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How many scientists from your church are involved with the dead sea scrolls? We believe they sacred enough to finance in part and lend scientists to help in the project. Jews and LDS working together for the same thing.

As to the bible - we study it as much as we do the Book of Mormon. You see, the Book of Mormon is a companion to the bible. There is nothing in the Book of Mormon that contradicts the bible. It is simply the sacred text of the descendents of Abraham who came to America.

Each year in Sunday school we study a different text. One year is the old testament, one year the new testament and one year the Book of Mormon. Each Sunday we discuss in detail a section. What does it mean? How does it apply to our lives today? How can we become better Christians because of what we learned.

However, the most important thing that is stressed over and over is:

“We claim the priveledge of worshiping Almighty God according to our own conscience, and allow all men the same priviledge, let them worship how, where or what they may.”

You do not hear Mormons bashing the Baptists, Catholics, Jews or any other religion. We just don’t believe it is our place to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong. In fact we believe that satan’s greatest tool is to get Christians fighting each other.

8 posted on 09/15/2007 2:39:20 PM PDT by ODDITHER
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Well said

9 posted on 09/15/2007 2:41:16 PM PDT by mnehring (Thompson/Hunter 08 -- - The adults have joined the race.)
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There is nothing in the Book of Mormon that contradicts the bible.

You, sir, are following a delusion. I found this on the net:

Mormonism is based on the belief that extraterrestrial humanoids from a distant star called “Kolob,” came to this earth and visited a young 14 year old boy named Joseph Smith, resulting in teachings that are very different, far, far removed from orthodox Christianity.

Mormonism teaches that trillions of planets scattered throughout the cosmos are ruled by countless gods who once were humans like us. They say long ago on one of these planets, to an unidentified god and one of his goddess wives, a spirit child named “elohim” was conceived. This spirit child was later born to human parents who gave him a physical body.

Through obedience, he proved himself worthy and was elevated to godhood as his father before him. Mormon’s believe that “elohim” is their heavenly father, and that he lives with his many goddess wives on a planet near a mysterious star called “Kolob.” Here, the god of Mormonism and his goddess wives through endless celestial sex produce billions of spirit children.

To decide these children’s destiny, the gods called a great heavenly council meeting. Both “elohim’s” oldest sons were there, Lucifer and his brother Jesus. A plan was presented to make the planet earth where spirit children could take on mortal bodies and learn good and evil. Lucifer stood up and made his bid fro becoming savior of this new world. Wanting the glory for himself, he planned to force everyone to become gods. Opposing this idea, the Mormon Jesus proposed giving freedom of choice, as on other planets. The vote that followed approved the plan of the Mormon Jesus, he, not Lucifer, would become savior of the planet earth.

Enraged, Lucifer cunningly convinced 1/3 of the spirits destined for earth to fight with him in revolt. Thus Lucifer became the devil and his followers the demons. They were to be sent to earth where they would forever be denied bodies of flesh and bone. Those who remained neutral in the battle were cursed with black skin. This is the Mormon explanation for the Negro race.

Spirits that fought most valiantly against Lucifer were to be born into Mormon families of planet earth. These would be the lighter skinned people.

Early Mormon “prophets” taught that “elohim” and one of his goddess wives came to earth as Adam and Eve to start the human race. Thousands of years later, “elohim” came to earth in human form from the star base, Kolob. This time to have sex with the virgin Mary in order to provide the Mormon Jesus with a physical body.

Mormon Apostle, Orson Pratt, taught that after Jesus grew to manhood, he took at least three wives, Mary (?), Martha, and Mary Magdalene. Through these wives, the Mormon Jesus, through whom Joseph Smith claimed direct descent, supposedly fathered a number of children before he was crucified.

According to the book of Mormon, after his resurrection Jesus came to the Americas to preach to the Indians – who are really Israelites. Thus the Jesus of Mormonism established his church in the Americas as he had in Palestine.

By the year 421 AD, the dark skinned Indian Israelites, called Lamanites, had destroyed all the white Nephites in a number of great battles. The Nephite’s records were supposedly written on golden plates and buried at the hill Cumorah by the last living Nephite, Moroni.

1400 years later, a young treasure seeker named Joseph Smith, who was known for his tall tales, claimed to have uncovered these same golden plates near his home in upstate New York.

He is now honored by Mormons as a prophet. He claims to have been given a vision of the spirit world, in which he was commanded to organize the Mormon Church. All Christian churches, he was told, were an abomination. It was Joseph Smith who originated the peculiar doctrines in which millions today believe to be true.

By maintaining a rigid code of financial and moral requirements, and by performing secret temple rituals with themselves and the dead, the “Latter Day Saints” hope to prove their worthiness and thus become gods.

The Mormons teach that everyone must stand at the final judgment before Joseph Smith, the Mormon Jesus, and “elohim.” Those Mormons sealed in eternal marriage ceremonies expect to become polygamous gods in the celestial kingdom where they will rule over the planets and spawn new children throughout eternity.

The Mormons thank “god” for Joseph Smith, who claimed he had done more for us than any other man, including Jesus Christ. The Mormons believe that Smith died as a martyr, he shed his blood for us, so that we too may become gods.

11 posted on 09/15/2007 4:49:40 PM PDT by sasportas
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“You do not hear Mormons bashing the Baptists, Catholics, Jews or any other religion. We just don’t believe it is our place to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong.” Um, your cult is founded upon calling Orthodoxy apostasy! Smith’s supposed vision (first it was Nephi, then it was Moroni, then it was God the Father and Jesus, depending upon which year the vision is pointed from!) claimed ALL Christianity is in apostasy. Mormonism apologists are repeatedly posting material they intend to create doubt about Orthodox Christianity, into which the apologists will pour the heresies of Mormonism. Your assertion is pure bunk.

13 posted on 09/15/2007 5:13:59 PM PDT by MHGinTN (If you can read this, you've had life support. Defend life support for others in the womb.)
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There is nothing in the Book of Mormon that contradicts the bible.

If only the LDS Church actually followed their Book of Mormon. The Mormon missionairies come to your door and ask you to read a free copy of the BoM with the hope that you will read it, think it's true, and thus make the jump that if the BoM is true then the Utah LDS church must be the "1 true church" on the face of the earth. Forget for the moment how flawed that logic is, as there are many, many sects that regard the BoM as true. The real tragedy is that it's nothing more than a "bait-and-switch" game since the Utah LDS Church will replace the "milk" of the BoM with the real "meat" of their doctrine once they've got a convert baptized and in their grasp. Most (but certainly not all) of the problems that Christians have with LDS doctrine would disappear if only Mormons followed the Book of Mormon.

For example, the BoM states that there is only ONE God (Alma 11:27-39, 44, 2 Nephi 31:21, Mormon 7:7, 3 Nephi 11:27, & the Testimony of Three Witnesses); however the LDS Church teaches that there are millions of gods and that men can become gods themselves. WHERE IS THAT IN THE BOOK OF MORMON???

The BoM (Alma 18:26-28, Alma 22:8-11) teaches that God is SPIRIT; however, the LDS church teaches that God has a physical body and is a distinct god from Jesus Christ. Again, WHERE IS THAT IN THE BOOK OF MORMON?

The BoM (Alma 34:36) teaches that God dwells in the heart; however, the LDS Church has rejected such teaching as can be found in D&C 130:3. Another example of Mormon scripture directly contradicting itself.

The BoM (Ether 3:12, 2 Nephi 9:34) teaches that God can NOT lie. LDS doctrine holds that God COMMANDED LYING (Book of Abraham 2:22-25).

The BOM (Alma 41:8) teaches that God's Word is unchangeable; however, LDS doctrine holds that God's Word CAN change (D&C Section 56:4-5).

The BoM teaches that there was NO pre-existence of man (Jacob 4:9, Alma 18:28, 34-36); however, LDS doctrine is that man DID pre-exist.

The BoM teaches that death seals a man's fate (Mosiah 2:36-39, Alma 34:32-35), while the LDS church teaches that man HAS a chance after death.

The BoM teaches that there can be salvation for the heathen WITHOUT baptism, while the LDS Church practices baptism for the dead. What gives?

The BoM teaches that there are 2 places to spend eternity - heaven or hell (2 Nephi 28:22, 1 Nephi 15:35, Mosiah 16:11, Mosiah 27:31, Alma 41:4-8, Alma 42:16), while the LDS Church teaches that there are actually 3 levels of heaven. Again, that is NOWHERE to be found in the BoM. And before you protest with the predictable "Not ALL of the gospel is in the BoM", the LDS Church has taught that the BoM "contains the FULNESS of the gospel". If so, WHY NOT FOLLOW IT?

The BoM teaches that there can be forgiveness of even murder (3 Nephi 30:2), while LDS Doctrine is that murder can NOT be forgiven.

Of course a real biggie is the BoM being absolutely against polygamy. Well, we know that the LDS Church practiced it, and that Joseph Smith produced "revelations" that directly contradicted what the BoM he produced said about it.

Again, if ONLY the LDS Church actually followed their own Book of Mormon.

You do not hear Mormons bashing the Baptists, Catholics, Jews or any other religion. We just don’t believe it is our place to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong.

As others have already pointed out, the LDS Church was founded on the idea ALL CHURCHES ARE WRONG AND AN ABOMINATION TO GOD. How's that for telling someone that their beliefs are wrong?! I talked to many LDS missionaries, and they've had no problem telling me where they thought I was in error.

You DO make a point though, which actually backs up my earlier point that the LDS Church wants to become part of mainstream Christianity. Is the LDS Church "in your face" about how their beliefs differ from traditional Christianity as much as they once were? Absolutely not! That's because they are more interested in "blending in" now, rather than separating themselves from Christians. It used to be Mormons insisted on NOT being called Christians. Now, they insist that they are indeed Christians.

Despite all this, I'm supposed to be impressed that they are involved with DNA and the Dead Sea Scrolls? Hey, why not apply the use of DNA to the BoM?

Actually, that's been done...

In December, 2002, Thomas Murphy, lifetime Mormon and chairman of the Edmonds Community College Anthropology Department in Washington, was threatened with excommunication over his research on DNA and Book of Mormon issues. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported:

In December, the local stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints scheduled a disciplinary council and informed Murphy he faced the possibility of excommunication, or expulsion from the church. But the president of the stake—a district made up of a number of wards—indefinitely postponed the council after the debate hit the press and supporters staged rallies across the country. . . .

"Sin, Skin and Seed: The Mistakes of Man in the Book of Mormon" is the title of Murphy's talk today at the UW, . . .

The "sin" and "skin" in his lecture refer to Scripture linking skin color and behavior. The Book of Mormon states ancient Israelites came to the Americas about 600 B.C. and divided into two groups: the light-skinned, civilized Nephites and the dark-skinned, corrupt, Lamanites, who eventually defeated the Nephites. These Lamanites, according to the modern introduction to the Book of Mormon, are the principal ancestors of Native Americans.

In fact, says Murphy, DNA data, as well as anthropological studies, indicate American Indians are descended from Northeast Asians who migrated across the Bering Sea between 7,000 and 50,000 years ago.

The stir over his findings began when he published them on a Web site run by Mormon intellectuals and in a collection of essays on the Book of Mormon called "American Apocrypha.". . .

Murphy was frankly please with the publicity and subsequent response. He's received . . . missives from Native Americans who say they're happy to finally see someone addressing the issue of racism in Mormon text. (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Jan. 13, 2003, page B3)

As we can see, LDS researchers are free to study whatever they want, but they dare not discover or say anything against current LDS doctrine. Under such circumstances, it's hard for me to have any faith in BYU researchers.

Why don't the BYU researchers take another look at the second part of the Pearl Great Price, also known as the "Book of Abraham"? It was supposed to have been written on Egyptian papyrus by Abraham himself about 4,000 years ago! According to Mormon officials, this same papyrus fell into Joseph Smith's hands and he began translating it in 1835. If the papyrus were really written by Abraham, its discovery was probably one of the most important finds in the history of the world.

For many years Joseph Smith's collection of papyri was lost and there was no way to check the accuracy of his translation. On Nov. 27, 1967, however, the Mormon-owned Deseret News made the startling announcement that the collection had been rediscovered in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The article went on to say: "Included in the papyri is a manuscript identified as the original document from which Joseph Smith had copied the drawing which he called 'Facsimile No. 1' and published with the Book of Abraham." The importance of this find cannot be overemphasized; it, in fact, made it possible to put Joseph Smith's ability as a translator of ancient Egyptian writing to an absolute test.

Although the Mormon Church tried to slow down the dissemination of material with regard to the Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri, within six months from the time the Metropolitan Museum gave the papyri to the church, the Book of Abraham had been proven untrue! The fall of the Book of Abraham was brought about by the identification of the actual piece of papyrus from which Joseph Smith claimed to "translate" the book.

Noted Egyptologists Richard A. Parker and Klaus Baer translated this papyrus fragment and found that it is in reality the Egyptian Book of Breathings. Other Egyptologists have confirmed that it is nothing but the Book of Breathings. Even the Mormon apologist Hugh Nibley has admitted this identification. In fact, he has even made his own translation of the text.

It is obvious, therefore, that the papyrus Joseph Smith claimed was the "Book of Abraham" is in reality an Egyptian funerary text known as the "Book of Breathings." It is a pagan document which is filled with magical practices and the names of Egyptian gods and goddesses. It has absolutely nothing to do with either Abraham or his religion.

The LDS Church ignores these facts, hopes they will just go away, and wants us to take their ancient manuscript researchers seriously?

27 posted on 09/16/2007 1:05:22 AM PDT by GLDNGUN
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There is nothing in the Book of Mormon that contradicts the bible.

Perhaps you can explain what I see as a serious inconsistency in Mormon theology.

Here it is:

"I know that God is not a partial God, neither a changeable being; but he is unchangeable from all eternity to all eternity" (Moroni 8:18).

"For do we not read that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and in him there is no variableness, neither shadow of changing? And now, if ye have imagined up unto yourselves a god who doth vary, and in whom there is shadow of changing, then ye have imagined up unto yourselves a god who is not a God of miracles" (Mormon 9:9-10).

"Here, then, is eternal life--to know the only wise and true God. And you have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves--to be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done--by going from a small degree to another, from grace to grace, from exaltation to exaltation, until you are able to sit in glory as do those who sit enthroned in everlasting power." - King Follett Discourse

Moroni and Mormon describe God as immutable and unchanging. TheKFD shows something else. How can you believe that God is at the same time immutable and changing, that from all eternity he was as he now is, but he somehow evolved from a mere mortal?

God evolved or he didn't. Mormans seem to have it both ways.

How is this possible?

31 posted on 09/16/2007 5:46:59 AM PDT by FatherofFive (Choose life!)
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There is nothing in the Book of Mormon that contradicts the bible. It is simply the sacred text of the descendents of Abraham who came to America.

Ha ha ha ha ha. There were no descendents of Abraham who came to America with a sacred text other than the Torah. The Book of Mormon is a concoction that is entirely 19th century New York in its philosophy and topics of interest and that plagiarizes extensively from the King James Bible.
90 posted on 09/17/2007 5:10:29 AM PDT by aruanan
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You do not hear Mormons bashing the Baptists, Catholics, Jews or any other religion. We just don’t believe it is our place to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong.
  17 It no sooner appeared than I found myself adelivered from the enemy which held me bound. When the light rested upon me I bsaw two cPersonages, whose brightness and dglory defy all description, estanding above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My fBeloved gSon. Hear Him!
  18 My object in going to ainquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right (for at this time it had never entered into my heart that all were wrong)—and which I should join.
  19 I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all awrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those bprofessors were all ccorrupt; that: “they ddraw near to me with their lips, but their ehearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the fcommandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the gpower thereof.”
  20 He again forbade me to join with any of them; and many other things did he say unto me, which I cannot write at this time. When I came to myself again, I found myself alying on my back, looking up into heaven. When the light had departed, I had no strength; but soon recovering in some degree, I went home. And as I leaned up to the fireplace, bmother inquired what the matter was. I replied, “Never mind, all is well—I am well enough off.” I then said to my mother, “I have learned for myself that Presbyterianism is not true.” 

(Hint: it's what you are FOUNDED upon!!)

94 posted on 09/17/2007 5:46:59 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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When I attended a LDS for a year while in collage living with my uncle an LDS Bishop, I never heard the Bible mentioned once...not once.

125 posted on 09/17/2007 1:06:05 PM PDT by svcw (There is no plan B.)
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