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Obama: Ambassador Stevens came to love people of Middle East
| Sept, 25, 2012
| Staff
Posted on 09/25/2012 7:37:13 AM PDT by glorgau
Editor's note: President Barack Obama will address the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday at around 10:00 a.m. You can follow along here as we live blog his speech or watch it live on
[Updated at 10:22 a.m. ET] President Barack Obama began his address to the U.N. General Assembly by speaking about Ambassador Chris Stevens who was killed in the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya.
"He came to love and respect the people of North Africa and the Middle East, and he would carry that commitment throughout his life," Obama said. "As a diplomat, he worked from Egypt to Syria; from Saudi Arabia to Libya. He was known for walking the streets of the cities where he worked tasting the local food, meeting as many people as he could, speaking Arabic, listening with a broad smile."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Government; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: arabspring; caliphate; christopherstevens; deathcult; dhimmi; dhimmitude; islam; islamicawakening; islamicnazism; islamicsocialism; islamofascism; jihad; libya; libyaambassador; moongod; muslim; obamaunspeech; religionofdeath; religionofhate; religionofmurder; religionofpeace; religionofpieces; religionofrape; religionofsatan; religionofsodomy; ummah
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And they "loved" him in their own inimitable way. Many times they loved him evidently.
posted on
09/25/2012 7:37:18 AM PDT
To: glorgau
They just loved him to death. How embarrassing....An unprotected Middle East Embassy. CIC should be tried for treason.
To: glorgau
And that love was just a bump in the road to your campaign Bambi.
posted on
09/25/2012 7:42:03 AM PDT
(Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway...John Wayne)
To: glorgau
Yep, it’s too bad the dude died but I’ve got a plane to catch...I’m off to Vegas, baby!
posted on
09/25/2012 7:42:20 AM PDT
(Make it happen)
To: glorgau
If that cold-hearted S** can manage to squeeze out a tear in his first debate, he’ll win the election. Women voters.
posted on
09/25/2012 7:50:29 AM PDT
To: glorgau
“Wait’ll Otis sees us, he loves us!”
posted on
09/25/2012 7:52:42 AM PDT
(I'm voting for Ryan and that other guy.)
To: dfwgator
posted on
09/25/2012 7:54:27 AM PDT
gov_bean_ counter
(ObamaCare is an assault on the unborn, infirmed and elderly. GOP, repeat this as necessary...)
To: glorgau
Did he love selling them weapons, Barry?
posted on
09/25/2012 7:56:59 AM PDT
To: glorgau; Fred Nerks; Beckwith; mojitojoe; null and void; TigersEye
They loved Stevens so much. Stevens supplied them with military ordinance which they used to defeat and murder US ally Mohammar Ghadafi as instructed by Barack Obama.. Then they loved Stevens so much they took that same ordnance and shoved it up Steven’s a$$ and pulled the pins.
Lesson Learned: Do not trust Barack Obama in any way whatsoever.
posted on
09/25/2012 7:58:34 AM PDT
(Obama fascism article:
To: glorgau

Oh my. You might not to have said that. That way.
posted on
09/25/2012 8:00:05 AM PDT
(Support your local Republican candidates. They are our last line of defense.)
To: glorgau
That explains why a US ambassador to hostile state was left unprotected.
posted on
09/25/2012 8:09:36 AM PDT
E. Pluribus Unum
(Government is the religion of the sociopath.)
To: glorgau
0bama thought Ambassador Stevens was just a:
posted on
09/25/2012 8:10:54 AM PDT
Uncle Miltie
(You didn't build that. The private sector is doing fine. We tried our plan and it worked.)
To: glorgau
Has he apologized for the US yet??
To: glorgau
Seems a lot of Middle-Eastern/Northern African muslim natives did not love back.
posted on
09/25/2012 8:13:05 AM PDT
rollo tomasi
(Working hard to pay for deadbeats and corrupt politicians.)
To: glorgau
And the love was certainly reciprocated,as shown by how tenderly he was carried to the hospital after his tragic accident.But The Pimp With The Limp wasn’t disturbed by the incident so why should anyone else be?
posted on
09/25/2012 8:13:25 AM PDT
Gay State Conservative
(Ambassador Stevens Is Dead And The Chevy Volt Is Alive!)
To: txrefugee
"If that cold-hearted S** can manage to squeeze out a tear in his first debate, hell win the election. Women voters.""Sincerity is the most important thing in all relationships. Once you can fake that, you've got it made."
-- Oscar Wilde

posted on
09/25/2012 8:13:41 AM PDT
Iron Munro
(US Embassies Come and Go But An Obama Apology Lasts Forever)
To: glorgau
How’d that work out for ya, Ambassador? He’s like the guy who jumped in the tiger cage, wanted to be one with the tiger.
To: glorgau
And they sodomized him back.
posted on
09/25/2012 8:27:56 AM PDT
(Corollary - Electing the same person over and over and expecting a different outcome is insanity)
To: Uncle Miltie
Nice graphic but it does not make sense ... ‘against the Libya and Egypt” The Libya and Egypt what? Appears something is left out... like Embassies...
If you created it can you fix it so I can right click post it all over the internet? :)
To: InsensitiveConservative; Lazmataz
“Nice graphic but it does not make sense ... against the Libya and Egypt The Libya and Egypt what? Appears something is left out... like Embassies...”
Laz: We love the graphic, but it could bear some editing if we want to continue to use it. I think it served its purpose yesterday, so no big deal....
posted on
09/25/2012 9:03:08 AM PDT
Uncle Miltie
(You didn't build that. The private sector is doing fine. We tried our plan and it worked.)
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