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A Few Of FR's Finest....Every Day.....09-11-03....Where Were You? Never Forget 9-11-01
| 9-11-03
| dansangel
Posted on 09/11/2003 1:34:30 AM PDT by dansangel
A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day
Free Republic made its debut in September, 1996, and the forum was added in early 1997. Over 100,000 people have registered for posting privileges on Free Republic, and the forum is read daily by tens of thousands of concerned citizens and patriots from all around the country and the world.
A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day was introduced on June 24, 2002. It's only a small room in JimRob's house where we can get to know one another a little better; salute and support our military and our leaders; pray for those in need; and congratulate those deserving. We strive to keep our threads entertaining, fun, and pleasing to look at, and often have guest writers contribute an essay, or a profile of another FReeper.
On Mondays please visit us to see photos of A FEW OF FR'S VETERANS AND ACTIVE MILITARY
If you have a suggestion, or an idea, or if there's a FReeper you would like to see featured, please drop one of us a note in FR mail.
We're having fun and hope you are!
~ Billie, dansangel, dutchess, Mama_Bear, Aquamarine ~
~ ~ ~Where Were You?~ ~ ~
Where were you when the sky rained down liquid fire and lost souls; when the air billowed poison, when sirens wailed and cries echoed urgently and painfully? Never forget....
Where were you when, with a thunderous roar, monsters of steel and glass crumbled to the earth belching black gaseous clouds as thick and as dark as satan's cloak? Never forget....
Where were you when eerie silence fell like winter's first snowfall; when voices and spirits were stilled forever in unadorned and involuntary graves? Never forget....
Where were you when satan's children laughed and danced in streets of candy while families mourned eternal emptiness, longing for just one last chance to say, "I love you?" Never forget....
© 2003 ~dansangel~
Please feel free to join us and offer your thoughts, impressions, prayers, feelings, etc. on this second anniversary of the heinous act of terrorism perpetrated on all Americans on September 11, 2001.
Thanks, Mixer!
1) Click on the graphic to open the Calendar. 2) Once there you can click on any month and even click to the right to go into next year. Once you are in the month that you joined FR you will need to click on the number in the calendar and then an add item screen will come up. 3) In the next box enter your name in the "Calendar Text" field and then click on submit. 4) If any of the screens fail to load simply click on refresh in your browser and that will usually fix it. 5) If all else fails or simply if you want me to do this for you send me a FReepmail and I will gladly do it for you. ~Mixer
God Bless Our Military
Below are names of some of our FReepers' loved ones who are serving our country. If you have someone you would like to add, please address a post to Billie; Dansangel; Dutchess; Mama_Bear; Aquamarine and we will add their name to this list. As we pray for them, we pray also for all our nations leaders, and military personnel, and their families and friends. May God hold them close to His heart.
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
We ask Lord, that You guide the leaders of our great country in their hour of decision. The burden that has been placed on their shoulders is overwhelming. We ask that with Your infinite wisdom You guide them gently to the right decisions.
Please give us the strength, Lord, to get through each difficult and devastating day that faces each of us and our country. Protect and guide our Military that are now being called to duty, strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
OhioWfan........................son mystery-ak..........son, husband Gogrammy................grandson Inspectorette...................son Blessed American..........nephew Slip18..........................nephew anniegetyourgun...........nephew Pippin....niece,nephew,loved one Doug from Upland......son-in-law weldgophardline.....brotherinlaw Future Snake Eater..........cousin WaterDragon..son-in-law,grandson BeforeISleep...................son The Mayor........................niece LadyX.........................grandson fawn796.....................nephew ValerieUSA................2 sons Warrior duty SK1 duty David duty duty bkwells..................activve duty duty duty TexKat...................son and stepson Atomic Conspiracy..half-brother, niece, nephew
Maigrey................cousin ladtx....................2 sons Mama_Bear...........2 nephews gator girl............husband severa................husband MozartLover......son, nephew LBGA........................son SpookBrat...........nephew Himyar.....................son boxerblues............2 sons the piper...................son sheeza...............husband kemathen7...........husband Diver Dave................niece deadhead................cousin JimRobinson.....2 nephews Armymarinemom.....3 sons Consort..2 daughters,son-in-law Darheel..................niece dixie sass.............nephew BeAllYouCanBe.........son AgThorn...............2 sons homeschoolmama.......nephew kneezles.................son Tiffee4Bob.............boyfriend
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: 2ndanniversary; 91101; flight93; freepers; letsroll; memorial; military; neverforget; patriotic; patriotsday; terrorism; thepentagon; veterans; wherewereyou; worldtradecenter
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To: The Mayor
I will Never forget and will never stop supporting and Praying for our Troops and Leaders asking for Gods guidence, wisdom and Protection.That's what it's all about. Thank you.
posted on
09/11/2003 4:26:59 AM PDT
(***Never Forget!****)
To: dansangel
posted on
09/11/2003 4:27:45 AM PDT
(You say I'm a brat like it's a bad thing.)
To: 4mycountry
OMG....thank you for the timeline and pictorial. How heart-wrenching.
posted on
09/11/2003 4:28:09 AM PDT
(***Never Forget!****)
To: dansangel
posted on
09/11/2003 4:29:03 AM PDT
(You say I'm a brat like it's a bad thing.)
To: 4mycountry
Thank you for the link to that beautiful thread.
posted on
09/11/2003 4:29:14 AM PDT
(***Never Forget!****)
To: dansangel
No prob.
Never Forget.
posted on
09/11/2003 4:31:35 AM PDT
(You say I'm a brat like it's a bad thing.)
To: dansangel
posted on
09/11/2003 4:34:17 AM PDT
(You say I'm a brat like it's a bad thing.)
To: dansangel
I was at home that morning, my husband was on his Fireman shift that day. I turned on Fox News about 8:45 and saw the first tower smoking and knew rightaway it was terrorists remembering that they had already tried to destroy the WTC and had vowed to complete the destruction. It was a very tough morning worrying about the areas that had been hit and being concerned about what area may be hit yet. It still saddens me that even though my husband made it home safe from his shift the next day over three hundred Fireman lost their lives while saving so many.
(click on graphic)
To: Aquamarine
It still saddens me that even though my husband made it home safe from his shift the next day over three hundred Fireman lost their lives while saving so many. I know that had to have hit awfully close to home (((((Aqua))))). God bless you and also your husband for the service that he does.
I've got my FDNY t-shirt on AND my stars and stripes shirt unbuttoned over it.
posted on
09/11/2003 4:38:11 AM PDT
(***Never Forget!****)
To: dansangel
Thanks (((Dansy)))
You did a great job on the thread today! God bless.
To: dansangel; .45MAN
posted on
09/11/2003 4:47:47 AM PDT
To: carlo3b
Thank you for the link (((((Carlo)))))
It's amazing how fresh the hurt and horror are 2 years later. I'll be on that roller coaster right along with you.
***Never Forget***
posted on
09/11/2003 4:52:04 AM PDT
(***Never Forget!****)
To: dansangel
Where was I. I too was unemployed at the time, and was on the way to the store to get some supplies for my family. when I head on the radio [WJR AM 760] about a airplane that hit tower #1. I ran inside to tell my wife. I then went to the store, and when I got back the whole world went crazy! As I sat there glued to the tv watching every nanosecond, of this cowardly deed, I grew very more angery. Lord I wanted to go back to my beloved Corps and prepare to ship out to somewhere, to NY to render aid, to the mideast to render payback, but where could I go.
I should tell a little about myself, I am a medically retired Marine [thanks bill klitoon!] I have a rod,6 screws, 3 pins in my left leg, a massive head injury. All of which has left me unable to work, for ever more. I had to give up my "job" in the Corps. I was a Crash, Fire, Rescueman [airport fire fighter, amonghst other things]
But I really wanted to go, and do something. So I did what I could do best any more I prayed.
I have also taught my daughter what it means to be an American.
We shall over come & prevail. NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE, so help me GOD !!!
posted on
09/11/2003 5:02:34 AM PDT
(sic semper tranyis [death to tryants!!])
To: dansangel
posted on
09/11/2003 5:15:28 AM PDT
(Millington Rally for America after action
To: Pippin
Morning Pippin
posted on
09/11/2003 5:20:04 AM PDT
dixie sass
(GOD bless America)
To: dansangel
Okay, the day is still young, and God knows what mischief may yet be in store. But I cant help being amazed at how well we have done in these first two years of what we all knew would be a new world, back on that beautiful morning, a world ago.
Despite the best efforts of news media to portray us as a terrified, angst-ridden nation ready to fall apart with just one more good poke
despite desperate attempts to undo unparalleled victories for political gain
despite hysterical warnings of Islamic rage and retribution, we have gone two years now, knock wood, without a single terrorist attack on US Soil.
Who could have thought such success possible on that first evening? How many of us went to sleep expecting to hear in the morning of new and more terrible attacks on September 12th, or 13th? How is it possible to forget that first Thanksgiving, or Christmas, sure that the symbolism was just too great for our enemies to pass up? And then New Years. Superbowl Sunday. 4th of July. Elevated threat levels. Dire warnings on muffled audiotapes.
This is quagmire? This is a debacle?
Say what you want about George W. Bush and his policies that is of course your right. But consider this, all you defeatists and self-haters out there: it is barely possible, mathematically, to tie the Presidents record for defending this country from a new terrorist horror. You cannot not even hypothetically improve upon it. This is a fact that is undeniable and so obvious that only a few will see it.
And at what cost? Did jackbooted storm troopers descend in the night from black helicopters to take away those voicing dissent? Or do the most vile and baseless accusations fly hither and yon, blown ever larger by a terrified and complicit media elite? Did hundreds of thousands of Muslims have their businesses torched, their families terrorized and beaten, the rest hauled off to concentration camps, or are you far safer, both physically and emotionally, as a Muslim in the US then you would be in any middle eastern country safer and less harassed, without question than Jews are in France today? Have we given up our liberty and lifestyle for this perfect record, or do we still go to football games and shopping malls and fly, more or less, the way we used to?
What, indeed, has this victory cost us to date, other than the irreplaceable lives of our young men and women, fewer in number still after two earth-changing victories than the number lost in a Beirut barracks during a time of relative peace and hidden yet growing dangers?
Today, if it continues in its bland denunciations of the President and his policies, will be another day where New Yorkers can go back to suing each other over WTC memorials, where the Democrats can cry WMD and Quagmire to their hearts content, and where life in general returns 1/730th of the way back to normal once again. For those too blind to see the magnitude of this victory, let them whine and seethe all they want. We are still here. We are still here, and far better off, then we were two years ago today, when entire countries were vast terror camps, and childrens cemeteries.
The people that launched that horror, and those that supported it, and those that applauded it that dwindling number of those of them that are still alive have, to put it plainly, had their asses handed to them by the country they saw as soft, decadent, gutless and afraid.
And we have been blessed with a President who for all his faults, gaffes, mistakes and compromises has nevertheless maintained the one simple, essential, necessary character trait needed to fight -- and win -- a war against ruthless enemy and the armies of useful idiots that rally to its defense: single-minded determination and an utter disregard for criticism from those who should know better. For all his many manifest failures, it is hard to imagine a politician less effected by the legions of hysterical people determined to put off this fight. In my eyes, he has not tired, he has not faltered, and he has not failed.
Much remains to be done. Many more horrors undoubtedly await. But we have made a decision to fight back, and we are winning on such a scale as to leave future historians shaking their heads in wonder at how so many could be so wrong about something so obvious.
So, it is indeed a Happy Anniversary, tasteless as it sounds. Take a moment, today take a long moment and imagine how just how much worse things could have gone.
posted on
09/11/2003 5:21:23 AM PDT
Luis Gonzalez
("As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." - Abraham Lincoln)
To: dixie sass
Good Morning, Dixie!
posted on
09/11/2003 5:25:48 AM PDT
(God Bless America!)
To: dansangel; Aquamarine; MeeknMing; Billie; Pippin; All
I posted this on another thread. I thought I would post it here too, incase anyone misses it.
Happy Birthday Ted.
"That night, a grieving Olson was surrounded by friends and family at the couples home in Great Falls, Va. When he finally went upstairs to bed, he found something that Barbara had left him that morning on his pillow. It was a note wishing him a Happy Birthday. It was Olsons 61st."
To: SpookBrat
Dadgumit Spook, I said I wasn't going to cry, now look what you've gone and done!!!!
posted on
09/11/2003 5:29:19 AM PDT
dixie sass
(GOD bless America)
To: SpookBrat
A bump for FReeper Barbara Olson.
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