Posted on 11/03/2012 1:53:07 PM PDT by lowbridge
In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, it seems to be pretty clear that residents of New York City and the surrounding areas could use all the help they can get.
However, a Davisburg man said some people in the area are more interested in protecting their turf than in distributing those supplies to the masses.
Mike James, an independent trucker, said he and three other truckers were told to haul a load of transformers to the city to replace equipment anticipated to be lost in the storm.
James, two men from Holly and a Flint man arrived in the city Tuesday night and slept in their trucks before attempting to deliver the 144 transformers to emergency workers.
When they arrived Wednesday, they were turned away by Con Edison employees because they were not union workers.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
But for the parasite class.......think about this when you're sitting in the dark - you voted for this. You allowed it to happen when the snow plows "plowed" with their blades up to cause a slow down and people were trapped in their homes and elderly folks died.
You allowed it to happen when ConEd threatened to strike during the heat wave if they didn't get a raise - which would've caused the sick and elderly to die from the heat.
I have difficulty feeling sorry for people that still can't see the problem.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Look for the Union Label.
How did you make that leap of logic?
Unions: They put the “con” in Con Ed!
Good point.
The Union Label must Read - Union of the Socialist States of America. Since the tranformers were coming from the Socialist State of Michigan it was assumed that the transformers woud be accepted. Unfortunately more hardships will ensue for the good people of the various boroughs of NYC. It is time to stop the issue if it has to be Unionized workers for something to be done in a crisis. The storm does not discriminate on whether the people whom need assistance are union or not. Time to say so long to the union. The State, County and Municipal Union workers in the UP of Michigan are always referred to by the color of the truck yellow or orange and what sleeps 2 - 4 people. The DPW is alwys refered to as Damn Poor Workers.
Secondly, the article refers to the driver in this story as an "independent trucker," but the story at the link says his boss told him to return to Michigan after he couldn't deliver the load.
I'd have to see some more information about this before I believe this story as it's been presented here.
What state is Davisburg in? Context is always nice.
Because this truck drove through areas with lesser power outages, it must be false! Imagine that - utility companies in New York order transformers from a warehouse in Michigan that actually had them in stock!
You sure are expending a lot of effort on FR trying to discredit the stories of union goons turning away non-union help.
Your posts are always so rational and full of good sense. Admirable.
See Post #86. I’m wondering if FEMA is going to get a bill for those transformers, whether or not they really existed. LOL.
Will the people huddled in their homes and apartments ever know of this crap?
WE don’t need your stinking transformers!!!!!!!!!
Only the governor can call out the National Guard. The C-in-C cannot assume authority until they are activated.
Those independent truckers are in the teamsters union. That’s why they weren’t allowed to unload. I wonder who contracted with them to haul the transformers.
Why? Under the laws of the state of New York, they were totally within their rights.
Stupid? Yes. But in accordance with the law, as written by union lawyers in association with Democrat politicians.
C-in-C Barry Soetoro don’t care about no steenkin’ rules. He makes his own rules. Or at least he has been making them for the past four years.
New Romney Admin in January could look into RICO charges....
New Romney Admin in January could look into RICO charges....
amen LLS! open the garbage can to this union bull$hit! damn sick of it!
The union boss was on orders from Tony Soprano
Remember....... the Democrat party is a criminal enterprise
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