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1 posted on 09/14/2015 10:49:19 AM PDT by RoosterRedux
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To: RoosterRedux; onyx; Jane Long; V K Lee

Another good one

2 posted on 09/14/2015 10:51:47 AM PDT by hoosiermama ( Read my lips: no more Bushes)
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To: hoosiermama; onyx; Jane Long; V K Lee; conservativejoy; RitaOK; Black Agnes


3 posted on 09/14/2015 10:52:01 AM PDT by RoosterRedux (We're not gonna take it. WERE NOT GONNA TAKE IT. We're not gonna take it...anymore!)
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To: RoosterRedux

How many lines of coke did each have before explaining?

4 posted on 09/14/2015 10:53:38 AM PDT by Resettozero
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To: RoosterRedux


5 posted on 09/14/2015 10:53:49 AM PDT by HarleyLady27 ("Go TRUMP 2016!!! All the Way to the White House!!!)
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To: RoosterRedux
Enter Donald Trump, who seems to have an innate mastery of this process. He is an ad-man’s dream, a political consultant’s perfect plaything.

Trump is the perfect product for these times. Forget the snake oil he's selling. It's the Snake Oil Salesman that we the people want!

6 posted on 09/14/2015 10:54:59 AM PDT by Responsibility2nd (With Great Freedom comes Great Responsibility)
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To: RoosterRedux
Earlier thread postulates that Trump is using Alinsly rules for Radicals theory is that all these stories about trump "this and that".....are in fact diversionary tactics (head fakes for those in Rio Linda) planted by Trump operatives....

just to keep the opposition discombobulated.

for a good example watch the film "the man who never was" on Netflex.


7 posted on 09/14/2015 10:58:28 AM PDT by spokeshave (If an illegal alien is undocumented immigrant a drug dealer is an unlicensed pharmacist)
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To: RoosterRedux

Cuz hes not a namby-pamby, poo-slurping, radioactive, lying collectivist sack of sh*t..?

My guess.

8 posted on 09/14/2015 10:59:27 AM PDT by gaijin
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To: RoosterRedux
And when appeal’s at its highest?



12 posted on 09/14/2015 11:04:39 AM PDT by onyx (Our 4th Qtr. FReepathon starts 10-1-! PLEASE Donate EARLY ON! Let's try to complete within 1 month)
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To: RoosterRedux

My mother, our family’s token pseudo-progressive Obama reverer... likes Trump a lot, and couldn’t understand my revulsion with him.
I call it, shared indignation, I suppose that is how he makes the public feel empowerment with his message.
The cult of personality is alive and well amongst the they left or right.

17 posted on 09/14/2015 11:19:38 AM PDT by Katya (Homo Nosce Te Ipsum)
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To: RoosterRedux
For good, bad or indifferent; for right or wrong; Donald Trump has seized the mantle as the leader of the "Fed Up Voter" block.

He has said things that have needed to be said ... without apology or kowtowing to the liberal media. He has poked the Establishment of both parties in the eye and asked ... "What are you going to do about it!" And we cheered.

And now a large and growing segment of this population cheers, since this is the first time we've seen this attitude in a politician since 1988 (with some all too fleeting moments from W/Cheney in 2000-2004). The 2016 gOp POTUS candidate will represent this "Fighter Caucus" or there will be a third party run. No one wants Jeb!Jeb?!, or one of his surrogates running as a placeholder, ala Bush I, Dole, McQueeg, Romney. Every attack on Trump is viewed as an attack on the voters who are lining up behind him. Je Suis Donald!

You've called us WackoBirds and Crazies and said you were going to punch us in the nose. And now, thanks to Boehner/McConnell/Corker/McQueeg/et al ... whatever you say to Trump, you say to us. It is you who has created this 'monster' and anything you do to try and knock him down only makes him ("us") stronger. Even leg-shaking gOpee consultant hack Luntz sees that nothing disqualifies Trump. This is all your own fault gOpee. Embrace the Suck!

Trump is given a pass for his flip-flops and historical liberal positions on issues since people see he genuinely wants America to be great again and he is a proven winner. When you've had nothing but losers for as long as we've had (even when we won we lost to bigger government, compromise of our principles, status quo), you've got a recipe for the acceptance of anyone who will change this status quo. And the voting public intuitively sees that Donald Trump will change the status quo. 'Change' for the sake of 'Change'. Now where have we heard that before?

Why Voters Like Trump's RudenessStyle

American voters are tired of those politicians who work, in their own terms, to minimize their negatives, to offend as few "voter groups" as possible. That's a liberal tactic: to categorize the entire nation into voter groups, analyze what they want to hear, and then speak it to them. It's all gone too far.

Perhaps, just perhaps, this is Change we can believe in.

22 posted on 09/14/2015 12:11:02 PM PDT by Servant of the Cross (the Truth will set you free)
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To: RoosterRedux
I was going to go through and point to all the propaganda value in this article. Starting to work on that, I quickly found that I'd have to address almost every comment for it's content related to propaganda.

This article is riddled with it.

Folks, this IS NOT simply an explanation of how to get people to buy in to your argument. It's an explanation that seeks to convince you, you have no control over your actions, if a someone uses these factors unfairly. And obviously, "Trump did, but we didn't say that."

Poor you, this man has manipulated you against your will.

If you have already bought in, it was due to manipulation beyond your control. If you haven't already bought in, DON'T DO IT. You don't want to be ONE OF THEM!

Let's look at some examples.

Many good ads or politicians will make a direct appeal to viewers' emotions—and of all the candidates in recent memory, Donald Trump may be the best at doing this.

Translation: If you like Trump, it's most likely because you're just way to emotional. You're not a thinker. You're just too easily manipulated. Wake up. Don't allow yourself to like Trump! He may just be the most deceitful manipulative person we've seen.

Rebuttal: Immigration problems are real. It's reasoned to address the problem and propose fixes. It's reasoned to listen, agree, and like the candidate. You are not stupid, ignorant, or easily manipulated. You listened, he was right, you agree. DUH!

While some pundits and late-night comedians have eviscerated Trump’s campaign, calling it all flair and no substance, this might not matter to voters.

Translation: There's a very good chance that Trump's message was devoid of any substance at all. This didn't matter to you. Being as stupid as you are, you just fell for it, never noticing. Again, if you like Trump, wake up. We're here to help. If you're not into Trump yet, don't do it. He's very deceptive. Keep your guard up.

Rebuttal: Trump has provided substance at every campaign stop and in every interview. This was tossed in to break you down, make you feel inferior, "Did I really miss that? Gosh I must be dumb. I better back off Trump now. He's manipulating me and I didn't even know it." No he wasn't. He was appealing to you based on sound policy.

Whether you’re trying to get someone to buy a product or vote for a candidate, studies have shown that appealing to emotion is nearly twice as effective as presenting facts or appearing believable.

Translation: Just beating you over the head with the premise you couldn't support Trump based on policies you like. You're just too emotional. Stop it! Wake up! You folks that don't like Trump. Gosh you are wise.

Rebuttal: Trump is providing substance. It's merely propaganda to claim otherwise. People are not emotional just because they like a man's policies, but if they were and the polices were sound, what difference would it make? Hey, I get fired up about Trump's immigration policies. Is that only because I'm too emotional, or are his policies too good not to be emotional about? Don't sucker for the idea that if you really like a candidate's views, it's because you are an emotional simpleton.

As academics who study what makes advertisements successful and engaging, we believe Trump’s allure can be boiled down to three key factors, one of which—empowerment—encourages voters to actually work on his behalf.

Translation: We're academics. Leave the thinking to us. Do the Obama genuflection from the waist, and shut up. We are the experts. You're just a lowly emotional citizen with no ability to think for yourself.

Rebuttal: This is not an academic presentation. This is Grade A propaganda, seeking to move people's public opinion through flawed reasoning when character assassination didn't work.

Studies have shown that humans interpret what they hear and see through an emotional lens that is made up of three mechanisms: appeal, engagement, and empowerment.

Translation: Still humping the "emotional" hot button here. This is how Trump deceived you. 1, 2, 3... Get it yet? Pay close attention! You will by the time we're done!

Rebuttal: Trump delivered his views on immigration. People realizing we have a severe problem listened, considered Trump's suggestions for policy, and decided for themselves if they liked them or not. They were not stupid simpleton's who merely liked Trump because of his slick tricky manipulative and mind controlling delivery.

The most effective propaganda, will appear to be intellectual, no hint of swaying opinion one way or the other. Why it's just facts, and has nothing to do with liking or not liking this particular candidate. Ah..., well..., yes it does. It has everything to do with that.

Note the subtlety with which certain tenets hit the reader right between the eyes, while they fail to raise their guard because they perceive this as academic, not an attack.

It's an attack folks.

Did we see any of this analytical analysis in relationship to the Obama, Kerry, or Gore campaigns?

Trump addresses real problems. He provides to the public what he thinks should be done to fix them. This is a time honored practice used by every president except one.

It is not evil or manipulative. The public is not a massive body of ignorant people. They can be manipulated, but don't expect any experts in this age to tell you about it in real time.

They still haven't come up with the nerve to address Obama yet. Until they do, spare me.

23 posted on 09/14/2015 12:16:40 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (It's beginning to look like "Morning in America" again. Comment on YouTube under Trump Free Ride.)
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To: RoosterRedux
Great article that presents the data Trump has mastered and will guarantee his win.


". .studies have shown that appealing to emotion is nearly twice as effective as presenting facts or appearing believable."

" Trump’s allure can be boiled down to three key factors, one of which—empowerment—encourages voters to actually work on his behalf."

" Studies have shown that humans interpret what they hear and see through an emotional lens that is made up of three mechanisms: appeal, engagement, and empowerment."

"When it comes to the emotional appeal of an advertisement or politician, empowerment may be more important than we think."

". . high levels of empowerment trigger action, since people are motivated to seek solutions to the problems presented."

". . this study recommended that speakers and messengers attempt to tap into empowerment’s potency, using rhetoric and imagery that make audiences feel in control and able to enact change. . in most cases, that means appealing to or eliciting a sense of anger or indignation."

". . He’s able to consistently evoke issues in a way that makes people feel anger, rather than fear."

Are you angry?

Am I angry? You betcha'! My rants: When will Military Recruiting Centers be Armed? . . and other things. and Eight More Years of Obama? And a lot has happened since to boil the pot!

Want some more sources of anger? Check out Discover the Networks, Commieblaster, ETL's about page and Nachumlist. Lots of other data out there. People are Mad as Hell, and We're not Going to Take it Anymore!

Bottom line is The Beltway has NO IDEA how much anger there is in flyover country. Donald Trump is a master of the principles outlined in this article. Just wait until he gets the Best Ad People working on his ads during the campaign. Just wait until he gets the Best People for his Cabinet.

Pray for America and prepare.

25 posted on 09/14/2015 12:33:37 PM PDT by Art in Idaho (Conservatism is the only Hope for Western Civilization.)
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To: RoosterRedux
I said pretty much almost 3 months ago. Trump is the best on the campaign stump.

- - - - --

Many good ads or politicians will make a direct appeal to viewers' emotions—and of all the candidates in recent memory, Donald Trump may be the best at doing this.

But to these voters, it also based in an logic appeal.

29 posted on 09/14/2015 1:27:13 PM PDT by Red Steel (Ted Cruz: 'I'm a Big Fan of Donald Trump')
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To: RoosterRedux

The reason for Trump is simple, 8 years of an unpopular Obama and as many if not more years of dissatisfaction with the RINO herd from Dole to McLame to the do nothing GOP COngress who were re-elected with a mandate to crush Obamacare and they did NOTHING!

31 posted on 09/14/2015 1:32:15 PM PDT by 1Old Pro
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To: RoosterRedux

In times of great national danger and fear, people often resort to their survival hard-wiring, and seek out the strongest, meanest, smartest, and determined Alpha to defeat and destroy their enemies.
I don’t condemn or even criticize Donald Trump for simply expressing his Alpha DNA. He can restrain it; but he can never change it, nor would he want to. We do need to recognize, though, that we are projecting our outrage and frustration with with the PC, the deliberate malice and dysfunction of this administration,uniparty politics; not to mention the decimation of our military, open borders, and catastrophic foreign policy - on one man. This can be risky catharsis, if we don’t carefully and wisely evaluate the man correctly.
I believe, given the “ great awakening” of our people to their peril; that Donald Trump will be nominated and very probably elected President of the United States. This is not an opportune time to just be sending a message to spineless politicians through the process. Donald Trump a reality that is here to stay!
The conditions that have brought on this massive Tidal reordering of American politics, will not change before the election next year. The current President and his administration will only hasten to finish the job of national destruction they have set in motion.
This terrible reality must not distract us from choosing dispassionately. Donald Trump has the business credentials, the vigor, and the manhood needed to be President in a time like this; but we are not electing a superman, much less a god. Mr. Trump could not possibly meet all our expectations when elected; but one thing we can count on. He will do it HIS way with very little two-way communication with us. We are accustomed to the politician who minces about and chooses his words carefully to woo us. Not so with Trump. We will hear about it after he has done it, nor will he massage our ears with what we might like to hear. Donald Trump will not change. Neither will he back down. He is a fighter who will take it to them. The only question is; can he win the country back from it’s skillful destroyers while there is still time, applying what he will learn by trial and error fast enough to “Replace the years the locusts have eaten”?
Let us think and choose carefully with our brains and our consciences. This time we may have only one more shot to turn it around.

34 posted on 09/14/2015 1:47:23 PM PDT by windhover (windhover)
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To: RoosterRedux

I’m actually pretty surprised this piece was written and published.

I have maintained for years that our entire contemporary electoral process is an exercise in “advertising” in the academic sense. We vote for the “prettiest” candidate with that choice HEAVILY influenced by the fourth estate acting as an “independent” ad company.

Trump is kicking all their asses because he’s selling a better product, and he’s better at selling in general.

36 posted on 09/14/2015 2:12:40 PM PDT by papertyger (Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui neat. / Proof lies on him who asserts, not on him who denies)
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To: RoosterRedux
Face it folks. Trumps’ s slogan “make America great again” is what works. After about 8 years of “hope and change”, this country is depressed and ready for a revival.

Due to PC, people may be quiet, or afraid to say “hell yes, that is what we want”, but they like it. Just as I did when the chance came along to choose Ronald Reagan. (I am not saying Trump is Reagan either folks) I am saying that America is depressed and sick of it. We want a positive can do person. We want to like our country again.

Whether you can see it or not, Trump has pulled a very depressed electorate out of its doldrums. He has started the rebellion against those who have been complicit in spoiling our country.

We have to win this, or else we are back to the status quo.

It is going to take great resolve to win this. Hang tough. You want to see those scum who have brought us to this mess of a country unemployed? hang tough. Don't let them win.

45 posted on 09/14/2015 2:47:37 PM PDT by dforest
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To: RoosterRedux

49 posted on 09/14/2015 5:10:33 PM PDT by Bon mots
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To: RoosterRedux
Many good ads or politicians will make a direct appeal to viewers' emotions—and of all the candidates in recent memory, Donald Trump may be the best at doing this.

50 posted on 09/14/2015 5:23:17 PM PDT by Stand Watch Listen (When the going gets tough--the Low Information President Obie from Nairobi goes golfing/fundraising)
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To: RoosterRedux

He is appealing because he starts with telling us “why” he is make America great again. That is what resonates. He has followers because they want to make America great is the cause that is his focus, and that cause that resonates. People follow him because it is where they themselves want to go. This is right out of a marketer’s playbook. See TED talks by Simon Sinek and his book, “Start With Why”.

51 posted on 09/14/2015 7:04:56 PM PDT by GWfan
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