Posted on 04/21/2007 6:42:25 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
We've got some real challenges facing us. FR was established to fight against government corruption, overstepping, and abuse and to fight for a return to the limited constitutional government as envisioned and set forth by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and other founding documents.
One of the biggest cases of government corruption, overstepping and abuse that I know of is its disgraceful headlong slide into a socialist hell. Our founders never intended for abortion to be the law of the land. And they never intended the Supreme Court to be a legislative body. They never intended God or religion to be written out of public life. They never intended government to be used to deny God's existence or for government to be used to force sexual perversions onto our society or into our children's education curriculum. They never intend for government to disarm the people. They never intended for government to set up sanctuary cities for illegals. They never intended government to rule over the people and or to take their earnings or private property or to deprive them of their constitutional rights to free speech, free religion, private property, due process, etc. They never intended government to seize the private property of private citizens through draconian asset forfeiture laws or laws allowing government to take private property from lawful owners to give to developers. Or to seize wealth and redistribute it to others. Or to provide government forced health insurance or government forced retirement systems.
All of the above are examples of ever expanding socialism and tyranny brought to us by liberals/liberalism.
FR fights against the liberals/Democrats in all of these areas and always will. Now if liberalism infiltrates into the Republican party and Republicans start promoting all this socialist garbage, do you think that I or FR will suddenly stop fighting against it? Do you think I'm going to bow down and accept abortionism, feminism, homosexualism, global warming, illegal alien lawbreakers, gun control, asset forfeiture, socialism, tyranny, totalitarianism, etc, etc, etc, just so some fancy New York liberal lawyer can become president from the Republican party?
Do you really expect me to do that?
“That’s where we disagree.”
Then we will have to disagree.
“Thanks for the healthy conversation.”
We will talk again I’m sure.
If I were you, I'd sit back and zip it up. It is unbecoming to be the last one on a pile and not know who is underneath. Looks sorta silly.
Rudyphiles are quite certain that people like you and I “don’t really mean it”. Well, I am ABSOLUTELY adamant. If Giuliani is nominated, I change my party the next day. There will be nothing left to stay for. And I will NEVER vote for Giuliani anywhere on the top ticket.
Looks like some real "Libs" bit the dust did'nt it?
So we need to get to work NOW to get it going.
“Looks like some real “Libs” bit the dust did’nt it?”
Not surprised.
If prosperity is regarded as the reward of virtue it will be regarded as the symptom of virtue. Men will leave off the heavy task of making good men successful. They will adopt the easier task of making out successful men to be good.
What Chesterton describes is direct fallout of what Mr. STory warns against. When the wise are banished from the public councils, the betrayal of the people commences, the truly good are stymied in ther bids for success, and those corrupt people who succeed are portrayed as being good.
Lie to me and tell me that doesn't describe your experience of what's going on in this country at this very moment in history.
No. You had it right. You either are a conservative or you aren't.
Lots of people try to cash in on the respectability of conservative principles by being hyphenated conservatives. That is, they claim to adhere to one or another of our views, like a "fiscal conservative." Beware, this is usually deceit. What a liberal means by being "fiscally conservative" is that he will vote for huge tax increases to pay for his wild spending. Then there's no deficit, see? -- so it's "conservative." Which, btw, is bad economics along with being dishonest. Increasing taxes almost invariably increases the deficit.
The three original strands of modern conservatism can conveniently be traced to landmark works in the 1950s. These strands were traditional (Russell Kirk, The Conservative Mind, 1953); libertarian, which was a different species from today's libertarians! -- (most importantly, from National Review, which was launched in 1955; also from Hayek, the Mt. Pelerin Society, von Mises, Human Events, and infusing the Goldwater movement); the third strand was anti-communism (Whittaker Chambers, Witness, 1952. His foreword, Chambers: Letter to my Children, is as good an account as was ever written of the war between the philosophies of left and right -- the war that rages right here, right now.)
These philosophies were fused into one conservatism. They were like the three legs of a stool. You needed all three, or it didn't stand up. You could still be a libertarian or a traditionalist or an anti-communist, but if you were a conservative, you were all three. The strands fit each other and enhanced each other. For instance, all three strands were highly active in National Review. Apart from the Buckleys, almost every early editor was an ex-Communist -- Frank Meyer, Willi Schlamm, Suzanne Lafollette, James Burnham and for a short time, Whittaker Chambers himself. Who better to fight the Communists than those who knew the enemy camp from the inside? But Russell Kirk was on the staff too. Frank Meyer, once a high CP official, wrote as a libertarian. Those two never saw eye to eye, but they worked together for the conservative good.
I don't think it's for us to pick and choose pieces out of the conservative whole. Our duty is to defend and burnish the timeless conservatism that we inherit from intellectual and moral masters.
I am just waiting for Fred. :)
These Rudyphites may “think” (tongue in cheek) anything they wish. My affiliation will change to Independent upon Rudy’s winning the Primary and he won’t get my vote. He’s not anywhere close to being President Reagan (or for that matter President Bush) and IMHO is dangerous to conservative values in this country. I will write in my prefered candidate if need be (may be a losing cause, but I will not sacrifice my principles ever again).
BWAHAHAHA! Your link is to Daily KOS. If you think they're part of the "Conservative World", no wonder you support liberal Rudy!
I don't care what he was talking about. I was engaged in a conversation with someone and jedward jumped in telling us we were wrong about the definition of leadership. The conversation had context that jedward ignored in his rush to bait people into an argument.
This is the one who was gleefully reporting his joy at all this "freepercide" as he called it. Don't defend him to me. I know what he's talking about, I fully understand the point he's making, and I do not care.
Zeroisanumber and I were talking about leadership being an important quality for the candidate ... in that context it was completely unnecessary to jump in with "Hitler was a leader" blah blah blah.
Bwahahaha!! You believe a hit piece from Daily Kos!!
I have never met a bigger bunch of smarmy name droppers than the Rudyphiles in my life.
“You have to believe my opinion. I “know people”.”
“It looks like the news about this thread is getting out to the rest of the Conservative World: link”
LOL, the Kos couldn’t have gotten that info about the specifics of the Partybots without some serious collaboration with the Kos/DU scum. It doesn’t surprise me a bit that Giuliani/Liberal scumbuckets would collaborate with a radical, leftist, Democrat website. When the crapola hits the fan - you know who your real friends and enemies are...and the Giuliani libs have certainly showed their colors lol.
I can’t follow that link because my company has it on their smart filter restriction list, as a site that is offensive. Cool.
Just goes to show the virulent Rudy boosters should have been posting on a liberal website like Kos all along. It would have been a much better fit.
Ping for a good belly laugh.
Nice catch.
I missed it completely!
And how, exactly, would a DailyKos thread be proof of anything related to the conservative world?
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