There is no diff between either of the uniparties on immigration.
Until CW-II, that is.
Walker is obviously another phoney.
Not one of the republicans candidates showing signs of running in 2016 will deport all illegals.
When we allow illegals to stay, it is a form of amnesty.
If I was the president, I would issue an executive order in deporting every single immigrant breaking our laws.
What good are laws when immigrants can break them?
No I dont see a difference either, we can and should do better.
I said it at the time and I’ll say again now; Walker says he changed his mind on illegal immigration, he said it for nothing more than political expediency.
I just get the sense from Walker that if elected President we would all come to realize after about a year of his presidency that on every substantial issue... immigration, Barrycare, the national debt... he would be indistinguishable from Jeb Bush or John Boehner. I hope that wouldn’t be the case but I have to trust my instinct on this.
Walker and Reince Priebus (leader of the GOPe) are “close friends”. What do you expect?
My gut has told me for some time now, that Scott Walker is a ‘made man’ of the GOP-e. His recent flip-flops, ‘evolving’ positions, and missteps, have convinced me even further.
Walker’s opinion may have changed in the past few years after seeing what hussein’s idea of border control is, so I’m willing to give him a chance to clarify.
In the end, it will most likely be an enforcement/secure border trigger that would eventually open the door to a more comprehensive reform. This makes Walker in line with Rubio, not Bush.
Of course there’s a HUGE difference between Bush and Walker.
Walker is saying that it’s possible for anyone to become a US citizen. And that’s true. If someone qualifies and jumps through the right hoops, they can become a US citizen. There *is* a pathway to citizenship. Maybe it can be modified.
Bush is saying to let illegals currently here stay here.
There is a significant difference.
This author is trying to kill off Walker so that Bush is the only man left standing.
And we are falling for it.
This is a repeat of the last election cycle — killing off everyone ... and then we’re stuck with Romney.
We have and have had an immigration system that works...He needs to be sent home until he learns what Americans want...
” Notice the present tense. Walker still believes that illegal immigrants currently in the United States should be given a path to citizenship, but only if you secure the border first, which is a not uncommon Republican position on immigration. “
“Secure the border first” is and has been the fool-the-rubes position of the GOP establishment. Hannity has been giving them cover with this phrase since the last election.
“Secure the border first” is designed to sound like it does something. What it does is freeze the current situation in place. So it does absolutely nothing to help an illegal alien occupied state like California.
Our huge problem remains in place unless and until there is deportation- which happens to be what enforcing our immigration law will do if GOP and Democrat politicians will stop subverting the law.
Jeff Sessions is the only Senator that I know of who actually puts the interests of Americans ahead of trespassing foreign nationals. And Sessions isn’t running for anything so we know he means it. We should compare the position of candidates wanting to be President to that of Jeff Sessions.
Walker is now covering his tracks. He has a long record of advocating amnesty and amnesty-lite. It is all too clear that he is changing his tune to try to fool primary voters. No thanks.
Here are the things we have in Wisconsin:
Concealed Carry
Lowered Taxes
A reined in DNR
A voter ID law
No mass transit
A dedicated highway fund (dems were using for a slush fund)
A reined in university system
A government that no longer collects dues for the union
Right to Work
A renewed mining opportunity in Northern Wisconsin
No obamacare
Now tell me he isn’t a conservative. Many times I have seen
him answer off the top of his head. Yet, when confronted with a problem he digs into and deals with it conservatively.
I have voted for Walker six times and will again. He is one politician I have also financially supported and will continue to. That is how he receives most of his support.
Uhn, huh....
“WALKER: I believe there’s a way that you can do that. First and foremost, you’ve got to secure that border or none of these plans make any sense.”
That’s quite a bit different than that BushTard and what we have been demanding.
How is that position like BushHole?
Big differences:
1. Border: Secure it (unspecific)
2. Amnesty: favors
3. Illegal residents: make them citizens
4. Immigration laws: No stated position
1. Border: Build a wall
2. Amnesty: against
3. Illegal residents: penalize existing residents (unspecific)
4. Immigration laws: No stated position
1. Border: Build a wall (in some places)
2. Amnesty: categorically against
3. Illegal residents: No stated position
4. Immigration laws: Wants tighter immigration laws.
It’s my position no one can change their mind on the biggest, most threatening issue facing the American homeland. Considering what has occurred in the past 30 years with this endless violent lawless invasion, no way that can happen. We have an endless conga-line of Muslims and illegals entering...Nothing is more important than out homeland security.
These people change their minds to save their own self interest’s and their political butts.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) broadened his support for a pathway to citizenship on Tuesday, the Wausau Daily Herald reports.
In a interview with the Daily Herald's editorial board, Walker said the government should "fix things for people already here." He continued that if the current process for citizenship wasn't so "cumbersome," there wouldn't be problems with people living in the United States without documentation.
Walker also dismissed concerns over border security, an argument frequently used by other Republicans against reforming the U.S. immigration system.
You hear some people talk about border security or a wall or all that, Walker said. To me, I dont know that you need any of that if you had a better, saner way to let people into the country in the first place.
Walker then drew attention to Wisconsin's reliance on the labor of individuals who may or may not have entered the country legally.
If people want to come here and work hard and benefit, I dont care whether they come from Mexico or Ireland or Germany or Canada or South Africa or anywhere else, Walker said. I want them here.
This article doesn’t even mention the recent resignation of Liz Mair from the Walker campaign.
I’m so happy this has happened. I was very upset when she was hired - because she is gung-ho amnesty - and I think that’s why Walker’s statements of late have been so confusing. I think Liz was telling Walker that he HAD to be for immigration.
These newby candidates (national elections), get used and abused by “consultants” who swear they are the greatest thing since sliced bread - but they usually have an agenda. I believe her agenda was to get Walker to support Amnesty. Thankfully, it didn’t work.
I believe Walker is a straight shooter - and accepted her at face value. I have a feeling she did not truthfully represent herself.
I can work with Walker. Petitions evolve, big deal. To much executive experience to toss away, hardened by the recall, fully vetted by the press, and willing to fight Democrats. Willing to stand up against the unionization of public employees, and pro right to work.
Can’t pass up this combo for little disagreements which might not even be disagreements. I have to go with what he’s done, and Wisconsin doesn’t even qualify illegals for in state tuition.
The truth of the matter is that Cruz and Walker are very close in their opinions on immigration, and that Jeb and Rubio form the other extreme of the GOPe position.