Posted on 11/14/2023 10:49:20 AM PST by SeekAndFind
One of the most ardent and consistent voices revealing the horrors of Islam has been that of Ayaan Hirsi Ali. For more than two decades, she has warned the world how dangerous the religion in which she grew up is.
Ali recalled in a recent column that the 9/11 attacks led her to rethink her Muslim faith.
"They had done it in the name of my religion, Islam," she wrote, referring to the 9/11 terrorists. "I was a Muslim then, although not a practising one. If I truly condemned their actions, then where did that leave me? The underlying principle that justified the attacks was religious, after all: the idea of Jihad or Holy War against the infidels. Was it possible for me, as for many members of the Muslim community, simply to distance myself from the action and its horrific results?"
After leaving Islam, Ali turned to atheism after reading works by atheist philosophers like Herman Philipse, Bertrand Russell, Christopher Hitchens, and Richard Dawkins. I liken it to the adherents of Scientology who leave that church and find that they can't believe in anything because of the treatment they received in their former religion.
But there's wonderful news that Ali recently revealed: she has become a Christian. In the same column, she explains her journey to faith in Jesus.
"I have also turned to Christianity because I ultimately found life without any spiritual solace unendurable — indeed very nearly self-destructive," she writes. "Atheism failed to answer a simple question: what is the meaning and purpose of life?"
Later, she adds, "Unless we offer something as meaningful, I fear the erosion of our civilisation will continue. And fortunately, there is no need to look for some new-age concoction of medication and mindfulness. Christianity has it all."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
To really start life on a different road, she may want to consider changing her name. She doesn’t have to, but it might help.
Praise the LORD!!!
Wonderful news!
God Bless Her.
Brave woman.
Good for her.
I read this twice. Not to be a turd in the punchbowl but I don’t see that she either accepted Jesus or understands that one doesn’t accept “Christianity” but accepts HIM.
Now, absolutely glad she is going to church. But unless there is more I don’t know, I’m skeptical of her knowing Jesus.
Remember when Madonna “converted” to Christianity? that lasted about one tour.
LOL! I’d forgotten about that.
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