Posted on 08/13/2011 1:26:27 PM PDT by JimWayne
After yesterday's spurt in talk radio about Ron Paul, I've been thinking about his positions. I oppose Ron Paul on Foreign Policy (especially his position ignoring the threat of Islam taking over our policy), but have to seriously wonder about supporting some of the other candidates who have not faced opposition.
Ron Paul gets a lot of flak, but why do the others get away with cheating us for doing far worse than what Ron Paul promises to do to Israel? Many candidates like Rick Santorum, George Allen and Joe Barton have hijacked the label of conservative, but are less conservative than even Ron Paul. They support raising debt to infinite levels, deficit funding, support for Islamic regimes like Pakistan, nationalized healthcare (they did not oppose Romneycare), have wishy-washy positions on abortion, and say one thing during the elections while ganging up with the liberals right after the elections.
The second thought in my mind is about Israel. Why are we so obsessed about Israel when the Jewish people seem to vote for the RATs? I think Islam is more dangerous and if we pull the aid from both Palestine and Israel, Israel will win, but this is a situation I don't really feel strongly about. There are much bigger problems at home and my wealth is depleting not merely due to Obama and other Dims, but the RINOs and neocons who have ganged up with the liberals over the years.
These RINOs do not support us but expect our support unconditionally. They even opposed the TEA Party candidates but suddenly claim that they themselves are part of the TEA Party.
So my question to you is why should we give a free pass to the RINOs? Shouldn't we hold them to the same standards we hold Ron Paul to? I can already hear that Ron Paul is a kook, but that is not the question. The question is whether others like Santorum and George Allen aren't worse than being a kook and why should we support them? The other question is why Israel is so important that my savings should be used for them. Shouldn't they take care of themselves?
“Santorum is for taking away choice from the family and community and giving it the federal government.”
My’s full of crap.
I don’t prefer Ron Paul (certified lunatic) or certified RINOs. next question
Ron Paul and his flaming antiwar spam monkeys can Kiss my Ass!!"
-- Jim Robinson, 09/30/07
Can't he be both?
All we have to go by is his record.
Rick Perry was Al Gores Texas campaign manager
Rick Perry endorsed pro-abortion candidate Rudy Giuliani for president in 2007
Rick Perry advocated for Texas version of the Dream Act and defends his position still
Rick Perry opposed the border fence
Rick Perry opposed SB 1070, Arizonas anti-illegal immigration law
Rick Perry vocally opposed Obamas stimulus plan but took billions in stimulus money to balance the Texas budget
Rick Perry said he was Fine with NYs gay marriage law
Rick Perry was hand-picked by Karl Rove and is an establishment Republican
Rick Perry is a RINO
The others are also NOT RINOS. They never ran as Democrats.
Your real RINO actually was a candidate, or even office holder with a non-Republican affiliation.
Just being a Leftwingtard doesn't by itself make you part of the Democrat power structure but running for office as a Democrat should for ever after label you. If you are a RINO I question whether or not you can be loyal to other Republicans, and Conservatives.
A touchstone question is also whether or not the candidate is a "true blue American" ~ and guys who support Instate Tuition for Illegal Aliens while opposing it for Americans definitely are engaging in both anti-American and un-American activity. NO REPUBLICAN electoral opportunity should be wasted on any such person. They are NOT WORTHY.
So you are giving the crowd a choice between a man who has delusional foreign policy views and liberals. Seriously that’s not even a choice, try again.
He’s shooting for a cabinet position.
I can see him at Commerce.
The federal reserve is the epi-center of Americas problems.. NOT TAXES or spending..
Ron Paul may be become president but at least he is high-lighting the REAL problem..
Stop all the spending and you STILL have THE PROBLEM.....
Ron Paul is a great American... like John Birch was..
NO OTHER candidate even MEntioNS THE PROBLEM...
[like Tim Pawlenty...] Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, and Jon Huntsman also have denounced ethanol subsidies. source, NRO
Bachmann took farm subsidies and only promises to "look at" ethanol subsidies. See the above NRO article.
Texas has no deficit. They cut spending. (CNN) They have money in their rainy day fund. Nice try.
Speaking of Michele Bachmann, she's a FLIP-FLOPPER on the debt ceiling. She opposes it symbolically in speeches, talks about never raising it but she signed the "Cut, Cap & Balance" pledge (adding repeal of ObamaCare as a condition) which would've RAISED the debt ceiling. She's a charlatan.
Over the years I have watched in horror as the other women in my family have chosen to vote solely on the attractiveness of Presidntial candidates.
I have come to realize this tendency is real and appallingly common. The founding fathers denied women the right to vote for a reason and this is the reason!
Add to this the fact that past elections have always been won by the tallest candidate, and you understand why Paul simply will never be the nominee, no matter how sound his ideas may be.
Attractiveness shouldn’t matter so much, but it does and we have to win this election based on that reality and not idealism.
Frankly, a vote for Paul is a vote for Obama. He would even be a drag as the VP choice.
You seem to believe a nannystate government can legislate morality. He knows it cannot.
Something to think about.
Hi John.
RINO’s are a problem, I left the R party due to them. I didn’t want to be a member of a moderate party. There is no conservative party of any size so I am an indy and still vote Republican in general.
I can live with RINOs and have for many years. They require what I call a work-around. I’ve even worked around Democrats, including Obama, who required semi-retirement.
We die with Paul. He’s doesn’t understand foreign policy. He’s impossible to work around as I can’t work around dangerous foreign policy like I can a foolish domestic policy.
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