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Fox News Live Thread: Candidates to Sell Conservative Credentials at Republican Debate
Fox News ^
| 10-21-2007
Posted on 10/21/2007 2:19:55 PM PDT by My Favorite Headache
Edited on 10/21/2007 3:12:06 PM PDT by Lead Moderator.
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TOPICS: Breaking News; Politics/Elections; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: brithume; carlcameron; chriswallace; debate; debate2007; duncanhunter; ebay; elections2008; florida; fnc; fox; foxnews; fredthompson; frp; giuliani; gopdebate; hunter; johnmccain; mccain; mikehuckabee; mittromney; orlando; paul; presidentialdebate; republican; republicandebate; romney; ronpaul; rudygiuliani; tancredo; thompson; tomtancredo; wendellgoler; wheresalankeyes
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To: All
Did anyone else laugh, and clap when McCain said he looked in Putin’s eyes and saw 3 letters, KGB?
posted on
10/21/2007 6:42:42 PM PDT
(Hsu out the Democrats in 2008!, Go Hsu-less vote GOP)
To: Bush gal in LA
I’m trying to like Fred...really really trying to like Fred.
But to me, John McCain hits it out of the park everytime on national security.
posted on
10/21/2007 6:43:05 PM PDT
("Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil." -- Thomas Mann)
To: alicewonders
Rudy is leading in the polls and that gets him first billing. Everyone will get equal treatment. The hatred for Rudy has got to end. We will need his voters as well as Tancredo and Hunter’s when the time comes. RP’s will stay w/the DNC.
Pray for W and Our Troops
posted on
10/21/2007 6:43:12 PM PDT
(Think "Betray U.S." Think Democrat)
To: DoughtyOne
Carl Cameron, misnamed earlier
posted on
10/21/2007 6:43:24 PM PDT
(Old Chinese Proverb (well sorta) say dance with the one who brung ya. Yes we very much like Crinton.)
To: DoughtyOne
Luntz is an idiot! It would really shock him to look up the membership list of the Democrat Socialists of America!!!
posted on
10/21/2007 6:43:27 PM PDT
( Vote for the Arsenal of Democracy, because America RUNS on Duncan!)
To: varina davis
Well, I’m not in a recliner but I assume most of america is either watching the Steelers/broncos football game or the Sox/Indians game. Not sure it’s such a bad thing you think he looks comfortable engaged in popular American hobbies. Anyway.
This brings me to a question. Why in the world did they schedule this debate tonight under those circumstances? or die in the baseball playoffs...or politicians looking for soundbites. wasn’t a hard decision for me. Sports trumped this debate. And with that Indians now finally get a run on the board.
Just checking in quickly for highlights...if there were any.
To: SnarlinCubBear
To: RatsDawg; Borax Queen; Liz
Did anyone else laugh, and clap when McCain said he looked in Putins eyes and saw 3 letters, KGB? LOL! I can't stand McLame...but, that was a good one.
To: longtermmemmory
Fred looked great and did very well. Somehow the GOP race needs to be cut down to 4-6 debaters. This many candidates prevents focusing.
The media is pumping for a Hillary Matters — Rudy race, that way they get a NY Liberal no matter who wins.
posted on
10/21/2007 6:44:20 PM PDT
To: RatsDawg
I thought McCain did fairly well tonight.
posted on
10/21/2007 6:44:22 PM PDT
(DUNCAN HUNTER FOR PRESIDENT!!!! The only one who can beat Hillary!!!!)
To: NordP
Thompson and Sean..."you went after Rudy tonight" ...which was like attacking me personally LOL
posted on
10/21/2007 6:44:27 PM PDT
(Such tough choices ahead, I'm now a "middle of the road" voter--somewhere between RUSH & Savage ;-))
No clear winners or losers tonight. All the top tier held their own with some good answers on particular questions. Mitt’s answer on Social Security was quite good. He has a talent for tailoring his message to his audience, SS and healthcare to an aging Florida population in particular.
Huckabee is the dark horse in the race. He and McCain might see a little bounce from this debate.
To: All
Yikes. FR is jumping on my computer. It acts like it wants to scroll on it’s own. Other sites are not doing this.
posted on
10/21/2007 6:44:39 PM PDT
(My sons freed Iraqi and Afghan Honor Roll students.)
To: SnarlinCubBear
Fred's on FOX!
Talking about doing the right things and the return to the first principles.
To: Reagan Man
When the site went down, I restarted my puter, thinking that was the problem. So, I missed that last of the debate. Did Paul pi$$ off many in the audience?
posted on
10/21/2007 6:44:55 PM PDT
Road Warrior ‘04
(Officially Fredbacker1 but don't know how to change my name)
To: NordP
It's much easier to shoot from the hip when you're speaking from the heart. I definitely like what I saw out of Fred this time.
Hunter finally seems to have gotten comfortable in the debates, too. I actually think Rudy and Romney have slid a little. Rudy was less agile in dancing around questions this time around. Romney was better than he was in the last two debates, but he still doesn't look as good as he did in the first few.
I'm more or less a Thompson supporter, but I like to think I've been honest in my assessments of the debates. I thought he was a bit shaky during the first debate. I genuinely believe Fred Thompson won this debate.
posted on
10/21/2007 6:45:06 PM PDT
The Pack Knight
(Duty, Honor, Country.... Valor.)
To: SnarlinCubBear
McCain threw out national security when he demanded that anti-torture legislation.... No I do not favor torturing people but I am repulsed by the implication that legislation was necessary.
To: RatsDawg
That was a cool line by McCain, the President was asked about that in his presser last week, and he said “good line”, and laughed.
To: YCTHouston
Its that ligament in your thigh athletes are always tearing." The ACL is on the foreward inside of your knee.
posted on
10/21/2007 6:46:04 PM PDT
(Turning the general election into a second Democrat primary is not a winning strategy.)
To: RatsDawg
I look into McCain’s eyes and think “Strawberries”
posted on
10/21/2007 6:46:20 PM PDT
(Do the RIGHT thing. Become a monthly donor. End Freepathons forever)
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