What he saw was a demonic apparition.
Doesn’t the Bible call them ‘familiars’?
“What he saw was a demonic apparition.”
There’s no reason to assume that.
[ What he saw was a demonic apparition. ]
How do we know that “Fatima” wasn’t a demonic trick?
I think that it was not a demonic apparition, but the person as described. Saint Paul wrote in First Corinthians, Chapter 12 about the 9 gifts of the Spirit that we are given gifts by His and our Father. We must use them wisely. I am in complete agreement with the ‘why’ as written by Fr. Longenecker:
“A person might have a psychic gift and yield it to Satan and let it be used in spiritualism, fortune telling or some other occult activity.”
“On the other hand, it can be yielded to God and used for healing, discernment, reading of souls and spiritual direction.”
“Padre Pio clearly had astounding gifts which he yielded to God.”
“The problem with such people is that very often the very gifts they have set them apart and they have a very difficult spiritual path to follow.”
“We should never seek such gifts, but if we have them we must yield them to God and allow the Spirit to develop them through a serious life of prayer and holiness so that these gifts might be transformed by the Holy Spirit.”
Thank you for posting this. The biblical truth is there aren't any "ghosts" only demons masquerading as people who have died in order to deceive, terrorize or demonically indwell or enslave the living.
"And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die ONCE and after this comes judgment," (Hebrews 9:27)
The Lord Jesus Christ clearly defines what happens to people after they die in Luke 16:19 - 31: They don't become "ghosts" that wander the earth, they end up in either paradise or hell depending on whether or not they have "repented"/believed on Christ, there is NO purgatory! The person's position, whether blessed or cursed in fiery torment in hell is "fixed". There is no crossing over, there is no escape, there is no coming back for a "second chance" or to "haunt" or contact the living in order to "warn them lest they come to this place" (hell).
Much more likely than seeing dead humans roaming around.
In Asian lore, the dead still wait for 49 days to get into the after-life or whatever.
Did you read the whole article?
I think your assessment is false.