Keyword: muslimworldleague
... On Thursday, the memorial site will be visited by the most senior Muslim figure to date: Sheikh Mohammed al-Eissa, the secretary general of the Muslim World League, who represents over a billion Muslims worldwide. Al-Eissa, who previously served as Saudi justice minister, will make his way to the former camp with David Harris, the director of the American Jewish Committee (AJC). This joint visit by a high-ranking 54-year-old Islamic scholar and a 70-year-old descendant of Holocaust survivors is nothing short of remarkable.
In a highly unusual plea, Mohammed al-Issa, an ally of the kingdom’s reformist crown prince, says mission could help ‘provide fertile ground to find solutions’ The head of the Saudi-based Muslim World League has called for a Muslim-Christian-Jewish interfaith delegation to travel to Jerusalem to promote the cause of peace by finding common ground between religions. Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Karim al-Issa, who is an ally of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, told Fox News in an interview Thursday: “We should send a peace convoy that is representative of all three Abrahamic religions. They should be Muslim, Christian and Jewish...
As if he weren’t already committed enough to foolish false charity and willful ignorance regarding the jihad threat, Pope Francis on Wednesday met in the Vatican with Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, the secretary general of the Muslim World League (MWL), a group that has been linked to the financing of jihad terror.
Huma Abedin at center of Capitol Hill storm over Muslim Brotherhood Hillary Clinton’s chief-of-staff, Huma Abedin, worked on the editorial board of a Saudi-financed Islamic think tank alongside a Muslim extremist accused of financing al-Qaida fronts. The extremist, Abdullah Omar Naseef, is deeply connected to the Abedin family. Naseef is secretary-general of the Muslim World League, an Islamic charity known to have spawned terrorist groups, including one declared by the U.S. government to be an official al-Qaida front. Democrat and Republican lawmakers have rallied to Huma Abedin’s defense since five GOP Congress members, led by Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota,...
When is a moderate Muslim not a moderate Muslim? How about if he is an employee of a Saudi Wahhabi organization that has been identified by the Senate Finance Committee as one of a long list of Islamic charities that “finance terrorism and perpetuate violence”? Last month, the White House appointed Talal Eid, an imam from Quincy, Massachusetts, to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan panel that, according to the Boston Globe, “monitors religious freedom in countries around the world and recommends policies to the president, State Department, and Congress.” Eid is also participating in goodwill missions...
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- The United States has deported a Saudi man who was director of a Muslim charity after his conviction for conspiring to commit immigration fraud. Abdullah Alnoshan of Falls Church, Va., was returned to Saudi Arabia during the weekend after he pleaded guilty to one count of immigration fraud last month. Alnoshan, 44, had been working as director of the Virginia office of the Muslim World League, one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the world, the Washington Times said Tuesday. He was arrested in July after a raid by immigration and FBI agents on his...
CAIRO, March 21, (IslamOnline) - The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation raided several Muslim organizations Wednesday morning, in Virginia, Georgia, and Washington D.C., a prominent Muslim American told IslamOnline Thursday. In an exclusive interview with IslamOnline, Dr. Mohamed S. Omeish, President of the Success Foundation, said that several organizations had been raided, including the Success Foundation, a not-for-profit, charity foundation set up for educational and humanitarian work. The Muslim World League offices were also raided, as well as several Muslim-owned businesses, such as MAR-JAC companies, and Sterling Management. "The raids were all carried out at approximately the same time,...
FBI and Homeland Security agents raided the Northern Virginia office of a Saudi-based charity that has been under scrutiny for possible terrorist ties and detained one of its employees on immigration charges, officials said yesterday. The Muslim World League office in Falls Church had also been searched in 2002 in a dramatic series of raids of Muslim organizations in Northern Virginia. The charity has not been charged. Abdullah Alnoshan, 44, a Saudi citizen who worked at the charity, was arrested at 6 a.m. Friday at his house in Alexandria, according to officials of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, part of the...
<p>A task force of federal agents has ratcheted up a two-year-old antiterrorism investigation aimed at several Virginia-based Islamic charities suspected of diverting millions of dollars to terror network al Qaeda and other militant radicals.</p>
<p>Led by agents of the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Internal Revenue Service and the FBI, the task-force probe has targeted a number of people tied to several private companies and interrelated Islamic charities operating out of business fronts in Herndon and Falls Church.</p>
MWL seeks apology By a Staff Writer MAKKAH, 26 December 2002 — The Muslim World League yesterday condemned a media campaign in the United States against Islam, particularly against the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and expressed the strong displeasure of the entire Muslim community at such vilification and insinuations. League Secretary-General Abdullah Al-Turki was reacting to the publication of a caricature by Doug Marlette in the Tallahassee Democrat, showing an Arab driving a lorry resembling the truck used by the Oklahoma bomber Thomas McVeigh in his attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Building. The cartoon showed the truck...
JEDDAH, 14 February 2005 — The secretary-general of the Muslim World League has called on Muslims to present Islamic solutions to the pressing problems of humanity. Dr. Abdullah Al-Turki also called for intensive efforts to inculcate Islam’s moderate teachings and values in the minds of Muslim youth. “It’s the duty of Muslims to explain to the world the Islamic solutions to human problems,” Al-Turki said in a message on the occasion of the new Hijrah year, which began on Thursday. He said Islam, which is a universal religion, can solve the intricate problems of the modern world including drugs, poverty,...
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia -- A powerful Saudi charity under scrutiny for alleged terrorist financing is expanding operations in tsunami-ravaged areas of Indonesia, importing a hard-line religious message that the West fears could spread extremist Islam in the world's most populous Muslim nation. The presence of the International Islamic Relief Organization could complicate relief efforts in Indonesia, which is desperate for help but also under pressure to contain Islamic militants. Attacks have included nightclub bombings in 2002 that killed 202 people. It also offers a high-profile test of Saudi promises to closely monitor its major aid societies. Many have faced probes...
JEDDAH, 16 January 2005 — Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh, the Kingdom’s grand mufti, said the people who attack Islam accusing it of encouraging terrorism and extremism and denying human rights are telling lies and know very well they are spreading falsehood. Speaking at a conference organized by the Makkah-based Muslim World League on inter-culture dialogue, Al-Asheikh said critics of Islam are driven by their enmity of the faith. He called upon Muslims to project the true face of Islam without any excesses or compromises. “The accusations directed against Islam by those who accuse it of terrorism, extremism and disrespect for...
U.S. allows Muslim 'fox in the henhouse' Guest panelist threatened America, openly supported terror groups Posted: March 20, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern Editor's note: WorldNetDaily is pleased to have a content-sharing agreement with Insight magazine, the bold Washington publication not afraid to ruffle establishment feathers. Subscribe to Insight at WorldNetDaily's online store and save 71 percent off the cover price. By Kenneth R. Timmerman © 2004 Insight/News World Communications Inc. The congressionally funded United States Institute of Peace hosted an event yesterday in Washington on reforming Islam, with a guest panelist who has threatened the United States and openly supported...
JEDDAH, 11 February 2004 — The International Muslim Organization for Women and Families has accepted a challenge in a world that seems to be targeting Muslims, particularly women. IMOWF is part of the Muslim World League but is an independent entity mainly concerned with the affairs of Muslim women, children and families all over the world. “We concentrate on women and their rights within the family, although our total concern is the family as a whole. It’s a comprehensive approach to the relationship between the women, men and children,” said Bahija Ezzee, the general secretary of the organization. “We are...
Ottawa pulls Saudi group's charity status Tax violation: Muslim World League being sued by 9/11 families Stewart Bell National Post Monday, December 01, 2003 TORONTO - Federal regulators have revoked the charity status of the Canadian branch of a Saudi organization that has faced longstanding allegations of ties to terrorism. A notice in the government publication Canada Gazette said the Muslim World League (MWL) is one of several charities that "have not met the filing requirements of the Income Tax Act." The revocation came into effect on Nov. 15, but the organization, dedicated to promoting Islam, was still calling itself...
<p>October 15, 2003 -- WASHINGTON - Pentagon investigators will question a Muslim chaplain who arranged a trip to Mecca for Islamic U.S. servicemen that was paid for by a Saudi charity linked to al Qaeda, a top Defense Department official said yesterday. In March 2001, Capt. Rasheed Muhammad led a "Haj tour" for about 60 Muslim service people that was paid for by the Muslim World League, which is dedicated to the spread of an extreme form of Islam embraced by Osama bin Laden.</p>
<p>WASHINGTON - On Aug. 20, 2001, Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen, a man who would soon be named a minister of the Saudi government and put in charge of its two holy mosques, arrived in the United States to meet with some of this country's most influential fundamentalist Sunni Muslim leaders.</p>
<p>WASHINGTON - The Pentagon is investigating a trip by 100 Muslim members of the U.S. armed forces for a pilgrimage to Mecca that was paid for by a Saudi charity accused of financing al Qaeda, The Post has learned.</p>
<p>The so-called "Hajj Tour" in March 2001 for Muslim servicemen and chaplains was organized by the Muslim World League, a major charity group financed in part by the Saudi royal family and which is dedicated to the spread of Wahhabism, the extreme form of Islam embraced by Osama bin Laden.</p>
WASHINGTON — President Bush canceled a planned visit to Minnesota on Friday, the White House said.No explanation was offered, and officials did not return repeated phone calls Tuesday.Bush had planned to come for a roundtable discussion and a speech on welfare in Minneapolis.Bill Walsh, the chairman of the state GOP, said he had not heard of the cancellation."It was not a political event," he said. "We're hoping to get him back any time."