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Life After An EMP Attack: No Power, No Food, No Transportation, No Banking And No Internet ^

Posted on 02/23/2012 8:49:06 AM PST by chessplayer

Most Americans do not know this, but a single EMP attack could potentially wipe out most of the electronics in the United States and instantly send this nation back to the 1800s. If a nuclear bomb was exploded high enough in the atmosphere over the middle part of the country, the electromagnetic pulse would fry electronic devices from coast to coast. The damage would be millions of times worse than 9/11. Just imagine a world where nobody has power, most cars will not start, the Internet has been fried, the financial system is offline indefinitely, nobody can make any phone calls and virtually all commerce across the entire country is brought to a complete stop. A nation that does not know how to live without technology would be almost entirely stripped of it at that point. Yes, this could really happen. An EMP attack is America's "Achilles heel", and everyone around the world knows it. It is only a matter of time before someone uses an EMP weapon against us, and at this point we are pretty much completely unprepared.

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TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: beprepared; empattack; emtattack; getreadyhereitcomes; getyourhouseinorder; moreempscarehype; preparenow; prepperping; preppers; selfreliance; shtf; sourcetitlenoturl; survival; survivalping; teotwawki
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Scary stuff. Millions would die of starvation and exposure to the elements. And those who had stockpiled food, etc., for such an event would be overwhelmed by large numbers who be after it.
1 posted on 02/23/2012 8:49:08 AM PST by chessplayer
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To: chessplayer

Scary stuff indeed. We’ve been talking about this for’s criminal that nothing has been done so far to start prepring for such an attack. It’s not as though the world ISN’T full of enemies who hate us.

2 posted on 02/23/2012 8:51:37 AM PST by pgkdan (Rick Santorum 2012. Conservative's last, best chance!)
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To: chessplayer

Prepper=Food Bank.

3 posted on 02/23/2012 8:52:07 AM PST by moehoward
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To: appalachian_dweller; OldPossum; DuncanWaring; VirginiaMom; CodeToad; goosie; kalee; ...

Preppers’ PING!!

4 posted on 02/23/2012 8:52:51 AM PST by Kartographer ("We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.")
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To: Kartographer


5 posted on 02/23/2012 8:53:45 AM PST by DuncanWaring (The Lord uses the good ones; the bad ones use the Lord.)
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To: chessplayer

As far as I know, iron and steel guns and gunpowder, lead and brass will still work. Can openers, camp cooking stoves, batteries and kerosine lamps will also’s a matter of how prepared you are.

6 posted on 02/23/2012 8:54:21 AM PST by Gaffer
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To: Kartographer

BTW, please add me to your weekly ping list.

7 posted on 02/23/2012 8:54:35 AM PST by patton ("Je pense donc je suis," - My Horse.)
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To: chessplayer

Many years ago the HORROR was the explosion of a Cobalt Bomb!

A single bomb would make the earth sterile and everyone would die. Where is the cobalt bomb today? I guess the hype is now the EMP bomb.

Has the EMP bomb actually been tested over a large area? Do they really know exactly what its capabilities are? Have they ever exploded one in the atmosphere?

I would venture NO. Once again, the lemmings are running in fear over something that has not been proven as destructive as the fear mongers state.

8 posted on 02/23/2012 8:57:44 AM PST by DH (Once the tainted finger of government touches anything the rot begins)
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To: chessplayer

My family would be pretty self sufficient except for the medicines. I have one, without which I will die. Prescription only, and I’ve squirreled away a months supply, by not taking it a day now and then, but anything over about 30 days and and its curtains for me.

9 posted on 02/23/2012 8:57:55 AM PST by cotton
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To: pgkdan

Russia and China don’t need thousands or hundreds of nukes. Just one would be sufficient to completely destroy this country.

10 posted on 02/23/2012 8:58:03 AM PST by chessplayer
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To: moehoward

—Prepper=Food Bank.—

Well, I live about 80 miles from the nearest city. The unwashed hordes would have to walk or bicycle through a lot of people like me to get here. It would cull the herd.

Here is a good take on what might happen, even though in his scenario the cause is economic, so people still have their cars and power. Not that it matters:

11 posted on 02/23/2012 8:58:07 AM PST by cuban leaf (Were doomed! Details at eleven.)
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To: chessplayer

I also see it will make computers impossible to use.
How will this differ from using Windows Vista?

12 posted on 02/23/2012 8:59:41 AM PST by Carl LaFong (Experts say experts should be ignored.)
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To: cotton

Some meds you can order 3 months’ supply, you might check into that.

13 posted on 02/23/2012 8:59:57 AM PST by MrB (The difference between a Humanist and a Satanist - the latter knows whom he's working for)
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To: chessplayer

It is scary stuff and is just one of the reasons why I garden with heirloom seeds, dehydrate and can things I can get my hands on from my garden or from sales.I do have some concept of what it would be like,My biggest concern would be my insulin.I have about a year unhand but after that is where the problem comes in....

14 posted on 02/23/2012 8:59:59 AM PST by chris_bdba
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To: pgkdan

I wouldn’t be surprised if our own government did it.

15 posted on 02/23/2012 9:00:08 AM PST by chris37 (Heartless.)
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To: chessplayer

Most cars will start, their bodies will act as a Farady cage, even the Navy did tests on current cars and most will still run although some did exhibit problems with their gauges. I think EMP has been overblown to a 1970’s era Irwin Allen disaster movie proportions. I think we are making an 800 lbs gorilla out of a 500 lbs one. Still I think the huge threat is to the power grid itself, your car will run, your transistor radio will still work but unless you have a generator, a 12v pump and/or a handpump, you will not be pumping gas.

16 posted on 02/23/2012 9:01:12 AM PST by Nowhere Man (Send Obama back to the ghetto, November 6th.)
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To: cotton

That may be the 30 most free living days of your life... ;)

17 posted on 02/23/2012 9:02:14 AM PST by MNlurker
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To: cuban leaf

Well, I live about 80 miles from the nearest city. The unwashed hordes would have to walk or bicycle through a lot of people like me to get here. It would cull the herd.

That will be able to go as far as a stolen old vehicle will carry them.

18 posted on 02/23/2012 9:02:21 AM PST by maine yankee (I got my Governor at 'Marden's')
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To: chessplayer
I could be wrong but, like Man Made Globul Warming, no one has been able to convince me that this level of catastrophe would be the case. I have never seen proof that EMP can so affect a system that is designed and built with surge protection belt and suspenders so robustly.

I understand how electricity works and understand how an EMP affects the actual charge in a system (spike up/down). But that doesn't make stuff “Blow up” and ruin everything. Replace fuses, throw switches and start turning stuff back on.

Sure, there would be a lot of damage. But I suspect the blast, heat and bright light would do far more concerning damage than folks being without power for up to a couple weeks.

I could be wrong on all of this. But I have asked several to show me, beyond the theoretical, an instance, experiment or happenstance that would support the theory that one nuclear warhead detonated at the right altitude of the US would destroy all our electronics. It sounds sexy and seems to sell well. It has drama and intrigue. But, like tidal waves from global warming, I hold some skepticism until there is some “real” scientific evidence.

19 posted on 02/23/2012 9:03:21 AM PST by Tenacious 1 (With regards to the GOP: I am prodisestablishmentarianistic!)
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To: DH
Exactly right. I bet I am one of a handful of Freepers that have actually worked on, around, and in nuclear weapons with the DOE NNSA/OST. EMP is real, however its effect is exaggerated.

Case in point, when people mention nuclear winter or EMP, I just casually mention the 2,000 nuclear weapons explosions under water, underground, in space, high altitude, low altitde, etc from the Sahara, to the Indian Ocean, the Artic, the Pacific, etc. Every continent less S. America and Antartica has had a nuke blown up on it, and guess what, we are still here.

We know that EMP is real, and its effects are real, however sending society back to 1837 ain't gonna happen. With that being said, I do have preparations for energy outages via Communist infiltrator POTUS's. That is alot bigger danger than an SS-18 flying over the pole and doing a high altitude, 25MT detonation.

20 posted on 02/23/2012 9:03:41 AM PST by DCBryan1 (Id rather have a man who wrecked his marriage as POTUS than a man who wrecked his country!)
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