Posted on 11/23/2024 5:36:10 AM PST by george76
DOJ issued press release that misrepresented Colorado Springs mayor's involvement..
The FBI referred Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade for prosecution for making false statements related to a hate crime hoax intended to boost his candidacy, but the Department of Justice refused to pursue it for racial and political reasons, an FBI official told The Daily Wire.
On Nov. 12 the Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado announced that three of Mobolade’s supporters had been charged with writing the n-word on one of his campaign signs, erecting a burning cross in front of it, and sending video of the spectacle to the news media to turn out the black vote for Mobolade, an African immigrant. Mobolade, a left-wing candidate, went on to defeat a white Republican in a closely fought election in the conservative-leaning city.
Communications obtained by investigators showed that the now-mayor was in close contact with the lead suspect, Derrick Bernard, before the incident, on the day of, and afterward.
The FBI interviewed Mobolade twice to determine his knowledge of the hoax, and Mobolade explicitly and strenuously denied contact with Bernard, the official said. The official said there were dozens of messages between Bernard and the now-mayor. The official also said Mobolade was scrolling through his phone as a memory aide during the interview, but that “he was literally skipping over text messages,” not realizing that the bureau had already obtained them elsewhere.
Bernard is a career criminal who was sentenced to 32 months in prison in 2018, allegedly attempted to kill two police officers, and has since been convicted of an unrelated murder of a rapper who disrespected him.
As a result of Mobolade’s conduct in the interviews, the FBI referred the now-mayor to the Department of Justice to face charges for making false statements to federal investigators, the official said. But the Justice Department refused.
“The initial response from the Department of Justice was ‘we can’t indict the first black mayor of Colorado Springs,’” the official said, adding “In my experience if anyone had been in that position they would have been charged with lying to a federal agent.”
Instead, the Justice Department arranged for Mobolade to do a third interview.
“During that interview, most of his answers consisted of ‘I do not recall.’ This was contrary to his interview answers from the previous two interviews where he denied involvement very strongly,” the official said. The DOJ then told the FBI it would not charge him with false statements.
The would-be hate crime occurred in 2023 between an April 4 general election and a May runoff election that was scheduled because the general election was so close. Earlier this month, arrest warrants were issued against the three suspects, and on November 12, the case was unsealed and made public.
Acting U.S. Attorney for Colorado Matt Kirsch put out a press release that day that misrepresented the candidate’s role. It said Bernard sent a message “to the other defendants” that said he was “mobilizing my squad” for “black ops.” But that message, according to the actual indictment, was sent to the now-mayor, not to Blackcloud and West. The message also notified Mobolade that “I spoke with some of my friends in other places and theirs [sic] a plot amidst.”
When The Daily Wire asked the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Colorado for comment on the allegation that it rejected an FBI criminal referral for false statements and included a false statement in its press release, a spokesman said “we have no comment” and stealth-edited the press release to strike the phrase “to the other defendants.”
Yet Mobolade seemed to expect even more from the Justice Department. On November 13, The Daily Wire emailed the mayor’s spokespeople asking about his communications with Bernard. That day, he personally called the Justice Department to request that it put out a second press release saying he was not a subject in the hoax hate crime investigation, the official said.
The Justice Department seemed open to doing so, and consulted the FBI about it. But the FBI was taken aback by the request, because the mayor was, in fact, on investigators’ radar, the official said. Additionally, such a statement would come just as the other defendants had a reason to provide information about any involvement by Mobolade as part of plea deals, and an unusual and premature exoneration from the DOJ could derail that, the official said.
The indictment relates several other interactions raising questions about whether Mobolade knew about Bernard’s hoax either before or after.
Early in the morning on April 23, 2023, the trio allegedly staged the hate crime and emailed photographs to media outlets from an anonymous email address. The email used the supposed hate crime to turn out black voters.
That night, Bernard texted Mobolade, “I guarantee the finish,” referring to winning the election, the indictment says. Three days later, on April 26, Mobolade and Bernard spoke on the phone for five minutes, the indictment says.
Law enforcement mounted an intensive investigation to get to the bottom of an apparent white supremacist hate crime. But as the NAACP pressed for a full-scale investigation into the incident, Mobolade’s campaign seemed to hope for the opposite, saying it was probably a hoax and asking not to give it “any oxygen.” Mobolade has not explained what led him to believe it was a hoax.
Local media covered the incident as Bernard intended, and Mobolade won the May 16 election with 58% in what local news called a “stunning turn of events.” That day, Bernard allegedly texted the candidate saying, “we got you through it all brother.” He added, “I have the info you requested before. Another time though, we’ll handle business.” Bernard texted Blackcloud a link to city job openings and implied that he anticipated a favor from Mobolade, saying, “I want favors quicker than later.”
Bernard, Blackcloud, and West are charged with using interstate commerce to make a threat and convey false information, but not with a hate crime or election interference.
Mobolade did not return a request for comment from The Daily Wire with specific questions. He previously sent a statement saying, “My knowledge and interaction with Bernard was as a local media personality, and I was not aware at the time that he was suspected of this crime. I appreciate local and federal law enforcement’s work in pursuing justice and sending a message that we will not tolerate such reprehensible behavior.”
Colorado Ping ( Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the list.)
EVIL individual.
Once upon a time people would have the grace to resign after such a scandal. But no more. At least not democrats.
The Springs, being heavily military, is still a bastion of common sense and is therefore conservative. (Nope, most military folks do not buy the DEI crap.) However, it is a prime target of the loathsome left, who want the homeless and liberalism to ruin it as it has Denver. So, the revelation that the left used their standard “racist” tactic (which always turns out not to be done by the right) to put him in place. So far, the population is somewhat underwhelmed by him. We’ll see.
The good news from this is that anyone targeted by the filthbi and the deportment of jesters for that fake “crime” has a very good self-defense claim...
Here’s one for Pam Bondi’s list.
YAPHA: Yet Another Phony Hate Act
Yemi Mobolade - Colorado Springs Mayor communicated ten days before with Derrick Patrick Bernard, prior to a hate crime hoax that was planned to influence the mayoral runoff election.
The Facebook message from Bernard read: “I know it’s crunch time sir but look . . . I spoke with some of my friends in other places and theirs [sic] a plot amidst . . . I’m mobilizing my squadron in defense and for the final push.
April 23, Bernard texted Mobolade, “I guarantee the finish.”
Call Congress and get the Trump DOJ alerted to this scam.
If you know who your representative is use the online contact form.
Clerk of the House maintains addresses and phone numbers of all House members.
Or call (202) 224-3121 for the U.S. House switchboard operator.
Message The FBI referred African immigrant Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade for prosecution for making false statements related to a hate crime hoax intended to boost his then-candidacy, but the Biden Department of Justice refused to pursue it for racial and political reasons.
On Nov. 12 the Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado announced that three of Mobolade’s supporters had been charged with
<><>writing the n-word on one of his campaign signs,
<><>erecting a burning cross in front of it, a
<><>nd sending video of the spectacle to the news media to turn out the black vote for Mobolade.
Mobolade, a left-wing African candidate, went on to defeat a white Republican in a closely fought election in the conservative-leaning city.
Communications obtained by investigators showed that the now-mayor was in close contact with the lead suspect, Derrick Bernard, before the incident, on the day of, and afterward.
Hey, no surprise here ... just one Democrat official being protected by the Democratic controlled DOJ.
What have we learned over the past few years:
If a “hate crime” is claimed by any leftist, it is a hoax from day one, and probably perpetrated by him/herself.
The corrupt, democrat-controlled DOJ will never charge, and will always cover for, other democrats, no matter what the crime is.
The federal government’s efforts to “jump” their jurisdiction using “federal hate crime” legislation for state level crimes is unConstitutional.
WOW! Thanks.
“Department of Justice refused to pursue it for racial and political reasons,”
No, this cannot be. Some FReeper just told me that skin color does not matter in the ‘ol red, white, and blue.
More here - From David Horowitz, “Rules for Revolution”. ~ ht Steely Tom.
Send him back to Lagos.
The Yoruba are ashamed of him.
Eddy Murphy approves of this comment.
35-year-old Derrick Bernard Jr., 40-year-old Ashley Blackcloud, and 38-year-old Deanna West had been indicted by a grand jury for their “maliciously conveying false information about a threat made by means of fire” and “their alleged roles in a conspiracy to spread disinformation about the threat.”
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