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A must read! A good old-fashioned book review. Doesn't matter if you are Christian (Protestant or Catholic), Jew, or an un-believer in God Almighty - you are in for it as this book relates.
1 posted on 05/09/2003 10:23:57 AM PDT by hardhead
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To: hardhead
From Chapter 2, 'The Teaching': '......The Resurrection will be general and will extend to all creatures. Hell will be divided into seven regions, for faithless Muslims, for the Jews, Christians, various kinds of pagans, and "hypocrites." '

Can you site the Surah this is from?
2 posted on 05/09/2003 10:31:46 AM PDT by netmilsmom (Bush/Rice 2004- pray for our troops)
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To: hardhead
I don't know how new this book is but I use a couple of resources dated gets rid of the present day political overtones. The author is Noyes, who visited these Arab countries and engages in their early history as he walks in the paths of these countries....My favorite bit....a picture entitled: A sword in one hand and the Koran in the other.
4 posted on 05/09/2003 10:35:56 AM PDT by Sacajaweau (God Bless Our Troops!!)
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To: hardhead
Sounds like an interesting book! However:

Muslims do not hate you because you are American - they hate you because you are non-Muslim.

Who says that Muslims hate you? The ones I know don't. :) As for the fanatics, the book may be spot on.

5 posted on 05/09/2003 10:43:25 AM PDT by coulson3
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To: hardhead
What I find interesting is that so called "Christian" leaders treat Islam with kid gloves. Look, let's be crystal clear on this. Islam is clearly an "adversary" eg. "ha-satan" inspired religion. By their works you shall know them.

Unlike other religions like Buddhism, Mithriansim, or Zoroastrianism (which preceded Christianity), Islam clearly attempts to downplay the divinity of Christ and cast him in the role of "merely another prophet." This is errantly false -- either Christ was who he said he was, or he was mad and Christianity is a false religion. You can't have Christ as "only a prophet" and have any value to Christianity whatsoever. Therefore the very existance of Islam is clearly a direct attack on Christianity itself.

Why did I say "by their works you shall know them"? Because that is a key way to distinguish between the true light and the false light. If Islam was a valid religion, i.e. needed and required to suppliment Christianity because for some reason Christianity had failed, then we should see positive influences of Islam on cultures, and positive moral examples by the founders and leaders of Islam. But what do we really see?

(1) 1st, Mohammad was a practicing pediphile. Even within the context of his own culture taking a 9 year old wife was not a common practice. Betrothal, yes. Consummating the marriage, no! He also advocated killing and pillaging as an acceptable means of transmission of his "revelation." Plus his offspring and disciples commenced killing each other right away.

(2) The cultures "infected" with Islam are the most backwards, repressive, and cruel cultures on the face of the earth. About the only cultures to which they are superior are the atheistic Socialist/Communist totalitarian cultures. Which is faint praise indeed.

Bottom line - Islam is the adversary's first attempt to strike at and replace Christianity. By their works you shall know them! Yeah, we know them. Hopefully 9-11 is the beginning of the end for this Satan inspired bogus religion.

7 posted on 05/09/2003 11:01:44 AM PDT by dark_lord (The Statue of Liberty now holds a baseball bat and she's yelling 'You want a piece of me?')
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To: hardhead
It depends on what part of Islam you are talking about. The Wahabbis are the fanatical and violent minority sect that spawned Al Qaida and Bin Laden. Others are as peace loving as any other people. The Koran preaches peace but is open to interpretation, just as the Bible offers differing words on peace and violence in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Would you say that Christianity is a religion that forbids divorce or contraception? The Catholics and Protestants have very different viewpoints. And there are major differences even within those main branches.

8 posted on 05/09/2003 11:04:52 AM PDT by tentmaker
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To: hardhead

It's too long to post.

This dual religious and social character of Islam, expressing itself as a religious community commissioned by God to bring its own value system to the world through jihad (holy war or holy struggle).

Muhammad died in 632 AD and through jihad, Islam spread within a century from Spain to India. During the Muslim conquests Jews and Christians were assigned a special status as communities possessing Scriptures and are known to Muslims as "people of the Book" (ahl al-kitab) or dhimmis (protected people).

It's pretty much about having all of the worlds governments being under the laws of God, as revealed to Muhammad.

9 posted on 05/09/2003 11:07:52 AM PDT by GoLightly
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To: hardhead
That's a decent read.

Anyone who doesnt already have a pretty good grasp on what is going on within this moronic cult religion just doesnt want to know.
17 posted on 05/09/2003 11:44:34 AM PDT by VaBthang4 (Could someone show me one [1] Loserdopian elected to the federal government?)
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To: hardhead
It's a great book.
32 posted on 05/09/2003 4:06:30 PM PDT by johnfl61
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To: hardhead
Muhammad, founder of Islam, was a professional soldier for a good part of his life. Does anyone know another founder of a major religion who was a soldier?
36 posted on 05/09/2003 5:40:08 PM PDT by Mihalis
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To: hardhead
Is this a new book in bookstores now? I would like to read it, and hope I can keep calm!
38 posted on 05/09/2003 10:45:14 PM PDT by ladyinred
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To: hardhead
"Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them" (Koran 2:191)

"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and his messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be to be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet and genitals cut off, or to be expelled out of the land. Such will be their humiliation in the world, and in the next world they will face an awful horror." (Koran, 5:33-34)

"Not to make friendship with Jews and Christians" (Koran 5:51)

"Remember Allah inspired the angels: I am with you. Give firmness to the believers. I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: you smite them above their necks and smite all their fingertips off of them." (Koran, 8:12)

"In order that Allah may separate the pure from the impure, put all the impure ones [all non-Muslims] one on top of another in a heap and cast them into hell. They will have been the ones to have lost." (Koran, 8:37)

"If there are twenty amongst you, you will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, you will vanquish a thousand of them [infidels]" (Koran 8:65).

Allah and his messenger announce that it is acceptable to go back on our promises (treaties) and obligations with Pagans and make war on them whenever we find ourselves strong enough to do so (Koran 9:3)

"Fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem" (Koran 9:5)

Our God tells us to "fight the unbelievers" and "He will punish them by our hands, cover them with shame and help us (to victory) over them" (Koran 9:14).

"Until they pay the Jizya [a penalty tax for the non-Muslims living under Islamic rules] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued" (Koran 9:29)

"Unless we go forth, (for Jihad) He will punish us with a grievous penalty, and put others in our place" (9:39).

"O Prophet! Make war against the unbelievers [all non-Muslims] and the hypocrites and be merciless against them. Their home is hell, an evil refuge indeed." (Koran, 9:73)

"Murder them and treat them harshly" (Koran 9:123)

"When you meet the unbelievers in jihad [holy war], chop off their heads. And when you have brought them low, bind your prisoners rigorously. Then set them free or take ransom from them until the war is ended." (Koran, 47:40)

"When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet sin. So that Allah's word is proven true against them, then we destroy them utterly." (Koran, 17:16-17)

"How many were the populations we utterly destroyed because of their sins, setting up in their place other peoples." (Koran, 21:11)

"strike off the heads of the disbelievers" (Koran 47:4)

"Seize ye him, and bind ye him, And burn ye him in the Blazing Fire. Further, make him march in a chain, whereof the length is seventy cubits! This was he that would not believe in Allah Most High. And would not encourage the feeding of the indigent! So no friend hath he here this Day. Nor hath he any food except the corruption from the washing of wounds, Which none do eat but those in sin." (Koran 69:30-37)

"You (i.e. Muslims) will fight wi the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, 'O 'Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.' " (Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177)

The Prophet killed the men of the Jewish tribe Bani Quraiza (some 600 to 800 of them) and distributed their women, children and property among the Muslims All the other Jews of Medina were exiled. (Bukhari 5:59:362)

The Prophet had the date-palms of the Jewish tribe of Bani-Al- Nadir burnt and cut down. "It was with Allah's permission" (Koran 59:5)

The Prophet said to Sa'd, :The Bani Quraiza have agreed to accept your verdict" Sa'd said, "Kill all their men and take their women and children as slaves" The Prophet replied, "You have judged according to God's Judgment" (Bukhari 5:59:447)

"The Christians say: The Christ is the son of Allah; "Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:29)

These are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them." (Sura 9:30)

"Unbelievers are those who say: 'God is one of three.' There is but one God. If they do not desist from so saying, those of them that disbelieve shall be sternly punished." (Surah 5:73)

islam, the religion of peace…


”Guns Before Butter.”

42 posted on 06/02/2003 1:57:57 PM PDT by votelife (FREE MIGUEL ESTRADA!)
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To: hardhead
I read yesterday that Muslims must appear before a Mulism tribunal if they don't appear to be good Muslims.

Then today, I'm looking at a picture taken (from above) of worshipers -- by the hundreds -- standing within a Baghdad mosque. The symmetry within that pictured gathering was amazing and my thought about that was: Are Mullahs taking note as to who is there and who isn't? Is each position in that formation assigned to a specific individual?

Can anyone tell me if that is so?

44 posted on 07/06/2003 8:59:21 AM PDT by thinktwice
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To: hardhead
Great book! I just read it. Pulls no punches.
46 posted on 08/13/2003 1:03:24 PM PDT by dennisw (G_d is at war with Amalek for all generations)
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To: hardhead
Note to Myself: I don't post these next comments in condemnation of Iranians, the only muslims I have ever known closely and in quantity, but will give a slight insight into the mindset of muslims. In 1978 I was serving in the desert kingdom of Iran, in the city of Esfahan. I came in close daily contact with members of the Iranian military and can say, they are 'different'! They condemned us for our beer drinking and wild boar hunting, but loved to come into our dining hall to eat hot dogs and have a cold one - after the sun went down. During ramadan when they were supposed to fast from sun-up to sun-down, they would often accompany me to the American dining hall and say, simply, 'I am sick so I had better eat to keep up my strength'. It was explained to me that eating is acceptable when your health is at stake (sarcasm). One flat out told me that lieing to an 'infidel' was perfectly acceptable if it furthered the cause of their religion. One naive son of a son of a son, asked me point blank how much money he could live on and still have money left for sex with the American women (doesn't this sound like Dan Ackroyd and Steve Martin?). His elders had told him that Americans were lazy, ruthless, and patently impure. Well, this kid was coming to the U.S. to go to college and he wanted to make sure that his parents provided enough money for him to blend in to the college scene and he even wanted to know what type of clothes American men wore to attract women. My point for all this blathering is this. The hierarchy of islam has fed the people a bill of goods, to keep them in line and to not think for themselves. They think, belive, and practice only what they are told. They do not appear to be 'enlightened' but brainwashed.
63 posted on 08/13/2003 3:43:34 PM PDT by hardhead ('Curly, don't say its a fine morning or I'll shoot you.' - John Wayne, 'McLintock' 1963)
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To: hardhead
It's not as if they (some of them at least) aren't telling us exactly what their intentions are:

88 posted on 08/15/2003 9:39:13 AM PDT by spodefly (This is my tagline. There are many like it, but this one is mine.)
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To: hardhead
John 3:16
91 posted on 08/15/2003 10:25:09 AM PDT by hardhead ('Curly, don't say its a fine morning or I'll shoot you.' - John Wayne, 'McLintock' 1963)
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To: hardhead
Another thread which is still relevant:

'Jihad Across the World'
99 posted on 08/15/2003 12:13:22 PM PDT by hardhead ('Curly, don't say its a fine morning or I'll shoot you.' - John Wayne, 'McLintock' 1963)
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To: hardhead
I saw a "side by side" comparison of the Surahs in the Koran and the Laws contained in the Code of Hammurabi some time back. Can anyone provide me a link to that posting? I seem to remember it was about 6 months ago. Keyword searches have produced no results. Any help will be appreciated.
175 posted on 08/25/2003 7:35:58 AM PDT by TheOldSchool
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To: hardhead
181 posted on 08/31/2003 2:28:09 AM PDT by GiovannaNicoletta
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To: hardhead; netmilsmom; Kewlhand`tek; Sacajaweau; coulson3; dark_lord; tentmaker; GoLightly; ...
Check out my list of books on Islam, with links to sellers: KNOW YOUR ENEMY: List of must read books exposing Islam

The Sword of the Prophet: Islam, history, theology, impact on the world, by Serge Trifkovic is the first book on my list. Many Freepers went on to add other books and there is even a link to a free book (The Blight of Asia) available online about what the now almost forgotten genocide of Christians by Muslims in the 1920s.

191 posted on 08/31/2003 3:53:39 PM PDT by Destro (Know your enemy! Help fight Islamic terrorisim by visiting
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