Posted on 02/06/2020 7:41:57 AM PST by Damifino
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) wrote in The Prince (1505 in Italian, 1513 in English) what has been translated as Never do an enemy a small injury. If one is striking out at an opponent, one should make sure that the fatal blow is struck, successfully ending the confrontation. Machiavelli wrote that the injury that is to be done to a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge.
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I have been in the camp scoffing the BOOM! posters but have a belief that this will produce something truly BOOM-worthy.
“If you strike at a king, you must kill him.”.....Ralph Waldo Emerson.
“Payback is a mofo!”.......Anon....................
Democrats screwed up. Never enter a battle you arent sure you can win.
Worse then that they went into a battle they knew they were going to lose.
Democrats play the long game.
This is about 2024, not 2020.
I think this has been Trumps problem.
He does not strike back so the enemy keeps coming at him.
The democrats are full of criminals and traitors. Easy pickings to jail the clintons, obamas, pelosis, feinsteins etc etc but he does nothing but talk / twitter.
The Democrat/Left Party has made this personal. That’s a mistake ... especially when it is done to a man — let alone a president — like Donald Trump.
Revenge is not Trumps primary objective. His primary objective is to Make America Great Again. If Nancy will come to the table (doubtful) he will use her to achieve his objective.
If not, destroying her will be an enjoyable secondary target for him.
I am hoping today they drop the hammer (but prepared to be disappointed once again). It's critical that these last 3 years were spent getting every detail correct and verifiable. If there is any ambiguity in any charge this president makes it will be another voyage on the ss impeachment.
This fight is not against the Democrats - - it’s against the news services. If they were objective or constitutional, this would have been over before Pelosi got a vote.
I vehemently disagree with your point of view, frequently expressed on FR. The President is not a dictator and is constrained by laws and the Constitution.
Lock her up should be the renewed theme. It was a horrible mistake to let it slide.
easier said than done when preaching from behind a keyboard instead of being in the direct line of fire for over three years...
And I agree with your point of view. I would go further regarding Trump. He has acted deliberately within his constitutional authority and for good reason. Rule of law means everybody.
Never do an enemy a small injury.
Romney should have taken that advice
But they have to still be a thing in 2024. Right now the odds arent real good.
I don’t think you are wrong but I also don’t think that your net is wide enough. I see the root cause in the Left. Not just the American left but the whole leftist movement beginning before this century. Every genocide in the previous 100 years originated from the Left.
“This fight is not against the Democrats - - its against the news services.”
What’s the’s all of a piece,
[I think this has been Trumps problem.
He does not strike back so the enemy keeps coming at him.]
Because he knows that in time, the Democrats will just destroy themselves.
Iowa, the SOTU, and this impeachment nonsense are perfect examples of such.
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