musician (The Brecker Brothers)
1949 Uton Dowe cricketer (West Indies pace bowler 1972-73 "Dowe shall not bowl")
1951 Barry Goudreau rocker
1951 Geoff Howarth cricketer (New Zealand captain early 80's)
1952 Teofilo Stevenson Cuba, heavyweight boxer (Olympics-gold-1972, 76, 80)
1954 Karen Anne Quinlan Scranton PA, famous comatose patient (right to die case)
1955 Christopher Lawford actor (Charlie Brent-All My Children)
1955 Dianne Kay Phoenix AZ, actress (Nancy-8 is Enough, Reggie, Glitter)
1955 Earl Campbell NFL running back (Houston, New Orleans, 1977 Heisman)
1955 Henry Bellingham MP
1956 Kurt Thomas US, gymnast (Olympics), actor (Gymkata)
1956 LaToya Jackson singer (If You Feel the Funk)/posed for Playboy
1956 Lisa J Allen TV reporter/lawyer
1956 Sue Fogleman LPGA golfer
1957 Christopher Lambert Great Neck Long Island NY, actor (Highlander, Subway, Greystoke, Why Me)
1958 Fiona Reynolds director/Council for Protection of Rural England
1959 Brad McCrimmon Dodsland, NHL defenseman (Hartford Whalers)
1959 Marina Sirtis London, actress (Deanna Troi-Star Trek: The Next Generation)
1961 Ane-Marie Sanches newscaster (Suriname TV/Radio)
1961 Mike Kingery St James MN, outfielder (Pittsburgh Pirates)
1962 Kirk Alan Triplett Moses Lake WA, PGA golfer (1992 Shell Houston-2nd)
1964 Elle Macpherson Sydney Australia, model (Sports Illustrated 1986, 87, 88)/actress (Sirens)
1964 Jill Goodacre Connick Lubbock TX, model (Victoria Secrets)
1966 Dwayne Harper NFL cornerback (San Diego Chargers)
1966 Eric Gunderson Portland OR, pitcher (Boston Red Sox)
1966 Robb Thomas NFL receiver (Seattle Seahawks, Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
1967 Brian Jordan Baltimore MD, outfielder (St Louis Cardinals)
1967 Jerry Olsavsky NFL linebacker (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1968 Chris Calloway NFL wide receiver (New York Giants)
1968 James Williams NFL tackle (Chicago Bears)
1969 [Jane] Kim[berly] Batten McRae GA, 400 meter hurdler (Olympics-silver-96)
1969 Darren Chandler WLAF receiver (Amsterdam Admirals)
1969 James Atkin rocker (EMF-Unbelievable)
1969 Jeff Blackshear guard (Baltimore Ravens)
1969 Jimmy Spencer NFL cornerback (New Orleans Saints, Cincinnati Bengals)
1969 Kai Nurminen Turku Finland, hockey forward (Team Finland)
1969 Perry Farrell rocker (Jane's Addiction, Porno For Pyros)
1971 Lennart van Reen son of author Ton v R/publisher Corrie Zelen
1971 Ryan Mark Lambert Cleveland OH, actor/singer (Kids Incorporated, Freeze Frame)
1972 Alex Ochoa Miami FL, outfielder (New York Mets)
1972 John Rothell Titusville FL, 400 meter hurdler
1972 Paul Michael Kent Australia, New Zealand breast-stroker (Olympics-96)
1972 Trevor Kidd Dugald Manitoba, NHL goalie (Calgary Flames)
1973 Brad Bridgewater US, 200 meter backstroke (Olympics-gold-96)
1973 John Oppio Sparks NV, double trap (Olympics-1996)
1973 Marc Overmars Dutch soccer player (Ajax)
1973 Mark Platt Peterborough Ontario, rower (Olympics-96)
1975 Christopher Yule hockey forward (Team Japan 1998)
1976 Jennifer Capriati Long Island NY, tennis pro (Federation Cup-1990, Olympics-gold-92)
1987 7th Golden Raspberry Awards: Howard the Duck wins
2334 Beverly Crusher Copernicus Luna, fictional doctor-Star Trek Next Generation
2336 Deanna Troi Betazed, fictional counsellor-Star Trek Next Generation
Deaths which occurred on March 29:
1058 Stephen IX [Frederik van Lotharingen], 1st Belgian Pope (1057-58), dies
1546 Cardinal Beaton English archbishop of St Andrews, murdered
1650 Cornelis Galle I Flemish engraver, dies at about 73
1655 Valerius Andreas Flemish historian, dies at 66
1697 Nikolaus Bruhns composer, dies
1745 Robert Walpole 1st British premier (1722-42), dies at 68
1788 Charles Wesley hymn writer, dies
1792 King Gustav III King of Sweden (1771-92), dies of wounds
1794 Marie-J-A-N C Condorcet mathematician (Theory of Comets), dies at 50
1802 Frederic Thieme composer, dies at 51
1826 J H Voß writer, dies at 75
1837 Maria Fitzherbert morganatic wife of King George IV, dies
1839 Bernardus JC Dibbets Dutch baron/General-Major (Maastricht), dies at 56
1847 Auguste De Polignac premier France, dies at 66
1848 John Jacob Astor chartered American Fur Company, dies at 84
1866 Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch Rabbi/Chassidic leader, dies
1880 Jakob Axel Josephson composer, dies at 62
1886 John Keble theologian, Bournemouth
1888 Charles-Henri Valentin Alkan composer, dies at 74
1891 Georges-Pierre Seurat French painter (Pointillism), dies at 31
1892 William Bowman English anatomist, dies at 75
1911 Felix Alexandre Guilmant composer, dies at 74
1912 Robert F Scott British pole explorer (Antarctica), dies
1917 Fran Gerbic composer, dies at 76
1924 Charles Villiers Stanford Irish composer/writer, dies at 71
1930 Anton Bettelheim writer, dies
1933 Alexander Schmuller Russian/Dutch violinist/conductor, dies at 52
1937 Karol Szymanowski Polish/Ukraine composer (Stabat Mater), dies at 54
1945 Karl T Sapper German geographer/geologist (Vulkankunde), dies at 79
1955 Everard Verachtert Flemish linguist (I Can Speak Nicely), dies at 81
1957 Joyce A L Cary English writer (Horse's Mouth), dies at 68
1959 Barthelemy Boganda Central African Republic's 1st President, dies
1959 Sara Wennerberg-Reuter composer, dies at 84
1963 Pola Gojawiczynska Polish author (Stolica), dies at 64
1964 Ted Collins pianist (Kate Smith Evening Hour), dies at 63
1966 Harry Daugherty trombonist (Spike Jones & City Slickers), dies at 50
1972 J Arthur Rank 1st Baron Rank, industrialist/film magnate
1974 Seton I Miller writer, dies at 71
1978 Jayasinghrao Mansinghrao Ghorpade cricketer (8 Tests for India), dies
1979 Melville Cooper TV panelist (I Got a Secret), dies at 82
1980 [Annunzio Paolo] Mantovani orchestra leader, dies at 74
1981 Eric Williams Prime Minister (Trinidad & Tobago), dies at 79
1982 Carl Orff German composer (Mouth, Antigonae), dies at 86
1982 Rudy Bond character actor (Streetcar Named Desire), dies of a heart attack at 68
1982 Walter Hallstein West German politician (CDU, H-doctrine), dies at 80
1983 Richard O'Brien actor (Rocky Horror Show), dies of cancer at 65
1986 Harry Ritz actor (3 Musketeers, On the Avenue), dies at 79
1989 Bernard Blier actor (Les Miserables, Women & War), dies at 73
1990 Germaine Montenesdro 2nd victim of NYC's Zodiac killer, shot dead
1991 Lee Atwater political strategist (R), dies of brain tumor at 40
1991 Matt Bennett actor (Hickey & Boggs), dies of brain tumor at 52
1992 Earl Spencer father of Lady Diana, dies at 68
1992 Paul [G J von] Henreid Austrian actor (Laszlo-Casablanca), dies at 84
1994 Bill Travers actor (Trio, Gorgo, Born Free), dies at 72
1994 Paul Grimault animator, dies at 89
1994 William Natcher (Representative-Democrat-KY), dies at 84
1995 Carl E Jefferson record company owner, dies at 74
1995 Eddie Williams Wiggins alto saxophone/comedian, dies at 78
1995 James Eric Storrar fighter Pilot, dies at 74
1995 John Elliott Terry film financier, dies at 82
1996 Maggie Donnelly bag lady, dies at 46
1997 Eddie Ryder actor (Slick Jones-General Hospital), dies at 74
1997 Ellen Clara Pollock actress (Wicked Lady, Fake), dies at 94
On this day...
0502 Bourgundy King Gundobar delegates royal power
1461 Battle near Towton Field, 33,000 die (War of the Roses)
1638 1st permanent white settlement in Delaware (Swedish Lutherans)
1673 English King Charles II accepts Test Act: Roman Catholic excluded of public functions
1795 Beethoven (24) debuts as pianist in Vienna
1798 Republic of Switzerland forms
1804 Thousands of Whites massacred in Haiti
1814 Battle at Horseshoe Bend AL: Andrew Jackson beats Creek-Indians
1827 20,000 attend Ludwig von Beethovens burial in Vienna
1847 12,000 US troops capture Vera Cruz, Mexico
1848 Niagara Falls stops flowing for 30 hours due to an ice jam
1849 Britain formally annexs Punjab after defeat of Sikhs in India
1850 Ireland's SS Royal Adelaide sinks in storm; 200 die
1852 Ohio makes it illegal for children under 18 & women to work more than 10 hours a day
1860 Dion Boucicault's "Colleen Bawn" premieres in New York NY
1864 Great Britain gives Isotope Islands back to Greece
1864 Union General Steeles troops reach Arkadelphia AR
1865 Appomattox campaign, Virginia, 7582 killed
1865 Battle of Quaker Road, Virginia
1867 British North America Act (Canadian constitution) is passed
1867 Congress approves Lincoln Memorial
1871 Albert Hall is opened by Queen Victoria in London
1879 Tsjaikovski's opera "Jevgeni Onegin" premieres in Moscow
1882 Knights of Columbus chartered for Catholic men
1886 Chemist John Pemberton begins to advertise for Coca-Cola (with cocaine)
1897 Japan adopts Gold Standard
1906 Stanley Cup: Montréal Wanderers sweep Kenora Thisles in 2 games
1912 Captain Robert Scott, blizzard-bound in a tent 18 km from the South Pole, makes last entry in his diary "the end cannot be far"
1919 Stanley Cup: Montréal (NHL) & Seattle (PCHA) win 2 games each with 1 tie; 1919 Stanley Cup not awarded due to flu epidemic
1924 Bayern & Vatican reach accord
1927 Henry O D Segrave races his Sunbeam to a record 203.79 mph at Daytona; 1st auto to exceed 200 mph (322 kph)
1928 Yeshiva College (now University) chartered (New York NY)
1929 Stanley Cup: Boston Bruins sweep New York Rangers in 2 games
1932 Jack Benny debuts on radio
1934 Bank of Travail in Belgium, socialist worker's movement bankrupt
1935 French liner Normandie begins its maiden voyage
1936 10,000 watch the 200" mirror blank passing through Indianapolis
1936 Nazi propaganda claims 99% of Germans voted for Nazi candidates
1940 Joe Louis KOs Johnny Paycheck in 2 to retain heavyweight boxing title
1941 1st performance of Benjamin Britten's "Symphony da Requiem"
1941 3rd NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Wisconsin beats Washington State 39-34
1941 WPAT radio in New Jersey begins broadcasting (country music format)
1942 British cruiser Trinidad torpedoes itself in the Barents Sea
1942 British destroyer Campbeltown explodes in St-Nazaire; 400 Germans die
1942 German submarine U-585 sinks
1943 Meat, butter & cheese rationed in US during WWII (784 gram/week, 2 kilogram for GI's)
1946 1st Test Cricket between Australia & New Zealand
1946 Test Cricket debuts of Lindwall, Miller & Tallon
1947 "Beggar's Holiday" closes at Broadway Theater NYC after 111 performances
1948 Drachtster Boys soccer team forms in Drachten
1948 Yankees & Red Sox tie at 2-2 in 17, spring training game
1949 Turkey recognizes Israel
1951 "King & I" opens at St James Theater NYC for 1246 performances
1951 23rd Academy Awards: "All About Eve", Jose Ferrer & Judy Holliday win
1951 Julius & Ethel Rosenberg convicted of espionage
1953 Patty Berg wins LPGA New Orleans Women's Golf Open
1958 US Ladies Figure Skating Championship won by Carol Heiss
1958 US Men's Figure Skating Championship won by David Jenkins
1959 "Some Like it Hot" with Marilyn Monroe & Jack Lemmon premieres
1959 Wes Hall takes Pakistani cricket hat-trick at Lahore
1960 Darius Milhaud's 9th Symphony, premieres
1961 23rd Amendment is ratified, allows Washington DC residents to vote for President
1961 After a 4½ year trial Nelson Mandela is acquitted on treason charge
1961 KCPT TV channel 19 in Kansas City MO (PBS) begins broadcasting
1962 Argentine President Frondizi flees from the army
1962 Jack Paar's final appearance on the "Tonight Show"
1963 Final episode of soap opera "Young Doctor Malone"
1964 1st true Pirate Radio station, Radio Caroline (England)
1966 "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman" opens at Alvin NYC for 129 performances
1966 Muhammad Ali beats George Chuvalo in 15 for heavyweight boxing title
1967 WCMU TV channel 14 in Mount Pleasant MI (PBS) begins broadcasting
1968 Students seize building at Bowie State College
1969 Communist New People's Army found in Philippines
1970 "Look to the Lilies" opens at Lunt-Fontanne Theater NYC for 25 performances
1970 Manchester City wins 10th Europe Cup II
1971 1st Lieutenant William L Calley Jr found guilty in My Lai (Vietnam) massacre
1971 Chile President Allende nationalizes banks/copper mines
1971 Conrad Van Emde Boas becomes West Europe's 1st sexology professor
1971 Development of a serum hepatitis vaccine for children announced
1971 WSVN (now WSBN) TV channel 47 in Norton VA (PBS) begins broadcasting
1973 Dave Cowens wins NBA MVP
1973 Last US troops leave Vietnam, 9 years after Tonkin Gulf Resolution
1974 Mariner 10's, 1st fly-by of Mercury, returns photos
1975 Jane Blalock wins LPGA Karsten-Ping Golf Open
1975 Only 2nd time Islanders beat Rangers
1976 38th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Indiana beats Michigan 86-68
1976 8 Ohio National Guardsmen indicted for shooting 4 Kent State students
1979 Andrew Hilditch given out handled the ball vs Pakistan at WACA
1979 Caryl Churchill's "Cloud Nine" premieres in London
1979 Delhi beat Karnataka by 399 runs to win Cricket's Ranji Trophy
1979 Last day of Test cricket for Mushtaq Mohammad
1981 "Woman of the Year" opens at Palace Theater NYC for 770 performances
1981 Pat Bradley wins LPGA Women's Kemper Golf Open
1981 Tiina Lehtola ski jumps female record 110 meter
1981 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR
1982 2nd Golden Raspberry Awards: Mommie Dearest wins
1982 44th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: North Carolina beats Georgetown 63-62
1982 54th Academy Awards: "Chariots of Fire", Henry Fonda & Katharine Hepburn win
1982 Delhi 707 beat Karnataka 705 on 1st innings to win Ranji Trophy
1984 NFL Baltimore Colts move to Indianapolis under cover of night
1984 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR
1985 Christos Sartzetakis elected President of Greece
1985 Wayne Gretzky breaks own NHL season record with 126th assist
1986 Beatle records officially go on sale in Russia
1987 6th NCAA Women's Basketball Championship: Tennessee beats Louisiana Tech 67-44
1987 Pat Bradley wins LPGA Standard Register Turquoise Golf Classic
1987 Wrestlemania III-93,173 watch Hulk Hogan beat Andre the Giant
1987 Yitzhak Shamir re-elected chairman of right wing Herut Party
1988 "Oba Oba" opens at Ambassador Theater NYC for 46 performances
1988 US Congress discontinues aid to Nicaraguan contras
1989 1st Soviet hockey players are permitted to play for the NHL
1989 1st US private commercial rocket takes suborbital test flight (New Mexico)
1989 61st Academy Awards: "Rainman", Dustin Hoffman & Jodie Foster win
1989 9th Golden Raspberry Awards: Cocktail wins
1989 I M Pei's pyramidal entrance to the Louvre opens in Paris France
1989 Michael Milken, junk bond king, indicted in New York for racketeering
1990 Houston's Akeen Olajuwan scores the 3rd NBA quadruple double 18 points, 16 rebounds, 10 assists & 11 blocks vs Milwaukee
1990 NYC's Zodiac killer shoots 2nd victim, Germaine Montenesdro
1992 "Conversations with My Father" opens at Royale NYC for 462 performances
1992 12th Golden Raspberry Awards: Hudson Hawk wins
1992 21st Nabisco Dinah Shore Golf Championship won by Dottie Mochrie
1992 Herb Gardner's "Conversations With My Father" premieres in New York NY
1992 NCAA Basketball Women's Championship at Kemper Arena, Kansas City, Stanford beats Western Kentucky 78-62
1992 World Ice Dance Championship in Oakland won by Klimova & Ponomarenko (CIS)
1992 World Ice Pairs Figure Skating Championship in Oakland won by Mishuktienok & Dmitriev (CIS)
1992 World Ladies Figure Skating Championship in Oakland won by Kristi Yamaguchi (USA)
1992 World Men's Figure Skating Championship in Oakland won by Viktor Petrenko (CIS)
1993 65th Academy Awards: "Unforgiven", Al Pacino & Emma Thompson win
1993 Queensland all out for 75 vs New South Wales in Sheffield Shield Final
1994 Coach Jimmy Johnson quits Dallas Cowboys
1994 Last day of Test cricket for Allan Border
1994 Serbs & Croats signed a cease-fire to end the war in Croatia
1995 Howard Stern Radio Show premieres in Chicago IL on WCKG 105.9 FM
1996 10th Soul Train Music Awards: Patti Labelle, Boyz II Men win
1996 Cleveland Browns choose new name, Baltimore Ravens
1996 New York Yankees beats New York Mets 7-3 in an exhibition game
1997 1st game at Turner Field Atlanta, Braves beats Yankees 2-0 (exhibition)
1997 Actor Harry Hamlin weds actress Lisa Rinna
1997 PBA National Championship Won by Rick Steelsmith
1998 17th NCAA Women's Basketball Championship: at Kemper Arena Kansas City,Tennessee beats Louisiana Tech 93-75
1998 27th Nabisco Dinah Shore Golf Championship
1999 61st NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: at ThunderDome St Petersburg, UCONN beats Duke 77-74
Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
Central African Republic : Death of President Boganda Day (1959)
Delaware : Delaware Swedish Colonial Day (1638)
Madagascar : Commemoration Day/Memorial Day (1947)
Taiwan : Youth Day/Martyr's Day
Vietnam : Veterans' Day (1973)
Alaska : Seward Day (1867) - - - - - ( Monday )
US Virgin Island : Transfer Day (1917) - - - - - ( Monday )
Religious Observances
Lutheran : Commemoration of Hans Hauge, renewer of the Church
Anglican : Commemoration of John Keble, priest
Christian : Holy Saturday
Religious History
1523 German reformer Martin Luther wrote in a letter: 'There has never been a great revelation of God's Word unless God has first prepared the way by the rise and the flourishing of languages and learning, as though these were forerunners, a sort of John the Baptist.'
1638 The first Swedish colonists in America established a Lutheran settlement at Fort Christiana in the Colony of Delaware.
1832 The Kentucky Baptist Convention was organized in Frankfort with delegates representing nine congregations within the state.
1847 Birth of Winfield Scott Weeden, American sacred chorister and hymnwriter. During his life he led music and singing schools for the YMCA and Christian Endeavor. Of his several musical compositions, Weeden is best remembered today for the hymn, "I Surrender All."
1882 The Knights of Columbus, founded by Father Michael J. McGivney, was chartered by the General Assembly of Connecticut. Established as a lay fraternal society, the K of C encourages benevolence, patriotism and racial tolerance among its members.
Thought for the day :
"Faith will not die while seed catalogs are printed."
posted on
03/29/2003 5:11:24 AM PST
(Age and deceit beat youth and skill)
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