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To: mnehring
Or even Perry, who everyone calls at least moderate RINO.

All we have to go by is his record.

Rick Perry was Al Gore’s Texas campaign manager
Rick Perry endorsed pro-abortion candidate Rudy Giuliani for president in 2007
Rick Perry advocated for Texas’ version of the Dream Act and defends his position still
Rick Perry opposed the border fence
Rick Perry opposed SB 1070, Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law
Rick Perry vocally opposed Obama’s stimulus plan but took billions in stimulus money to balance the Texas budget
Rick Perry said he was Fine with NY’s gay marriage law
Rick Perry was hand-picked by Karl Rove and is an establishment Republican
Rick Perry is a RINO

127 posted on 08/13/2011 2:57:45 PM PDT by South40 (Primaries are about choosing a conservative candidate, not settling on a Rove RINO)
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To: South40; mnehring
All we have to go by is his record.

Rick Perry was Al Gore’s Texas campaign manager

Cut and run endorsed Cynthia McKinney for President

Rick Perry endorsed pro-abortion candidate Rudy Giuliani for president in 2007

Cut and run demanded that an under-aged girl be permitted to cross state lines in order to get an abortion that was illegal in the state she lived.

Rick Perry vocally opposed Obama’s stimulus plan but took billions in stimulus money to balance the Texas budget

The surrender monkey vocally opposes earmarks, but shoves as many as possible in every bill possible.

Rick Perry said he was Fine with NY’s gay marriage law

Ron Paul voted to allow gays in the military.

Rick Perry opposed SB 1070, Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law

Cut and run blamed America for 9/11.

Rick Perry is a RINO

Cut and run is an ANTI-AMERICAN RINO
137 posted on 08/13/2011 3:22:45 PM PDT by John D
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