Posted on 09/04/2002 10:20:34 AM PDT by vannrox
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September 04, 2002 | No.418 |
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An Al-Qa'ida-Affiliated Online Magazine: On the Importance of Jihad as a Means of Destroying the 'Infidel Countries' In an article in the sixteenth issue of the online magazine Al-Ansar, which is affiliated with Al-Qa'ida,(1) a columnist identified as Seif Al-Din Al-Ansari discussed the Koranic verse "Allah Will Torture Them [the Infidels] At Your Hands":
The Annihilation of the Infidels is a Divine Decree "Regardless of the norms of 'humanist' belief, which sees destroying the infidel countries as a tragedy requiring us to show some conscientious empathy and... an atmosphere of sadness for the loss that is to be caused to human civilization - an approach that does not distinguish between believer and infidel... - I would like to stress that annihilating the infidels is an inarguable fact, as this is the [divine] decree of fate..." "When the Koran places these tortures [to be inflicted on the infidels] in the solid framework of reward and punishment... it seeks to root this predestined fact in the consciousness of the Muslim group, asserting that the infidels will be annihilated, so as to open a window of hope to the Muslim group..." "Nevertheless, [this divine decree] has become, for some, a tranquilizing pill... When the enemy launches operations of colonialism and destruction, we find that a few [of the Muslims] refrain from entering the battlefield claiming that the elements of the collapse of Western civilization are proliferating [in any event]." "Their conclusion is indeed true, but the way in which it is presented is misleading, and it is aimed at removing responsibility [to fight the infidels] from the Muslim, with the claim that Allah has already promised to take care of the infidels' annihilation." "...I would like to point out the danger of this analysis, because it... [may] make the Muslims passive and turn [them] into one who does not act to carry out [the commandments] of the religion or to dispel falsehood, but lives always in an atmosphere of passive waiting, that is cloaked - always - by a call to trust in the ability of Allah!!" "When Allah told us of the certainty of the annihilation of the infidels, He did not do so using ambiguous concepts. He clarified that this would be achieved in one of two ways: by means of a direct act of Allah... or by means of the Muslim group, which would, in accordance with the Islamic commandment, serve as an implement for carrying out [the divine decree], as it is said: '...Allah will torture them [the infidels] Himself or at our hands (Koran 9:52).'" "Yes, perhaps it is predetermined that the infidel country will be annihilated. But [if the believers do not act] this kind of annihilation will never be in favor of the Islamic state. The infidel country will be annihilated in favor of an infidel country like it or even worse than it..." "Therefore, the belief in 'annihilating the country of heresy' [only] opens up for us a window of hope, and sets for us a goal that is in the realm of the possible - but it does not annihilate the infidel country for us, nor does it even affect it!!" "This is merely a belief, which, if unaccompanied by the words 'at your hands' that appear in the Koranic verse [9:14, 'Fight them and Allah will torture them at your hands'] - it will remain in the wonderful realm of ideas that float in the theoretical universe, and is like beautiful dreams that arouse conscientious emotions - yet, when we awake, we find that the infidel country still exists, falsehood is not destroyed [by itself] in favor of the truth, [except when] the truth goes into action..." "The importance of the human effort to annihilate the infidels... is what Allah sought to teach the Muslims at the Battle of Uhud [625]. Then, there were [Muslims] who thought that because they were right they would most certainly defeat the enemy. The [Muslims] paid a high price for this..." "The question now on the agenda is, how is the torture Allah wants done at our hands to be carried out?... This torture will not, in any way, be carried out by means of preaching [Da'wa], because preaching is activity of exposure, aimed at clarifying the truth in a way that makes it more easily acceptable. Preaching has nothing to do with torture; Jihad is the way of torturing [the infidels] at our hands." "By means of Jihad, Allah tortures them with killing; by means of Jihad, Allah tortures them with injury; by means of Jihad, Allah tortures them with loss of property; by means of Jihad, Allah tortures them with loss of ruling. Allah tortures them by means of Jihad - that is, with heated war that draws its fire from the military front..." "Material power is [to be] confronted with material power, and ideological power is [to be] confronted with ideological power... It would be idiocy to rely on the power of the truth in the face of F-16s. Allah is capable of destroying His enemy without anyone's mediation and without anyone's help, as His capability is absolute and unsurpassed. In spite of all the characteristics of power at their command, these infidel states are no more than a handful of creatures on the speck of dust called Planet Earth... [But] Jihad serves as a trial by suffering for the Muslims by means of the infidels, and for the infidels by means of the Muslims." "The Muslims' trial by suffering is manifested in Jihad's being the instrument by which it is possible to differentiate between the believers and the hypocrites... The infidels' trial by suffering is manifested in Jihad being an exemplary lesson in values, delivered by a group of the pioneers of the Islamic nation, in a practical presentation" "Many of the infidels will be shocked; their emotional entity will be shaken; and perhaps some of them will repent and learn their lesson. In addition, Jihad is a means of defeating them, and perhaps by means of this victory... the tortures will bring them back to the path of righteousness..." Endnotes:
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May God speedily undo the Muslims in our own times, may those most heathen citadels in Mecca, Medina, and upon God's holy Temple Mount in his holy city Jerusalem, all fall and be brought to dust in our days is my prayer.
You can see other discussion of this great MEMRI article here.
I wish the FreeRepublic forum software would automatically detect duplicate posts. I have posted duplicates myself even after doing a search on the title.
Yep, any religion that teaches hate should be eradicated from the face of the earth. I was raised as a Roman Catholic, and I can't remember once when a priest or nun said that death should come to Muslums.
Moreover, Limbaugh utilizes this technique to deconstruct liberal dogma-- dissemination can expose fools and hidden agendas, even at the risk liberal dolts will be influenced by this propaganda.
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