You seem to believe a nannystate government can legislate morality. He knows it cannot.
Something to think about.
He takes money from Stormfront.
Too many people on here just dont care about conservative principles. It aggravates me to death sometimes.
Sure Ron Paul has his faults, but as bad as others? I don’t think so. I ask myself, would he make that bad of a president?
Sure, he is non-interventionist in foreign affairs, but I think that we have been too interventionist for too long. It needs toned back some. Most Americans agree. Paul might wanna drastically cut back the military and our involvements, but realistically could he? No. He would cut back some and Congress and the people would temper that. The military would shrink some, but not on a large scale.
I also ask myself whether he would have supported things like:
No Child left behind
Medicare Part D
the creation of the DHS
The war in Iraq
The Patriot Act
the bailouts
The Stimulus
gun control of any kind
more regulation
I gotta say heck no. Not a chance. Paul wouldnt even consider supporting these. But would any of the other “so called” conservative candidates?
By my accounting, that list probably cost over $10 trillion. Was it worth it?