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Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread 11 March 2007
Various big media television networks ^
| 11 March 2007
| Various Self-Serving Politicians and Big Media Screaming Faces
Posted on 03/11/2007 5:25:34 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
The Talk Shows
Sunday, March 11th, 2007
Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn.; Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Sens. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., Arlen Specter, R-Pa., and Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.
THIS WEEK (ABC): Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va.; former Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan.; singer Loretta Lynn.
LATE EDITION (CNN) : Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari; former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee; Sens. Joseph Biden, D-Del., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; Dole; former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala; Shibley Telhami, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution; Michael Oren, a senior fellow at the Shalem Center.
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: guests; lineup; news; sunday; talkshows
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To: kabar
The old media may be dying but they have a lot of help from certain right wing elites who think they know more than the generals, the economists, the president, and of course all of us!
To: Morgan in Denver
I adore Brian ... but I'm a girl :)
posted on
03/11/2007 11:02:52 AM PDT
(They (Rats) think of this WOT as Bush's war, not America's war-RichardMiniter, respected OBL author)
To: txradioguy
And now you see the real reason the left hates FNC. They report the truth that the left would prefer we never hear.
To: Dionysius; Phsstpok; rodguy911
Special humour award from Phsstpok - congratulations
posted on
03/11/2007 11:06:00 AM PDT
((An English Cheney Chick - Big Time))
To: Laverne
The guest (whose name I don't know) said something about Thompson's height (I gather he is quite tall, he said he is 6'6") and "looks" Presidential.He's got a calm, deep voice, and he can seem relaxed as he puts an expression of , "I've got your number," on his face.
Those are assets when dealing with the Democrats, who like to provoke their opponents.
posted on
03/11/2007 11:06:24 AM PDT
(We have a pro-life president. I would not have bet on that 15 years ago. Thank you, GWB.)
To: txradioguy
Get ready, there is going to be a major slam at the FBI under Bush.
Leslie Stahl doing a hit piece on the investigation into the anthrax attack.
Coordinated with the dem congress they are demanding the FBI explain the lack of progress in finding who send the anthrax.
Look for the insinuation to me that one of our own sent the anthrax from a stateside military base.
To: Clara Lou
I didn't know that Laurie was goneShe was on last night.
posted on
03/11/2007 11:09:32 AM PDT
(We have a pro-life president. I would not have bet on that 15 years ago. Thank you, GWB.)
To: Txsleuth
When my son was in Germany for World Cup he said there were many many young Iranians there waving the Iranian flag of the Shah. They are begging for help from the US to free that country from the economic disaster created by Imadamnutjob.
To: ken5050
Thanks I probably have heard the term before but it did not register.
We do not dunk crumpets or doughnuts in Britain. LOL
posted on
03/11/2007 11:10:16 AM PDT
((An English Cheney Chick - Big Time))
To: Txsleuth; Just A Nobody
Justa hopefully will show us some pics or link to a thread with some pics on her night on dose afterwards
posted on
03/11/2007 11:11:27 AM PDT
((An English Cheney Chick - Big Time))
To: eeevil conservative; ilovew
Photos photos we demand photos LOL
ilovew (Kate) is going as well
posted on
03/11/2007 11:12:21 AM PDT
((An English Cheney Chick - Big Time))
To: Txsleuth
Referring to your tag line ' just window shopping '
Remember the olden days when one would go into a department store and not even have a chance to browse for all the clerks wanting to help one find something? And I would always say, 'just looking.'
Now, when I go into Macy's there is no one on the ladies wear floor at all. One has to wander like a cloud to find a check out center with anyone there. You can't find anyone to pay!!
It's weird.
posted on
03/11/2007 11:12:42 AM PDT
To: altura
Wallace is on WABC radio every week for a brief interview with John Gambling.
He said his staff does all the research and gives him the questions. Whenver he is asked about something current he always claims to know nothing about it and will have to ask his staff.
If ever there was a useless host, he's it!
The Sunday numbers have dropped consistently since he took over the show.
He's no better for FNC than couric is for her station.
To: Txsleuth
posted on
03/11/2007 11:13:20 AM PDT
eeevil conservative
(Religious Zealot from the Right Wing Church of Hate...............)
To: snugs
posted on
03/11/2007 11:13:54 AM PDT
eeevil conservative
(Religious Zealot from the Right Wing Church of Hate...............)
To: OldFriend
Through work I know several Iranians and I am certain the way they conduct business they are no supporters of the current regime. My most honest and respectful agent is my Iran agent. We are on first name terms and since I am a women I am certain that he does not hold the extreme views of the Iranian government or he would not treat me as he does.
posted on
03/11/2007 11:15:14 AM PDT
((An English Cheney Chick - Big Time))
To: OldFriend
Hopefully they are reporting that the surge is succeeding since it is. I have always had complete confidence in the surge since it is a new and brilliant formula for fighting what MNJ calls an asymmetrical war. One that is not traditional, where the enemy hides near civilians, children, and uses terror techniques I like to call the chicken sh___t methods to disrupt life in a city.
Our new leaders have figured out that it's necessary to put our troops right in with Iraqi troops,let them live together and do everything together.
The key to winning this war has alway been to get the locals to turn in the terrorists without fear of being killed themselves.
the only way to do that is give them them the security they need, we are doing that and apparently it's working. there is new thread here on the surge working its here:
posted on
03/11/2007 11:15:22 AM PDT
(Support The New media, Ticket the Drive-bys, --America-The land of the Free because of the Brave-)
To: maica
But Fred didn't go to England and rape anyone, did he?
Oh, never mind, that was BC, he can do anything.
posted on
03/11/2007 11:15:48 AM PDT
To: LadyBuzz
Chrissy Mathews is salivating over Chuck Hagel's Pres. announcement when all hell will break loose within the Republican party over the war.
LOL...that show is good for some comedy, if nothing else.
posted on
03/11/2007 11:17:00 AM PDT
(Old Media is not yet dead. Turn them off and they will die. For the sake of sanity.)
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