To: Txsleuth
When my son was in Germany for World Cup he said there were many many young Iranians there waving the Iranian flag of the Shah. They are begging for help from the US to free that country from the economic disaster created by Imadamnutjob.
To: OldFriend
Through work I know several Iranians and I am certain the way they conduct business they are no supporters of the current regime. My most honest and respectful agent is my Iran agent. We are on first name terms and since I am a women I am certain that he does not hold the extreme views of the Iranian government or he would not treat me as he does.
597 posted on
03/11/2007 11:15:14 AM PDT by
((An English Cheney Chick - Big Time))
To: OldFriend
That is good to hear...we need to help them help themselves get free.
Now...we need to figure out the best way...and I am pretty sure that somewhere, Prs. Bush has some people tasked to do just that...
607 posted on
03/11/2007 11:27:11 AM PDT by
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