Is the House GOP really going to push for raising the Social Security age, so seniors will be too old to get hired - but not old enough to collect Social Security?
It is NOT an “attack on Social Security” to want to SAVE it. I’m a couple of years away from collecting. But realistically, I think they will have to raise the age limits again.
I’m retired military and worry that they may say, “Retired military already get money from the government so they don’t need to collect SS on top of it.” Two years away and I STILL don’t believe I’ll see more than 1/2 of what the government says I’ll get.
Pretty stupid to say people WANT to work until 70. I’ve thought about applying for a job at a fast food place just because...but lots of people work at jobs that are not fun, fulfilling or enjoyable. I think elites forget there are still people doing manual labor. A lifetime of it and the body starts to break.
Some people can find jobs at 55 or 65, but you are right that many companies won’t touch you at that age. My military specialty had no civilian equivalent and it was tough finding work at 55. At 65, I’m not sure McDonald’s would hire me....
You can receive Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, they reduce your benefit if you start receiving benefits before your full retirement age of 67.
Raising the age is a bad and losing argument, however, SS is not in a ‘lockbox’ and its always been a ponzi scheme in terms of funding.
You should have to contribute into SS in order to get retirement payments from SS. Anything else would just be welfare and redistribution. If we could get the government out of the SS business and SS contributions became just like 401k investments, then ‘the system’ would become solvent again. But instead government will let SS become another time bomb that will blow up at some point.
Invest in your own retirement. SS wont be there when you need it.
Not me. Retired at 52. But if those that do want to work longer they still can.
The issue is gov’t spending. Put the social security money back and it’s good to go for almost forever.
How about making citizenship a requirement to collect any kind of social security benefit?
He only speaks for himself. But he is stupid to put it mildly.
Their is no support from even the Republican base to raise the retirement age or gut Social Security. This is political suicide to attempt this.
Try getting hired in your 60’s. Most people working after 60 have been with the same organization for many years or are self employed.
That idiocy feeds right in to the Dem claims that the Pubbies want to cut SS and Medicare.
It is always a LOSE, LOSE position.
Not wonder Pubbies lose — they pick the wrong fights.
Zero chance of that getting through the Senate.
That “want to work longer stuff” is nonsense, IMO.
I paid the max SS for as long as I can remember and I couldn’t wait. I even took the 62 years old option and took a 25% cut. Frankly, I was worn out after the 45 years of working - extensive travel in the last 30 years.
I can understand his wanting to cut the deficit, but the only people who want to work longer are likely those who are forced to, IMO. We can cut a crapload of other entitlements before that.
Interesting that politics is an exception. 90-year-old senators, and they even run for reelection!
But there can be a very useful purpose to having older people as politicians. Society needs to have some people in leadership with some social and historical memory. Journalism has gotten worse under too many young reporters have been more entertained, on the whole, than informed. And these days use phrases like “modern computers.”
Because anything before the 1990s is a hazy, pre-Modern era to them. What they know about important events from that era they learned in a movie or got the propaganda about it in school or college.
Ok fine. Kindly refund everything I’ve contributed to the SS fund and we’ll call it even.
“Is the House GOP really going to push for raising the Social Security age, so seniors will be too old to get hired - but not old enough to collect Social Security?”
My company is encouraging employees to take retirement at age 56. It can be challenging for those individuals to secure high-paying employment opportunities with other companies. It is a budget/cost trick for a company to save money by replacing older employees.
Employers tend to prefer hiring younger workers at lower salaries, rather than retaining older employees with higher salaries.
How about they look at crooks on SSI who could work but choose not to? I would support a bounty on turning in people who are cheating at being disabled.
Well, the ones telling him that are probably his fellow congress critters and politicians who never retire until they’re carried out feet first, so there’s that...
1. Young people, up to the age of 26.
2. Retirees, age 65 and older.
They established this business model for no other reason than to get around employer health insurance mandates under ObamaCare and state law.
The younger workers are covered under their parents’ health plans. The older workers are on Medicare.
It’s ludicrous that any of this would even be a consideration in running a business … but that’s America today.
Nothing is stopping us from working longer if we want to. Hell, all the Walmart greeters are late 60’s and 70’s.
Oh, and they are not going to cut our SS payments. BS. Politicians are politicians. Ripping off citizens of our benefits for which most of us worked from age 18 to age 65 or more. Screwing us in the ground so they can give it to illegals who have not worked a day, or medical benefits, housing, and VOTING ballets to forge and send in to elects Communists.
Nothing is stopping people from working longer. I retired at the end of 2022, and I’m almost 71.
Remove the unjustified earned income penalty, problem solved.