Posted on 01/11/2025 7:40:31 PM PST by george76
Why was the Los Angeles California arson suspect (arrested yesterday) carrying FIVE cell phones and a United Nations prepaid debit card??
Syrian Illegal Alien
If you speak Arabic, please feel free to translate and correct in comments.
LAPD says there is no probable cause to charge the man walking around with a large blowtorch in LA with arson.
He must have just been trying to light a cigarette with a massive blowtorch!
The man was detained by local residents after they accused him of trying to start fires.
"There was not enough probable cause to arrest this person on arson or suspicion of arson, and therefore, this person was arrested on a felony probation violation." .. -Collin Rugg
It's very normal for people to walk around with large blowtorches in communities where they don't live while LA is burning to the ground.
At least four were burners would be my guess.
They must marvel at the stupidity of the infidels (us that is) at times.
Suspicion isn’t evidence and if they did hold him for arson they would have to release him quickly if they didn’t find any evidence. I’m glad (and surprised) that they found something they could hold him on rather than releasing him and his blowtorch.
One for each of the Five Eyes intel agencies he was answering to.
Ummmm so says some guy on Twitter. Posting Tweets is pretty silly.
“Is that a blowtorch in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” ~ Mae West
Every which way you look these days, America is being ATTACKED from within and from...within! Grrrr!
Save Us, Obi Wan Trump! You’re our only hope!
Good one. Next you’re going to tell us they don’t shoot looters anymore.
Here’s the actual local news story:
I thought elsewhere people were speaking Spanish to him. As I recall, a female witness said officers were speaking Spanish to the main detained. She also said he seemed to be on some type of drug.
The video above - seems to indicate he set a Christmas tree on fire and was acting erratic.
Now, there can be some perfectly innocent, reasonable explanations for that!
My question is did they give him back his blowtorch.
Ummmm so says some guy on Twitter. Posting Tweets is pretty silly.
Listening to our MSM news for four years even sillier.
Playbook from Gaza? When the winds die down with they start flying kites with gasoline?
Hold that thought. We are here too.
Just doing work Americans won’t do.
Lovely diversity enriching everywhere it goes.
If someone had been stabbed to death and another person was standing nearby holding a knife, that would be probable cause to arrest that person. How is someone holding a torch near a fire not probable cause?
He spoke Spanish.
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