Posted on 04/25/2006 6:35:26 PM PDT by twippo
English may be a grand language, but sometimes you need to draw on another language to find the absolute perfect word to describe a situation. This list of 10 words is proof positive.
They were assembled by former BBC quiz-show researcher Adam Jacot de Boinod and published in his new book, "The Meaning of Tingo," which draws on intriguing words and phrases culled from more than 154 languages. It took two years, 280 dictionaries and 140 Web sites, as well as consultations with various foreign embassies, to conduct the research. Why did he write the book? de Boinod told the BBC News, "I'm trying to celebrate the joy of foreign words."
Tingo: A Pascuense language word from Easter Island that means borrowing items from a pal's house, one by one, until there is nothing left.
Kummerspeck: a German word that literally means "grief bacon" but refers to the excess weight gained from emotion-related overeating.
Bakku-shan: Japanese for a woman who "seems pretty when seen from behind but not from the front."
Ulykkesbilen: Danish for an "ill-fated car."
Putzfimmel: German word that means a mania for cleaning.
Nakkele: From Tulu, India, this describes a man who licks whatever the food has been served on.
Katahara itai: Japanese for laughing so hard that one side of your stomach hurts.
Drachenfutter: A German word that is "dragon fodder" when translated literally, but means the peace offerings made by guilty husbands to their wives.
Plimpplampplettere: Dutch for skimming stones.
Backpfeifengesicht: German for a face that cries out for a fist in it.
Howard Dean?
No Schadenfreude?
LOL! The Germans have quite the vocabulary: Drachenfutter and Backpfeifengesicht ROFL!
I always liked "deja vu" myself.
Widjadidja - A redneck word that asks if you brung yer truck widja.
Thanks and bookmark.
Bakku-shan: Japanese for a woman who "seems pretty when seen from behind but not from the front."
Butterface: English for a woman who "looks good everywhere else but her face.
Helen Thomas?
I am a helpless victim of chronic Putzfimmelophobia.
I have been a victim of the Bakku-shan many times.
English is a simple language, otherwise it would not have become the "Pidgin" of the world. Try German, Polish or Chinese for complexity.
Those damn beards are hard to see through long beautiful hair from the rear!LOL.
I remember a guy telling me that my friend Caroline was an "O."
"An O?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said. "You see her from the back and you say Oh!" (lustfully.) "Then you see her face and (wince) go 'Oh!!'"
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